< Deuteronomy 4 >
1 And now, Israel, hear the ordinances and judgements, all that I teach you this day to do: that you may live, and be multiplied, and that you may go in and inherit the land, which the Lord God of your fathers gives you.
Nu tad, Israēl, klausi tos likumus un tās tiesas, ko es jums mācu darīt, lai jūs dzīvojat un ienākat un iemantojat to zemi, ko Tas Kungs, jūsu tēvu Dievs, jums dod.
2 You shall not add to the word which I command you, and you shall not take from it: keep the commandments of the Lord our God, all that I command you this day.
Pie tā vārda, ko es jums pavēlu, jums neko nebūs pielikt, nedz no tā ko atraut, ka jūs turat Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, baušļus, ko es jums pavēlu.
3 Your eyes have seen all that the Lord our God did in [the case of] Beel-phegor; for every man that went after Beel-phegor, the Lord your God has utterly destroyed him from amongst you.
Jūsu acis ir redzējušas, ko Tas Kungs Baāl-Peora dēļ darījis; jo ikvienu, kas Baāl-Peoram dzinās pakaļ, to Tas Kungs, jūsu Dievs, ir izdeldējis no jūsu vidus.
4 But you that kept close to the Lord your God are all alive today.
Bet jūs, kas esat pieķērušies Tam Kungam, savam Dievam, jūs šodien visi esat dzīvi.
5 Behold, I have shown you ordinances and judgements as the Lord commanded me, that you should do so in the land into which you go to inherit it.
Redzi, es jums esmu mācījis tos likumus un tās tiesas, itin kā Tas Kungs, mans Dievs, man pavēlējis, lai jūs tā darāt tanī zemē, ko jūs ejat iemantot.
6 And you shall keep and do them: for this is your wisdom and understanding before all nations, as many as shall hear all these ordinances; and they shall say, Behold, this great nation [is] a wise and understanding people.
Turat nu tos un darāt tos, jo šī būs jūsu gudrība un jūsu saprašana to ļaužu acīs, kas visus šos likumus dzirdēs un sacīs: tiešām gudri un prātīgi ļaudis ir šī lielā tauta.
7 For what manner of nation [is so] great, which has God so near to them as the Lord our God [is] in all things in whatever we may call upon him?
Jo kur ir cita tāda liela tauta, kam dievi tik tuvu, kā Tas Kungs, mūsu Dievs, mums, cikkārt viņu piesaucam?
8 And what manner of nation [is so] great, which has righteous ordinances and judgements according to all this law, which I set before you this day?
Un kur ir cita tāda liela tauta, kam tādi taisni likumi un tiesas, kā visa šī bauslība, ko es šodien lieku jūsu priekšā?
9 Take heed to yourself, and keep your heart diligently: forget not any of the things, which your eyes have seen, and let them not depart from your heart all the days of your life; and you shall teach your sons and your sons' sons,
Bet sargies un sargi ļoti savu dvēseli, ka tu neaizmirsti to, ko tavas acis redzējušas, ka tas neizzūd no tavas sirds visās tava mūža dienās.
10 [even the things that happened in] the day in which you stood before the Lord our God in Choreb in the day of the assembly; for the Lord said to me, Gather the people to me, and let them hear my words, that they may learn to fear me all the days which they live upon the earth, and they shall teach their sons.
Un dari to zināmu saviem bērniem un saviem bērnu bērniem. Tai dienā, kad tu stāvēji priekš Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, Horebā, kad Tas Kungs uz mani sacīja: sapulcini Man tos ļaudis, un Es tiem došu dzirdēt Savus vārdus, lai tie mācās Mani bīties visas dienas, cik ilgi tie virs zemes dzīvo, un lai tie tos māca saviem bērniem,
11 And you drew near and stood under the mountain; and the mountain burnt with fire up to heaven: [there was] darkness, blackness, [and] tempest.
Tad jūs piegājāt un stāvējāt apakšā pie tā kalna, un tas kalns dega ugunī līdz debess vidum; tur bija tumsa, mākonis un krēsla;
12 And the Lord spoke to you out of the midst of the fire a voice of words, which you heard: and you saw no likeness, only [you heard] a voice.
Un Tas Kungs runāja uz jums no uguns vidus; jūs dzirdējāt to vārdu balsi, bet jūs neredzējāt nekādu ģīmi, balss vien bija.
13 And he announced to you his covenant, which he commanded you to keep, even the ten commandments; and he wrote them on two tables of stone.
Tad Viņš jums pasludināja Savu derību, ko Viņš jums pavēlēja darīt, (proti) tos desmit vārdus, un tos rakstīja uz diviem akmens galdiņiem.
14 And the Lord commanded me at that time, to teach you ordinances and judgements, that you should do them on the land, into which you go to inherit it.
Un Tas Kungs tanī laikā man pavēlēja, lai es jums mācu likumus un tiesas, ko lai jūs dariet tai zemē, ko jūs ejat iemantot.
15 And take good heed to your hearts, for you saw no similitude in the day in which the Lord spoke to you in Choreb in the mountain out of the midst of the fire:
Tad nu sargājaties ļoti savu dvēseļu labad; jo jūs nekādu ģīmi neesat redzējuši tai dienā, kad Tas Kungs Horebā uz jums runāja no uguns vidus, -
16 lest you transgress, and make to yourselves a carved image, any kind of figure, the likeness of male or female,
Ka jūs neapgrēkojaties un sev nedarāt nekādu elka bildi, nekāda tēla līdzību, nedz vīra nedz sievas ģīmi,
17 the likeness of any beast of those that are on the earth, the likeness of any winged bird which flies under heaven,
Nekāda lopa ģīmi, kas virs zemes, nekāda spārnaina putna ģīmi, kas apakš debess skraida,
18 the likeness of any reptile which creeps on the earth, the likeness of any fish of those which are in the waters under the earth;
Nekāda tārpa ģīmi, kas virs zemes lien, nekādas zivs ģīmi, kas ūdenī apakš zemes;
19 and lest having looked up to the sky, and having seen the sun and the moon and the stars, and all the heavenly bodies, you should go astray and worship them, and serve them, which the Lord your God has distributed to all the nations under heaven.
Un ka tu savas acis nepacel uz debesīm, uzlūkodams sauli un mēnesi un zvaigznes, visu debespulku, un neliecies kārdināties, viņu priekšā zemē mesties un tiem kalpot; tos Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, ir piešķīris visiem ļaudīm apakš visas debess.
20 But God took you, and led you forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the iron furnace, out of Egypt, to be to him a people of inheritance, as at this day.
Bet jūs Tas Kungs ir pieņēmis un jūs izvedis no tā dzelzs cepļa, no Ēģiptes, lai jūs esat Viņa īpaša tauta, kā tas šodien ir.
21 And the Lord God was angry with me for the things said by you, and sware that I should not go over this Jordan, and that I should not enter into the land, which the Lord your God gives you for an inheritance.
Un Tas Kungs par mani dusmojās jūsu dēļ un zvērēja, ka man nebūs iet pār Jārdani un ka man nebūs nākt uz to labo zemi, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dod par daļu.
22 For I am to die in this land, and shall not pass over this Jordan; but you are to pass over, and shall inherit this good land.
Jo man jāmirst šinī zemē un es neiešu pār Jardāni, bet jūs iesiet un iemantosiet šo labo zemi.
23 Take heed to yourselves, lest you forget the covenant of the Lord our God, which he made with you, and you transgress, and make to yourselves a graven image of any of the things concerning which the Lord your God commanded you.
Tad sargājaties nu, ka jūs neaizmirstat Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, derību, ko Viņš ar jums derējis, ka jūs sev nedarāt nekādu elka bildi, nekādu tēlu, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, ir aizliedzis.
24 For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
Jo Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, ir rijoša uguns, stiprs Dievs, dusmotājs.
25 And when you shall have begotten sons, and shall have sons' sons, and you shall have lived a long time on the land, and shall have transgressed, and made a graven image of any thing, and shall have done wickedly before the Lord your God to provoke him;
Kad nu jūs dzemdināsiet bērnus un bērnu bērnus un tapsiet veci tai zemē un apgrēkosities, darīdami kādu elka bildi, jeb kādas lietas tēlu, un grēkosiet priekš Tā Kunga, sava Dieva vaiga, Viņu apkaitinādami,
26 I call heaven and earth this day to witness against you, that you shall surely perish from off the land, into which you go across Jordan to inherit it there; you shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall be utterly cut off.
Tad pār jums šodien piesaucu debesis un zemi par lieciniekiem, ka jūs bojā iesiet piepeši no tās zemes virsas, uz kurieni jūs ejat pār Jardāni to iemantot; jūs tur ilgi nepaliksiet, bet ar izdeldēšanu tapsiet izdeldēti.
27 And the Lord shall scatter you amongst all nations, and you shall be left few in number amongst all the nations, amongst which the Lord shall bring you.
Un Tas Kungs jūs izkaisīs starp tautām un no jums atliksies mazs pulciņš starp pagāniem, kurp Tas Kungs jūs aizdzīs.
28 And you shall there serve other gods, the works of the hands of men, wood and stones, which can’t see, nor can they hear, nor eat, nor smell.
Un tur jūs kalposiet dieviem, kas ir cilvēku rokas darbs, koks un akmens, kas ne redz, ne dzird, ne ēd, ne ož.
29 And there you shall seek the Lord your God, and you shall find him whenever you shall seek him with all your heart, and with all your soul in your affliction.
Tad tur jūs meklēsiet To Kungu, savu Dievu, un Viņu atradīsiet, kad meklēsi no visas savas sirds un no visas savas dvēseles.
30 And all these things shall come upon you in the last days, and you shall turn to the Lord your God, and shall listen to his voice.
Kad būsi bēdās un visas šīs lietas tev notiks nākamās dienās, tad tu atgriezīsies pie Tā Kunga, sava Dieva, un klausīsi Viņa balsi.
31 Because the Lord your God [is] a God of pity: he will not forsake you, nor destroy you; he will not forget the covenant of your fathers, which the Lord sware to them.
Jo sirds žēlīgs Dievs ir Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs; Viņš tevi neatstās, nedz tevi izdeldēs, nedz aizmirsīs tavu tēvu derību, ko Viņš tiem ir zvērējis.
32 Ask of the former days which were before you, from the day when God created man upon the earth, and [beginning] at the [one] end of heaven to the other end of heaven, if there has happened any thing like to this great event, if such a thing has been heard:
Jo vaicā jel pēc tiem pagājušiem laikiem, kas priekš tevis bijuši no tās dienas, kad Dievs cilvēku virs zemes radījis, no viena debess gala līdz otram, vai tāda lieta ir notikusi, kā šī, vai dzirdēta, kā šī?
33 if a nation have heard the voice of the living God speaking out of the midst of the fire, as you have heard and have lived;
Vai kādi ļaudis dzirdējuši Dieva balsi runājam no uguns vidus, kā tu esi dzirdējis, un palikuši dzīvi?
34 if God has assayed to go and take to himself a nation out of the midst of [another] nation with trial, and with signs, and with wonders, and with war, and with a mighty hand, and with a high arm, and with great sights, according to all the things which the Lord our God did in Egypt in your sight.
Jeb vai Dievs ir apņēmies iet un Sev vienu tautu ņemt no tautu vidus caur pārbaudīšanām, caur zīmēm un caur brīnumiem un caur karu un caur stipru roku un caur izstieptu elkoni un caur lielām iztrūcināšanām, kā visu to Tas Kungs, jūsu Dievs, jums darījis priekš jūsu acīm Ēģiptes zemē?
35 So that you should know that the Lord your God he is God, and there is none beside him.
Tev tas ir rādīts, lai tu zini, ka Tas Kungs ir Dievs, cits neviens, kā tik Viņš.
36 His voice was made audible from heaven to instruct you, and he showed you upon the earth his great fire, and you heard his words out of the midst of the fire.
No debesīm Viņš tev licis dzirdēt Savu balsi, tevi pamācīdams, un virs zemes Viņš tev rādījis Savu lielo uguni, un tu Viņa vārdus esi dzirdējis no uguns vidus.
37 Because he loved your fathers, he also chose you their seed after them, and he brought you himself with his great strength out of Egypt,
Un tāpēc, ka Viņš tavus tēvus bija mīlējis un izredzējis viņu dzimumu pēc viņiem, tad Viņš tevi izvedis ar Savu vaigu no Ēģiptes zemes caur Savu lielo spēku,
38 to destroy nations great and stronger than you before your face, to bring you in, to give you their land to inherit, as you have it this day.
Gribēdams izdzīt tavā priekšā lielas tautas, kas jo stiprākas nekā tu, un tevi ievest viņu zemē, un tev to dot par daļu, kā tas šodien ir.
39 An you shall know this day, and shall consider in your heart, that the Lord your God he [is] God in heaven above, and on the earth beneath, and there is none else but he.
Tā tev šodien būs zināt, un savā sirdī pieminēt, ka Tas Kungs ir Dievs augšā debesīs un apakšā virs zemes, un cits neviens.
40 And keep you his commandments, and his ordinances, all that I command you this day; that it may be well with you, and with your sons after you, that you may be long-lived upon the earth, which the Lord your God gives you for ever.
Un tev būs turēt Viņa likumus un Viņa baušļus, ko es tev šodien pavēlu, lai labi klājās tev un taviem bērniem pēc tevis, un lai tavas dienas top pagarinātas tai zemē, ko Tas Kungs, tavs Dievs, tev dod mūžīgi.
41 Then Moses separated three cities beyond Jordan on the east,
Tad Mozus atšķīra trīs pilsētas viņpus Jardānes pret saules uzlēkšanu,
42 that the slayer might flee there, who should have slain his neighbour unintentionally, and should not have hated him in times past, and he shall flee to one of these cities and live:
Ka uz turieni bēgtu tas nokāvējs, kas savu tuvāko netīši nositis, ar ko viņš agrāk nebija ienaidā, ka tas nobēgtu uz vienu no šīm pilsētām un paliktu dzīvs, -
43 Bosor in the wilderness, in the plain country of Ruben, and Ramoth in Galaad [belonging to] Gad, and Gaulon in Basan [belonging to] Manasse.
Beceru tuksnesī, klajā zemē, priekš Rūbeniešiem, un Rāmotu Gileādā priekš Gadiešiem, un Golanu Basanā priekš Manasiešiem.
44 This [is] the law which Moses set before the children of Israel.
Šī nu ir tā bauslība, ko Mozus lika priekšā Israēla bērniem;
45 These [are] the testimonies, and the ordinances, and the judgements, which Moses spoke to the sons of Israel, when they came out of the land of Egypt:
Šīs tās liecības un tie likumi un tās tiesas, ko Mozus uz Israēla bērniem runāja, kad tie bija izgājuši no Ēģiptes zemes,
46 on the other side of Jordan, in the valley near the house of Phogor, in the land of Seon king of the Amorites, who lived in Esebon, whom Moses and the sons of Israel struck when they came out of the land of Egypt.
Viņpus Jardānes, tai ielejā Bet-Peoram pretī, Sihona, Amoriešu ķēniņa zemē, kas Hešbonā dzīvoja, ko Mozus un Israēla bērni sakāva, kad tie bija izgājuši no Ēģiptes zemes.
47 And they inherited his land, and the land of Og king of Basan, two kings of the Amorites, who were beyond Jordan eastward.
Un tie viņa zemi bija iemantojuši, arī Oga, Basanas ķēniņa, zemi, to divu Amoriešu ķēniņu zemi, kas viņpus Jardānes pret saules lēkšanu,
48 From Aroer, which is on the border of the brook Arnon, even to the mount of Seon, which is Aermon.
No Aroēra, kas pie Arnonas upes krasta, līdz Sihona kalnam, tas ir Hermons,
49 All Araba beyond Jordan eastward under Asedoth hewn in the rock.
Un visu klajumu viņpus Jardānes pret rītiem līdz klajuma ezeram apakš Pizgas pakalniem.