< Kings I 19 >

1 And Saul spoke to Jonathan his son, and to all his servants, to kill David.
Tad Sauls runāja ar savu dēlu Jonatānu un ar visiem saviem kalpiem, ka tie Dāvidu nokautu. Bet Jonatānam, Saula dēlam, bija labs prāts uz Dāvidu.
2 And Jonathan, Saul's son, loved David much: and Jonathan told David, saying, Saul seeks to kill you: take heed to yourself therefore to-morrow morning, and hide yourself, and dwell in secret.
Un Jonatāns Dāvidam to teica sacīdams: mans tēvs Sauls tevi meklē nokaut; nu tad, sargies jel rītu un paslēpies.
3 And I will go forth, and stand near my father in the field where you shall be, and I will speak concerning you to my father; and I will see what his answer may be, and I will tell you.
Bet es iziešu un stāvēšu savam tēvam sānis laukā, kur tu būsi, un runāšu ar savu tēvu tevis pēc un redzēšu, kas tur būs, un tev to sacīšu.
4 And Jonathan spoke favourably concerning David to Saul his father, and said to him, Let not the king sin against your servant David, for he has not sinned against you, and his deeds [are] very good.
Tad Jonatāns runāja labu no Dāvida uz savu tēvu Saulu un uz to sacīja: lai ķēniņš neapgrēkojās pret savu kalpu Dāvidu, jo viņš pret tevi nav grēkojis, un viņa darbi tev nāk varen ļoti par labu.
5 And he put his life in his hand, and struck the Philistine, and the Lord wrought a great deliverance; and all Israel saw, and rejoined: why then do you sin against innocent blood, to kill David without a cause?
Jo viņš savu dzīvību ir licis savā rokā un to Fīlistu kāvis, un Tas Kungs ir devis lielu pestīšanu visam Israēlim. To tu esi redzējis un priecājies, kāpēc tad tu gribētu apgrēkoties pret nenoziedzīgām asinīm, Dāvidu bez vainas nokaudams.
6 And Saul listened to the voice of Jonathan; and Saul swore, saying, [As] the Lord lives, he shall not die.
Un Sauls paklausīja Jonatāna balsij, un Sauls nozvērējās: tik tiešām ka Tas Kungs dzīvo, tam nebūs nokautam tapt.
7 And Jonathan called David, and told him all these words; and Jonathan brought David in to Saul, and he was before him as in former times.
Un Jonatāns aicināja Dāvidu, un Jonatāns sacīja Dāvidam visus šos vārdus. Un Jonatāns veda Dāvidu Saula priekšā, un viņš bija šī priekšā kā citkārt.
8 And there was again war against Saul; and David did valiantly, and fought against the Philistines, and struck them with a very great slaughter, and they fled from before him.
Tad atkal karš cēlās, un Dāvids izgāja un karoja ar Fīlistiem un tos kāva ar lielu kaušanu, un tie bēga viņa priekšā.
9 And an evil spirit from God was upon Saul, and he was resting in his house, and a spear [was] in his hand, and David was playing on the harp with his hands.
Bet ļauns gars no Tā Kunga nāca pār Saulu, un tas sēdēja savā namā, un viņa šķēps bija viņa rokā, un Dāvids spēlēja uz stīgām ar roku.
10 And Saul sought to strike David with the spear; and David withdrew [suddenly] from the presence of Saul; and he drove the spear into the wall; and David retreated and escaped.
Tad Sauls gribēja Dāvidu nodurt ar to šķēpu pie sienas, bet šis novērsās no Saula, un tas šķēps ieskrēja sienā; un Dāvids bēga un izbēga tai pašā naktī.
11 And it came to pass in that night, that Saul sent messengers to the house of David to watch him, in order to kill him in the morning; and Melchol David's wife told him, saying, Unless you save your life this night, to-morrow you shall be slain.
Tad Sauls sūtīja vīrus Dāvida namā viņu sargāt un rītu nokaut. Bet Mikale, viņa sieva, to viņam teica un sacīja: ja tu šo nakti savu dzīvību neglābsi, tad tu rītu tapsi nokauts.
12 So Melchol lets David down by the window, and he departed, and fled, and escaped.
Un Mikale nolaida Dāvidu pa logu zemē, un tas nogāja un bēga un izglābās.
13 And Melchol took images, and laid them on the bed, and she put the liver of a goat by his head, and covered them with clothes.
Un Mikale ņēma vienu tēlu un to lika uz gultu, un vienu kazu spalvas audumu tam lika galvgalā un to apsedza ar deķi.
14 And Saul sent messengers to take David; and they say that he is sick.
Un Sauls sūtīja vīrus, Dāvidu atvest, bet tā sacīja: viņš ir slims.
15 And he sends to David, saying, Bring him to me on the bed, that I may kill him.
Tad Sauls sūtīja vīrus, Dāvidu aplūkot un sacīja: atnesiet to ar gultu pie manis, ka tas top nokauts.
16 And the messengers come, and, behold, the images [were] on the bed, and the goat's liver at his head.
Kad nu tie vīri ienāca, redzi, tad tēls bija gultā, un kazu spalvas audums viņa galvgalā.
17 And Saul said to Melchol, Why have you thus deceived me, and suffered my enemy to depart, and he has escaped? and Melchol said to Saul, He said, let me go, and if not, I will kill you.
Tad Sauls sacīja uz Mikali: kāpēc tu mani tā esi pievīlusi un manu ienaidnieku atlaidusi, ka tas ir aizbēdzis? Bet Mikale sacīja uz Saulu: viņš uz mani sacīja: atlaid mani, kāpēc man tevi būs nokaut?
18 So David fled, and escaped, and comes to Samuel to Armathaim, and tells him all that Saul had done to him: and Samuel and David went, and lived in Navath in Rama.
Tā Dāvids bēga un izglābās un nāca pie Samuēla uz Rāmatu, un stāstīja tam visu, ko Sauls tam bija darījis, un gāja līdz ar Samuēli un palika Najotā.
19 And it was told Saul, saying, Behold, David [is] in Navath in Rama.
Un Saulam teica un sacīja: redzi, Dāvids ir Najotā pie Rāmatas.
20 And Saul sent messengers to take David, and they saw the assembly of the prophets, and Samuel stood [as] appointed over them; and the Spirit of God came upon the messengers of Saul, and they prophesy.
Tad Sauls sūtīja vīrus, Dāvidu atvest. Kad tie nu redzēja vienu praviešu pulku runājam praviešu vārdus un Samuēli pie viņiem stāvam par uzraugu, tad Dieva Gars nāca par Saula vīriem, ka tie arī praviešu vārdus runāja.
21 And it was told Saul, and he sent other messengers, and they also prophesied: and Saul sent again a third set of messengers, and they also prophesied.
Un kad tas Saulam tapa sacīts, tad viņš sūtīja citus vīrus, - un arī tie runāja praviešu vārdus. Tad Sauls sūtīja vēl trešos vīrus, - tie arīdzan runāja praviešu vārdus.
22 And Saul was very angry, and went himself also to Armathaim, and he comes as far as the well of the threshing floor that is in Sephi; and he asked and said, Where [are] Samuel and David? And they said, Behold, in Navath in Rama.
Tad viņš arī pats gāja uz Rāmatu un nāca pie tās lielās akas, kas bija pie Sehus, un vaicāja sacīdams: kur ir Samuēls un Dāvids? Un viņam sacīja: redzi, Najotā pie Rāmatas.
23 And he went thence to Navath in Rama: and there came the Spirit of God upon him also, and he went on prophesying till he came to Navath in Rama.
Tad viņš gāja uz turieni, uz Najotu pie Rāmatas. Un Dieva Gars nāca arī uz viņu un tas gāja praviešu vārdus runādams, kamēr viņš nāca uz Najotu pie Rāmatas.
24 And he took off his clothes, and prophesied before them; and lay down naked all that day and all that night: therefore they said, [Is] Saul also amongst the prophets?
Un arī viņš tur novilka savas drēbes un runāja praviešu vārdus Samuēla priekšā, un viņš krita kails pie zemes cauru dienu un cauru nakti. Tāpēc saka: vai Sauls arī starp praviešiem?

< Kings I 19 >