< Kings I 23 >
1 And it was told David, saying, behold, the Philistines war in Keila, and they rob, they trample on the threshing-floors.
Davudus xabar abayle: – Filiştinar Qeilalqa k'yoptul, maadın attabı vod q'əra qa'a.
2 And David enquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go and strike these Philistines? And the Lord said, Go, and you shall strike these Philistines, and shall save Keila.
Davudee Rəbbike qiyghanan: – Hark'ın Filiştinaaşika səyxene? Rəbbee Davuduk'le eyhen: – Hudoora k'yootle, Filiştinaaşike Qeila g'attivxhan hee'e.
3 And the men of David said to him, Behold, we are afraid here in Judea; and how shall it be if we go to Keila? Shall we go after the spoils of the Philistines?
Davudne insanaaşemee, Davuduk'le eyhen: – Şi inyaa'acab, Yahudayne cigabışeecab q'əvəyq'ən. Filiştinaaşde Qeilayeene g'oşunbışde ögeeqa şi nəxübne qığeepç'es?
4 And David enquired yet again of the Lord; and the Lord answered him, and said to him, Arise and go down to Keila, for I will deliver the Philistines into your hands.
Davudee meed Rəbbike qiyghan, Rəbbeeyid mang'uk'le eyhen: – Oza qıxha Qeilayeeqa hak'ne. Zı Filiştinar yiğne xılyaqa qevles.
5 So David and his men with him went to Keila, and fought with the Philistines; and they fled from before him, and he carried off their cattle, and struck them with a great slaughter, and David rescued the inhabitants of Keila.
Davudun insanar Qeilayeeqa hapk'ın, maane Filiştinaaşilqa k'yoohar. Manbışin çavra-vəq'ə Davudee g'ahayşu qıkkekkan. Davudee Filiştınbışilqa ver ablyav'u, Qeilayn millet g'attixhan ha'an.
6 And it came to pass when Abiathar the son of Achimelech fled to David, that he went down with David to Keila, having and ephod in his hand.
(Mançile oğiylid Aximelekne dixee Evyataree Qeilayeeqa Davudne k'anyaqa g'adayxhvan qöömee, kaahinaaşin ileylığ adayle.)
7 And it was told Saul that David was come to Keila: and Saul said, God has sold him into my hands, for he is shut up, having entered into a city that has gates and bars.
Davud Qeilayeeqa arıva Şaululqa hixhar ha'an. Şaulee eyhen: – Allaheecar mana yizde xılyaqa quvu. Mana ç'ak'ın akkabınaneyiy sat'ulbınane şahareeqa ikkeç'u, vucee cun ögü ı'xı'.
8 And Saul charged all the people to go down to war to Keila, to besiege David and his men.
Şaulee Qeilayee Davudıy cukan insanar avqasva, gırgına g'oşun dəv'əys sa'a.
9 And David knew that Saul spoke openly of mischief against him: and David said to Abiathar the priest, Bring the ephod of the Lord.
Davuduk'le Şaulee cuk qəlasın ha'as ıxhay ats'anniy. Mang'vee kaahin Evyatarık'le eyhen: – Kaahinaaşin ileylığ inyaqa qale.
10 And David said, Lord God of Israel, your servant has indeed heard, that Saul seeks to come against Keila to destroy the city on my account.
Davudeecad meed sak'ı, eyhen: – İzrailyna Allah eyxhena, Rəbb, zak'le g'ayxhiyn, zal-alla Şaulus Qeilayeeqa arı şahar q'əra qaa'asıb vukkan.
11 Will [the place] be shut up? And now will Saul come down, as your servant has heard? Lord God of Israel, tell your servant.
Qeilayne milletın zı mang'une xılyaqa qelesdaniyxan? Zak'le, Yiğne nukarık'le, g'ayxhiyn ixhesınne, Şaul inyaqa ayresdane? İzrailyna Allah eyxhena, Rəbb, hucoona ixhes, man zak'le eyhe. Rəbbee «Mana ayresdava» alidghıniy qele.
12 And the Lord said, It will be shut up.
Mane gahıl Davudee meed qiyghanan: – Qeilayne milletın, zınayiy yizın insanar mang'une xılyaqa qevlesınbıniyxan? Rəbbee «Qevlesınbıva» eyhe.
13 And David arose, and the men with him, in number about four hundred, and they went forth from Keila, and went wherever they could go: and it was told Saul that David had escaped from Keila, and he forbore to come.
Davud yixhıd vəşşılqa ələəne insanıka Qeilayeençe qığeç'u, inyaa-şa axva giyğal. Davud Qeilayeençe hixu ark'ınnava, Şaululqa hixhar hı'ımee, mang'vee cuna fıkır badal haa'ana, maqa hayk'an deş.
14 And he lived in Maserem in the wilderness, in the narrow [passes]; and lived in the wilderness in mount Ziph, in the dry country. And Saul sought him continually, but the Lord delivered him not into his hands.
Davud xılyaqa gidexhasde xhinene cigabışee, Zif eyhene sahrayne tepabışee axva eyxhe. Şaulee mana yiğıscar t'abal ha'a ıxha, Allaheemee Davud mang'une xılyaqa gixhas haysar deş.
15 And David perceived that Saul went forth to seek David; and David was in the dry mountain in the New Ziph.
Davud Zifne sahreene Xoreşnang'a mang'uk'le g'iyxhen, Şaulee vucur gik'asva t'abal ha'a.
16 And Jonathan son of Saul rose, and went to David to Caene, and strengthened his hands in the Lord.
Şaulna dix Yonatan Xoreşeeqa Davudne k'anyaqa arı, mang'us Allahne doyule yik'bı hele.
17 And he said to him, Fear not, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you; and you shall be king over Israel, and I shall be second to you; and Saul my father knows it.
Davuduk'le mang'vee eyhen: – Qı'məyq'ən, yizde dekkıne Şaulne xılyaqa ğu gixhas deş. Ğu İzrailyna paççah ixhes, zınar vale qiyğiyna q'ör'esda insan. Man yizde dekkık'le Şauluk'led çikana ats'an.
18 So they both made a covenant before the Lord; and David lived in Caene, and Jonathan went to his home.
Qiyğa manbışde q'öng'eesana sana-sang'us Rəbbine ögil cuvab hele. Mançe Yonatan ayk'anna xaaqa, Davudur Xoreş axva.
19 And the Ziphites came up out of the dry country to Saul to the hill, saying, Behold, is not David hidden with us in Messara, in the narrows in Caene in the hill of Echela, which is on the right of Jessaemon?
Zifğançenbı Giveayeeqa Şaulusqa abı, eyhen: – Davud yişde k'anene, Yeşimonne canubılyne Xakilayne tepalyne Xoreşee xıl hidixharasde cigabışee dyugulyxha vor.
20 And now [according to] all the king's desire to come down, let him come down to us; they have shut him up into the hands of the king.
Paççah, vas mısayiy ıkkan, maqa ayre, şicar aqqı mana yiğne xılyaqa qelesda.
21 And Saul said to them, Blessed [be] you of the Lord, for you have been grieved on my account.
Şaulee eyhen: – Zas yugvalla hav'uynçil-alla, Rəbbee şos barakat helecen.
22 Go, I pray you, and make preparations yet, and notice his place where his foot shall be, quickly, in that place which you spoke of, lest by any means he should deal craftily.
Sayıb hapk'ın yugda ats'axhxhe, mang'vee g'el nyaqayiy gixhxhı, şavuk'leyiy mana maa'ar g'acu. Zak'le mana süvə xhinnena insan vorva g'ayxhı.
23 Take notice, then, and learn, and I will go with you; and it shall come to pass that if he is in the land, I will search him out amongst all the thousands of Juda.
Mana dyugulexhen cigabı gırgınbı ats'axhxhe, yugda ats'axhxhad, zasqa savk'le. Zınar maqa şoka ı'qqəsda. Mana nimeletteyiy ine ölkee Yahudee, zı mana gırgınəəng'ə t'abal ha'asda. Mana inçeğana ixheene, mana zı Yahudavolle gırgınəəng'ə t'abal ha'asda.
24 And the Ziphites arose, and went before Saul: and David and his men [were] in the wilderness of Maon, westward, to the right of Jessaemon.
Zifğançenbı oza qeepxha Şaulne ögee Zifqa avayk'an. Davudıy cun insanar Yeşimonne canubılyne, Arava eyhene cigayne Maonne sahree vuxha.
25 And Saul and his men went to seek him: and they brought word to David, and he went down to the rock that was in the wilderness of Maon: and Saul heard, and followed after David to the wilderness of Maon.
Şaulıy cun insanar mana t'abal ha'asva, mane cigeeqa havayk'an. Man Davudulqa hixhar hı'ımee, mana ganznane cigeeqa qarı, Maonne sahree ulyoyzar. Şauluk'le man ats'axhxhamee, Maonne sahree Davuduqar qihna gexha.
26 And Saul and his men go on one side of the mountain, and David and his men are on the other side of the mountain: and David was hiding himself to escape from Saul: and Saul and his men encamped against David and his men, in order to take them.
Şaul cune insanaaşika suvane ine surale, Davudur cune insanaaşika suvane şene surale əlyhəə vooxhe. Davudus, Şaulıle hixu, dyugulyxhes ıkkiykan. Şaulusmee mang'un ögü ı'xı', mana aqqas ıkkiykan.
27 And there came a messenger to Saul, saying, Haste you, and come here, for the Philistines have invaded the land.
Mane gahıl Şaulusqa xabar ana sa insan arı eyhen: – Zaara ixhe, yı'q'əlqa sak'le, yişde ölkalqa Filiştinar k'yoptul.
28 So Saul returned from following after David, and went to meet the Philistines: therefore that place was called The divided Rock.
Şaulee, Davuduqa qihna girxhuy g'aletçu, mançe ayk'anna Filiştinaaşika səyxəs. Mançil-alla mane cigays Sela-Hammaxleqotva (Curepxhayn Ganz) do giyxhe.
29 And David rose up from thence, and lived in the narrow passes of Engaddi.
Davud mançe En-Gedi eyhene cigeene xıl hidixharasde cigabışeeqa ayk'an.