< Amos 4 >

1 Hear you this word, you heifers of the land of Basan that are in the mountain of Samaria, that oppress the poor, and trample on the needy, which say to their masters, Give us that we may drink.
He ol he Bashan vaitonu rhoek loh ya uh saeh. Samaria tlang ah tattloel a hnaemtaek uh tih khodaeng te a neet uh. A boei taengah khaw, “Te hang khuen lamtah ka o uh eh,” a ti na uh.
2 The Lord swears by his holiness, that, behold, the days come upon you, when they shall take you with weapons, and fiery destroyers shall cast those with you into boiling cauldrons.
Ka Boeipa Yahovah loh a cimcaihnah neh a toemngam coeng. Nangmih soah khohnin ha pai coeng te. Nangmih te a hlinghang neh n'doek vetih na hmailong kah te khaw ngavaih hling neh a doek ni.
3 And you shall be brought forth naked in the presence of each other; and you shall be cast forth on the mountain Romman, says the Lord.
Te phoeiah a khaepdan kah huta te tah a puut longah na cet uh vetih Harmon la m'voeih ni.
4 You went into Bethel, and sinned, and you multiplied sin at Galgala; and you brought your meat-offerings in the morning, [and] your tithes every third day.
Bethel te kun saeh lamtah boekoek Gilgal loh boekoek hamla yet saeh. Namah kah hmueih te mincang takuem ham neh namah kah parha pakhat te hnin thum ah vai khuen uh.
5 And they read the law without, and called for public professions: proclaim aloud that the children of Israel have loved these things, says the Lord.
Uemonah te tolrhu la phum uh. moeihoeihnah te pang puei uh lamtah yaak sak. Te dongah Israel ca rhoek te lungnah uh.
6 And I will give you dullness of teeth in all your cities, and lack of bread in all your places: yet you returned not to me, says the Lord.
Kai long khaw nangmih te na khopuei takuem ah no cimnah kam paek tih na hmuen takuem ah buh dongah vaitahnah om dae kai taengla na mael uh moenih.
7 Also I withheld from you the rain three months before the harvest: and I will rain upon one city, and on another city I will not rain: one part shall be rained upon, and the part on which I shall not rain shall be dried up.
Nangmih ham tah khonal te cangah duela hla thum koep ka hloh van. Khopuei pakhat dongah ka tlan sak dae khopuei khat dongah ka tlan sak moenih. Lo bong at dongah a tlan vaengah lo bong at dongah tlan pawt tih a soah rhae.
8 And [the inhabitants of] two or three cities shall be gathered to one city to drink water, and they shall not be satisfied: yet you have not returned to me, says the Lord.
Tui ok ham pataeng khopuei panit pathum te khopuei pakhat taengla a poengdoe uh coeng dongah a cung uh moenih. Tedae kai taengla na mael uh moenih.
9 I struck you with parching, and with blight: you multiplied your gardens, your vineyards, and your fig-grounds, and the cankerworm devoured your olive yards: yet not [even] thus did you return to me, says the Lord.
Nangmih te mawn neh, dung neh muep kan ngawn coeng. Na dum neh na misur khaw, na thaibu neh na olive khaw lungmul loh a caak coeng. Tedae kai taengla na mael uh moenih.
10 I sent pestilence amongst you by the way of Egypt, and killed your young men with the sword, together with your horses that were taken captive; and in my wrath against you I set fire to your camps: yet not even thus did you return to me, says the Lord.
Egypt longpuei kah bangla nangmih taengah duektahaw kan tueih coeng. Na tongpang rhoek te cunghang neh ka ngawn. Na marhang neh tamna la kang khuen tih na rhaehhmuen kah a rhongbo te na hnarhong khui la ka kun sak. Tedae kai taengla na mael uh moenih,
11 I overthrew you, as God overthrew Sodoma and Gomorrha, and you became as a brand plucked out of the fire: yet not even thus did you return to me, says the Lord.
Pathen kah imrhong Sodom neh Gomorrah bangla nangmih te kam palet tih hmai khui lamloh a yueh hmaipok bangla na om uh coeng. Tedae kai taengla na mael uh moenih.
12 Therefore thus will I do to you, O Israel: nay because I will do thus to you, prepare to call on your God, O Israel.
Te dongah nang hamla he he ka saii ni. He he nang hamla ka saii ni. Israel nang na Pathen neh hum uh hamla sikim laeh.
13 For, behold, I am he that strengthens the thunder, and creates the wind, and proclaims to men his Christ, forming the morning and the darkness, and mounting on the high places of the earth, The Lord God Almighty is his name.
Tlang aka hlinsai tih khohli aka suen, a poeknah te hlang taengah aka phoe, khoyinnah te khothaih la aka saii, diklai hmuensang ah aka cawt kah a ming tah caempuei Pathen YAHWEH pai ni.

< Amos 4 >