< Ecclesiastes 5 >

1 Keep your foot, whenever you go to the house of God; and [when you are] near to hear, let your sacrifice [be] better than the gift of fools: for they know not that they are doing evil.
Markaad guriga Ilaah tegaysid is-ilaali, waayo, inaad u dhowaatid si aad wax u maqashid way ka roon tahay inaad bixisid allabariga nacasyada oo kale, maxaa yeelay, iyagu ma oga inay wax shar ah samaynayaan.
2 Be not hasty with your mouth, and let not your heart be swift to utter anything before God; for God is in heaven above, and you upon earth: therefore let your words be few.
Afkaaga ha ku degdegin, oo inaad Ilaah hortiisa wax kaga hadashid ha u dhaqsan, waayo, Ilaah samaduu joogaa, adna dhulkaad joogtaa, haddaba hadalkaagu ha yaraado.
3 For through the multitude of trial a dream comes; and a fool's voice is with a multitude of words.
Waayo, riyo waxay ka dhalataa hawl badan, oo nacaska codkiisana waxaa lagu gartaa hadalkiisa badan.
4 Whenever you shall vow a vow to God, defer not to pay it; for [he has] no pleasure in fools: pay you therefore whatever you shall have vowed.
Markaad Ilaah nidar u nidartid waa inaadan inaad bixisid dib uga dhicin, waayo, isagu nacasyada kuma farxo ee wixii aad u nidartay bixi.
5 [It is] better that you should not vow, than that you should vow and not pay.
Inaad nidar gasho oo aadan bixin waxaa ka wanaagsan inaadan waxba nidrin.
6 Suffer not your mouth to lead your flesh to sin; and say not in the presence of God, It was an error: lest God be angry at your voice, and destroy the works of your hands.
Afkaaga ha u oggolaan inuu jidhkaaga dembaajiyo, oo malaa'igta horteedana ha ka odhan, Qalad bay ahaayeen. Bal maxaad Ilaah codkaaga ugu cadhaysiisaa si uu shuqulka gacmahaaga u baabbi'iyo?
7 For [there is evil] in a multitude of dreams and vanities and many words: but fear you God.
Waayo, riyooyin iyo erayo fara badanba waxaa ku jira wax badan oo aan waxtar lahayn, laakiinse adigu Ilaah ka cabso.
8 If you should see the oppression of the poor, and the wresting of judgement and of justice in the land, wonder not at the matter: for [there is] a high one to watch over him that is high, and high ones over them.
Haddaad gobol ku aragtid masaakiin la dulmayo, iyo garsoorid iyo caddaalad si xoog leh loo qalloocinayo, waxaas ha la yaabin, waayo, kan sare mid ka sii sarreeya ayaa eegaya, oo weliba waxaa jira kuwa ka sii sarreeya iyaga.
9 Also the abundance of the earth is for every one: the king [is dependent on] the tilled field.
Dhulka faa'iidadiisu kulli way ka dhexaysaa, waayo, boqorka qudhiisaba waxaa looga adeegaa beerta.
10 He that loves silver shall not be satisfied with silver: and who has loved gain, in the abundance thereof? this is also vanity.
Kii lacag jecelu lacag kama dhergi doono, oo kii maal badan jeceluna faa'iido kama dhergi doono, taasuna waa wax aan waxba tarayn.
11 In the multitude of good they are increased that eat it: and what virtue has the owner, but the right of beholding [it] with his eyes?
Markii maalku bato kuwa cunaana way sii bataan. Maalku bal muxuu kan leh u taraa inuu indhihiisa ku fiiriyo mooyaane?
12 The sleep of a servant is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but to one who is satiated with wealth, there is none that suffers him to sleep.
Ninkii hawshooda hurdadiisu waa u macaan tahay, hadduu wax yar cuno iyo hadduu wax badan cunoba, laakiinse taajirka maalkiisa badanu hurdaduu u diidaa.
13 There is an infirmity which I have seen under the sun, [namely], wealth kept for its owner to his hurt.
Waxaa jira wax shar ah oo aad u xun oo aan qorraxda hoosteeda ku arkay, waana maal badan oo uu kan lahu sii haysto oo uu waxyeello uun isu keeno.
14 And that wealth shall perish in an evil trouble: and [the man] begets a son, and there is nothing in his hand.
Oo maalkaasu wax xun buu ku baabba'aa, oo kii lahaana wiil buu dhalay, laakiinse gacantiisa waxba kuma jiraan.
15 As he came forth naked from his mother's womb, he shall return back as he came, and he shall receive nothing for his labour, that it should go [with him] in his hand.
Siduu uurka hooyadiis uga soo baxay ayuu isagoo qaawan ku tegi doonaa, siduu hore ku yimid oo kale. Oo hawshiisa aawadeedna wax uu gacanta ku qaadan karo ma qaadan doono.
16 And this is also an evil infirmity: for as he came, so also shall he return: and what is his gain, for which he vainly labours?
Oo weliba taasuna waa wax aad u xun inuu si kastaba ku tago siduu hore ku yimid oo kale; haddaba kan dabayl ku hawshooda bal maxaa faa'iido ah oo uu helayaa?
17 Yes, all his days are in darkness, and in mourning, and much sorrow, and infirmity, and wrath.
Oo weliba cimrigiisa oo dhan wuxuu ku cunaa gudcur, oo intaasna wuxuu ku jiraa murug, iyo cudur, iyo cadho.
18 Behold, I have seen good, that it is a fine thing [for a man] to eat and to drink, and to see good in all his labour in which he may labour under the sun, [all] the number of the days of his life which God has given to him: for it is his portion.
Bal eeg, waxaan gartay inay wanaagsan tahay oo habboon tahay in qof wax cuno oo wax cabbo, iyo inuu hawshiisa uu qorraxda hoosteeda ku hawshoodo oo dhan ku istareexo cimrigii Ilaah siiyey oo dhan, waayo, taasu waa qaybtiisa.
19 Yes, and [as for] every man to whom God has given wealth and possessions, and has given him power to eat thereof, and to receive his portion, and to rejoice in his labour; this is the gift of God.
Oo weliba nin kasta oo Ilaah maal iyo hanti siiyey, oo haddana siiyey karti uu wax kaga cuno, oo uu kaga qayb qaato, iyo inuu hawshiisa ku reyreeyoba, taasu waa hibo Ilaah.
20 For he shall not much remember the days of his life; for God troubles him in the mirth of his heart.
Waayo, isagu aad uma xusuusan doono wakhtigii uu noolaa, maxaa yeelay, Ilaah baa farxad qalbigiisa geliya.

< Ecclesiastes 5 >