< Exodus 25 >
1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi,
2 Speak to the children of Israel, and take first fruits of all, who may be disposed in their heart to give; and you shall take my first fruits.
“Taurira vaIsraeri kuti vandivigire chipiriso. Unofanira kugamuchira chipiriso changu kubva kumunhu upi noupi anosundwa nomwoyo wake kuti ape.
3 And this is the offering which you shall take of them; gold and silver and brass,
“Izvi ndizvo zvipiriso zvaunofanira kugamuchira kubva kwavari: “goridhe, sirivha, ndarira;
4 and blue, and purple, and double scarlet, and fine spun linen, and goats' hair,
wuru yebhuruu, pepuru netsvuku uye nemicheka yakaisvonaka; makushe embudzi;
5 and rams' skins dyed red, and blue skins, and incorruptible wood,
matehwe amakondobwe akapendwa zvitsvuku namatehwe emombe dzomugungwa; matanda omuunga;
6 and oil for the light, incense for anointing oil, and for the composition of incense,
mafuta omuorivhi emwenje; zvinonhuhwira zvemafuta okuzodza anonhuhwira uye nezvimwe zvinonhuhwira;
7 and sardius stones, and stones for the carved work of the breast-plate, and the full-length robe.
mabwe eonikisi nezvimwe zvinokosha zvinofanira kuiswa paefodhi napachidzitiro chechipfuva.
8 And you shall make me a sanctuary, and I will appear amongst you.
“Ipapo uite kuti vaite nzvimbo yangu tsvene, uye ini ndichagara pakati pavo.
9 And you shall make for me according to all things which I show you in the mountain; even the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all its furniture: so shall you make it.
Muite tabhenakeri iyi nemidziyo yayo yose nomufananidzo wandichakuratidza.
10 And you shall make the ark of testimony of incorruptible wood; the length of two cubits and a half, and the breadth of a cubit and a half, and the height of a cubit and a half.
“Uite kuti vaite bhokisi ramatanda omuunga, rakareba makubhiti maviri nehafu, upamhi kubhiti nehafu, uye kubhiti nehafu pakukwira.
11 And you shall gild it with pure gold, you shall gild it within and without; and you shall make for it golden wreaths twisted round about.
Murifukidze negoridhe rakaisvonaka, mukati nokunze, uye muite hata yegoridhe yakaripoteredza.
12 And you shall cast for it four golden rings, and shall put them on the four sides; two rings on the one side, and two rings on the other side.
Muiumbire mhete ina dzegoridhe mugodzisungira pamakumbo aro mana, nemhete mbiri pano rumwe rutivi uye mhete mbiri kuno rumwe rutivi.
13 And you shall make staves [of] incorruptible wood, and shall gild them with gold.
Ipapo mugoita matanda omuunga uye negoridhe.
14 And you shall put the staves into the rings on the sides of the ark, to bear the ark with them.
Muise matanda aya mukati memhete dziri parutivi rwebhokisi kuti mutakure bhokisi nawo.
15 The staves shall remain fixed in the rings of the ark.
Matanda anofanira kugara ari mumhete dzebhokisi iri; haafaniri kubviswa.
16 And you shall put into the ark the testimonies which I shall give you.
Ipapo mugoisa muareka chipupuriro, chandichakupai.
17 And you shall make a propitiatory, a lid of pure gold; the length of two cubits and a half, and the breadth of a cubit and a half.
“Muite chifunhiro chokuyananisa chegoridhe rakaisvonaka, makubhiti maviri nehafu pakureba uye kubhiti nehafu paupamhi.
18 And you shall make two cherubs graven in gold, and you shall put them on both sides of the propitiatory.
Uye muite makerubhi maviri egoridhe rakapambadzirwa kumacheto echifunhiro.
19 They shall be made, one cherub on this side, and another cherub on the other side of the propitiatory; and you shall make the two cherubs on the two sides.
Muite kerubhi rimwe chete kuno rumwe rutivi uye kerubhi rechipiri kuno rumwe rutivi; muite bandi rimwe chete rekerubhi nechifukidzo, pamativi maviri.
20 The cherubs shall stretch forth their wings above, overshadowing the propitiatory with their wings; and their faces shall be towards each other, the faces of the cherubs shall be towards the propitiatory.
Mapapiro amakerubhi anofanira kutambanudzirwa kumusoro, akafukidzira chifunhiro. Makerubhi anofanira kutarisana, akatarira kuchifunhiro.
21 And you shall set the propitiatory on the ark above, and you shall put into the ark the testimonies which I shall give you.
Muise chifunhiro pamusoro peareka uye mugoisa muareka, Chipupuriro chandichakupai.
22 And I will make myself known to you from thence, and I will speak to you above the propitiatory between the two cherubs, which are upon the ark of testimony, even in all things which I shall charge you concerning the children of Israel.
Ipapo, pamusoro pechifunhiro chiri pakati pamakerubhi maviri ari pamusoro peareka yeChipupuriro, ndichasangana newe ndigokupa mirayiro yangu yose yavaIsraeri.
23 And you shall make a golden table of pure gold, in length two cubits, and in breadth a cubit, and in height a cubit and a half.
“Uite tafura namatanda omuunga yakareba makubhiti maviri, kubhiti rimwe chete paupamhi uye kubhiti nehafu pakukwirira.
24 And you shall make for it golden wreaths twisted round about, and you shall make for it a crown of an hand-breadth round about.
Muifukidzire negoridhe rakaisvonaka uye mugoipoteredza nezvakaumbwa zvegoridhe.
25 And you shall make a twisted wreath for the crown round about.
Uyewo uite vhiri rinoipoteredza rino upamhi hwakaita sechanza choruoko ugoisa goridhe rakaumbwa pamusoro pevhiri.
26 And you shall make four golden rings; and you shall put the four rings upon the four parts of its feet under the crown.
Uite mhete ina dzegoridhe dzetafura ugodzisungira kumakona mana, pane makumbo ayo.
27 And the rings shall be for bearings for the staves, that they may bear the table with them.
Mhete idzi dzinofanira kuva pedyo nevhiri kuti dzibate matanda anoshandiswa kutakura tafura.
28 And you shall make the staves of incorruptible wood, and you shall gild them with pure gold; and the table shall be borne with them.
Uite matanda omuunga, uafukidze negoridhe uye mugotakura tafura nawo.
29 And you shall make its dishes and its censers, and its bowls, and its cups, with which you shall offer drink-offerings: of pure gold shall you make them.
Uye uite ndiro dzayo namadhishi negoridhe rakaisvonaka, uyewo namatende ayo nembiya dzokudirisa zvipiriso.
30 And you shall set upon the table show bread before me continually.
Uise chingwa choKuratidza patafura iyi kuti chive pamberi pangu nguva dzose.
31 And you shall make a candlestick of pure gold; you shall make the candlestick of graven work: its stem and its branches, and its bowls and its knops and its lilies shall be of one piece.
“Uite chigadziko chomwenje chegoridhe rakaisvonaka uye ugoipambadzira pasi payo pamwe chete nerwiriko rwayo; mbiya dzayo, mabukira namaruva acho zvichava chinhu chimwe chete nacho.
32 And six branches proceeding sideways, three branches of the candlestick from one side of it, and three branches of the candlestick from the other side.
Matavi matanhatu anofanira kutambarara achibva mumativi echigadziko chomwenje, matatu kuno rumwe rutivi uye matatu kuno rumwezve.
33 And three bowls fashioned like almonds, on each branch a knop and a lily; so to the six branches proceeding from the candlestick,
Mikombe mitatu yakaumbwa samaruva omuarimondi namabukira uye namaruva zvinofanira kuva padavi rimwe chete, matatu kune rimwe davi, uye zvimwe chetezvo kumativi matanhatu ose anotambarara kubva pachigadziko chomwenje.
34 and in the candlestick four bowls fashioned like almonds, in each branch knops and the flowers of the same.
Uye pachigadziko chomwenje panofanira kuva nemikombe mina yakaumbwa samaruva omuarimondi ane mabukira namaruva.
35 A knop under two branches out of it, and a knop under four branches out of it; so to the six branches proceeding from the candlestick; and in the candlestick four bowls fashioned like almonds.
Bukira rimwe chete richava pasi pamatavi maviri okutanga anotambarara kubva pachigadziko chomwenje, bukira rechipiri riri pasi pamamwe matavi maviri, uye bukira rechitatu riri pasi pamamwezve pamatavi maviri, mativi ose ari matanhatu.
36 Let the knops and the branches be of one piece, altogether graven of one piece of pure gold.
Mabukira namatavi achava ebandi rimwe chete nechigadziko chomwenje, negoridhe rakaisvonaka rakapambadzirwa.
37 And you shall make its seven lamps: and you shall set on [it] the lamps, and they shall shine from one front.
“Ipapo ugoita mwenje yacho minomwe uye ugoigadzika pamusoro pacho kuitira kuti zvigovhenekera nzvimbo iri mberi kwacho.
38 And you shall make its funnel and its snuff-dishes of pure gold.
Mbato dzacho nendiro dzacho zvinofanira kuva zvegoridhe rakaisvonaka.
39 All these articles [shall be] a talent of pure gold.
Tarenda regoridhe rakaisvonaka rinofanira kushandiswa pachigadziko chomwenje nemimwe midziyo yose iyi.
40 See, you shall make them according to the pattern showed you in the mount.
Uone kuti wazviita zvichienderana nomufananidzo wawakaratidzwa pagomo.