< Ecclesiastes 4 >
1 So I returned, and saw all the oppressions that were done under the sun: and behold the tear of the oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of them that oppressed them was power; but they had no comforter:
Opet vidjeh sve nepravde koje se èine pod suncem, i gle, suze onijeh kojima se èini nepravda, i nemaju ko bi ih potješio ni snage da se izbave iz ruku onijeh koji im èine nepravdu; nemaju nikoga da ih potješi.
2 and I praised all the dead that had already died more than the living, as many as are alive until now.
Zato hvalih mrtve koji veæ pomriješe više nego žive koji još žive.
3 Better also than both these is he who has not yet been, who has not seen all the evil work that is done under the sun.
Ali je bolji i od jednijeh i od drugih onaj koji još nije postao, koji nije vidio zla što biva pod suncem.
4 And I saw all labour, and all the diligent work, that this is a man's envy from his neighbour. This is also vanity and waywardness of spirit.
Jer vidjeh svaki trud i svako dobro djelo da od njega biva zavist èovjeku od bližnjega njegova. I to je taština i muka duhu.
5 The fool folds his hands together, and eats his own flesh.
Bezumnik sklapa ruke svoje, i jede svoje tijelo.
6 Better is a handful of rest than two handfuls of trouble and waywardness of spirit.
Bolja je jedna grst u miru nego obje grsti s trudom i mukom u duhu.
7 So I returned, and saw vanity under the sun.
Opet vidjeh taštinu pod suncem:
8 There is one [alone], and there is not a second; yes, he has neither son nor brother: yet there is no end to all his labour; neither is his eye satisfied with wealth; and for whom do I labour, and deprive my soul of good? this is also vanity, and an evil trouble.
Ima ko je sam, inokosan, nema ni sina ni brata, i opet nema kraja trudu njegovu, i oèi njegove ne mogu da se nasite bogatstva; a ne misli: za koga se muèim i oduzimam svojoj duši dobra? I to je taština i zao posao.
9 Two [are] better than one, [seeing] they have a good reward for their labour.
Bolje je dvojici nego jednomu, jer imaju dobru dobit od svoga truda.
10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls, and there is not a second to lift him up.
Jer ako jedan padne, drugi æe podignuti druga svojega; a teško jednomu! ako padne, nema drugoga da ga podigne.
11 Also if two should lie together, they also get heat: but how shall one be warmed [alone?]
Jošte ako dvojica spavaju zajedno, grije jedan drugoga; a jedan kako æe se zgrijati?
12 And if one should prevail against [him], the two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord shall not be quickly broken.
I ako bi ko nadjaèao jednoga, dvojica æe mu odoljeti; i trostruka vrvca ne kida se lako.
13 Better is a poor and wise child than an old and foolish king, who knows not how to take heed any longer.
Bolje je dijete ubogo a mudro nego car star a bezuman, koji se veæ ne zna pouèiti.
14 For he shall come forth out of the house of the prisoners to reign, because [he] also that was in his kingdom has become poor.
Jer jedan izlazi iz tamnice da caruje, a drugi koji se rodi da caruje osiromaši.
15 I saw all the living who were walking under the sun, with the second youth who shall stand up in each one's place.
Vidjeh sve žive koji hode pod suncem gdje pristaju za djetetom drugim, koje æe stupiti na njegovo mjesto.
16 There is no end to all the people, to all who were before them: and the last shall not rejoice in him: for this also is vanity and waywardness of spirit.
Nema kraja narodu koji bijaše pred njim, a koji poslije nastanu neæe se radovati njemu. I to je taština i muka duhu.