< Kings III 20 >

1 And Nabuthai the Jezraelite had a vineyard, near the threshing floor of Achaab king of Samaria.
Tsono Beni-Hadadi mfumu ya ku Aramu inasonkhanitsa magulu ake onse a ankhondo. Iye pamodzi ndi mafumu 32, akavalo awo ndi magaleta awo, anapita kukawuzungulira mzinda wa Samariya ndi kuwuthira nkhondo.
2 And Achaab spoke to Nabuthai, saying, Give me your vineyard, and I will have it for a garden of herbs, for it [is] near my house: and I will give you another vineyard better than it; or if it please you, I will give you money, the price of this your vineyard, and I will have it for a garden of herbs.
Iye anatuma amithenga ake mu mzindamo kwa Ahabu mfumu ya Israeli, kukanena kuti,
3 And Nabuthai said to Achaab, My God forbid me that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers.
“Beni-Hadadi akuti, ‘Siliva wako ndi golide wako ndi wanga, ndipo akazi ako okongola ndi ana ako ndi anganso.’”
4 And the spirit of Achaab was troubled, and he lay down upon his bed, and covered his face, and ate no bread.
Mfumu ya Israeli inayankha kuti, “Monga mmene mwanenera, mbuye wanga mfumu, ine pamodzi ndi zonse zomwe ndili nazo ndi zanu.”
5 And Jezabel his wife went in to him, and spoke to him, [saying], Why [is] your spirit troubled, and [why] do you eat no bread?
Amithenga aja anabwereranso kwa Ahabu ndipo anamuwuza kuti, “Beni-Hadadi akuti, ‘Ine ndinakulamula kuti undipatse siliva wako ndi golide wako, akazi ako ndi ana ako.
6 And he said to her, Because I spoke to Nabuthai the Jezraelite, saying, Give me your vineyard for money; or if you will, I will give you another vineyard for it: and he said, I will not give you the inheritance of my fathers.
Koma mawa nthawi ngati yomwe ino ndidzatuma atumiki anga kudzafufuza mʼnyumba yako yaufumu ndi nyumba za akuluakulu ako. Iwo adzatenga chilichonse chimene umachidalira ndi kupita nacho.’”
7 And Jezabel his wife said to him, Do you now thus act the king over Israel? arise, and eat bread, and be your own [master], and I will give you the vineyard of Nabuthai the Jezraelite.
Pamenepo mfumu ya Israeli inayitanitsa akuluakulu a mʼdzikomo niwawuza kuti, “Taonani momwe munthuyu akufunira kutibweretsera mavuto! Atatumiza mawu oti ndimupatse akazi anga ndi ana anga, siliva wanga ndi golide wanga, ine sindinamukanize.”
8 And she wrote a letter in the name of Achaab, and sealed it with his seal, and sent the letter to the elders, and to the freemen who lived with Nabuthai.
Akuluakulu onse ndi anthu onse anayankha kuti, “Musamumvere kapena kuvomereza zofuna zake.”
9 And it was written in the letters, saying, Keep a fast, and set Naboth in a chief place amongst the people.
Tsono Ahabu anayankha amithenga a Beni-Hadadi kuti, “Kamuwuzeni mbuye wanga mfumu kuti, ‘Mtumiki wanu adzachita zonse zimene munazifuna nthawi yoyamba ija, koma izi mwazifunazi sindingazikwanitse.’” Iwo anachoka nakapereka yankho kwa Beni-Hadadi.
10 And set two men, sons of transgressors, before him, and let them testify against him, saying, He blessed God and the king: and let them lead him forth, and stone him, and let them die.
Pamenepo Beni-Hadadi anatumizanso uthenga wina kwa Ahabu kuti, “Milungu indilange koopsa, ngati mu Samariya mudzakhale fumbi loti nʼkudzaza dzanja la aliyense wa anthu anga.”
11 And the men of his city, the elders, and the nobles who lived in his city, did as Jezabel sent to them, and as it had been written in the letters which she sent to them.
Mfumu ya Israeli inayankha kuti, “Kamuwuzeni kuti, ‘Mwamuna mnzako nʼpachulu, nʼkulinga utakwerapo.’”
12 And they proclaimed a fast, and set Nebuthai in a chief place amongst the people.
Beni-Hadadi anamva uthenga umenewu pamene iye ankamwa ndi mafumu anzake mʼmatenti awo, ndipo analamula anthu ake kuti, “Konzekerani kukathira nkhondo.” Choncho anakonzekera kukathira nkhondo mzindawo.
13 And two men, sons of transgressors, came in, and sat opposite him, and bore witness against him, saying, You have blessed God and the king. And they led him forth out of the city, and stoned him with stones, and he died.
Ndipo taonani, mneneri wina anabwera kwa Ahabu mfumu ya Israeli nadzalengeza kuti, “Yehova akuti, ‘Kodi ukuchiona chigulu chachikulu cha ankhondochi? Taona, ndikuchipereka chimenechi lero mʼdzanja lako, ndipo pamenepo udzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova.’”
14 And they sent to Jezabel, saying, Nabuthai is stoned, and is dead.
Ahabu anafunsa kuti, “Koma ndani adzachita zimenezi?” Mneneri anayankha kuti, “Yehova akuti, ‘Adzachita zimenezi ndi asilikali a nduna za mʼzigawo.’” Ndipo iye anafunsa kuti, “Kodi ndani adzayambe nkhondoyi?” Mneneriyo anayankha kuti, “Ndinu.”
15 And it came to pass, when Jezabel heard [it], that she said to Achaab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Nabuthai the Jezraelite, who would not sell it to you: for Nebuthai is not alive, for he is dead.
Choncho Ahabu anawerenga asilikali achinyamata a nduna za mʼzigawo ndipo onse analipo 232. Ndipo anawerenganso ankhondo a ku Israeli ndipo onse analipo 7,000.
16 And it came to pass, when Achaab heard that Nabuthai the Jezraelite was dead, that he tore his garments, and put on sackcloth. And it came to pass afterward, that Achaab arose and went down to the vineyard of Nabuthai the Jezraelite, to take possession of it.
Iwo ananyamuka nthawi yamasana pamene Beni-Hadadi ndi mafumu 32 othandizana naye ankamwa mpaka kuledzera mʼmatenti awo.
17 And the Lord spoke to Eliu the Thesbite, saying,
Asilikali achinyamata a nduna za mʼzigawo ndiwo amene anayamba kupita ku nkhondo. Nthawi imeneyi Beni-Hadadi nʼkuti atatumiza anthu oti akazonde, amene anadzafotokoza kuti, “Anthu ankhondo akubwera kuchokera ku Samariya.”
18 Arise, and go down to meet Achaab king of Israel, who is in Samaria, for he [is] in the vineyard of Nabuthai, for he has gone down there to take possession of it.
Iye anati, “Kaya akubwera mwamtendere kapena mwankhondo, muwagwire amoyo.”
19 And you shall speak to him, saying, Thus says the Lord, Forasmuch as you have slain and taken possession, therefore thus says the Lord, In every place where the swine and the dogs have licked the blood of Nabuthai, there shall the dogs lick your blood; and the harlots shall wash themselves in your blood.
Choncho asilikali achinyamata a nduna za mʼzigawo anatuluka mu mzinda, gulu lankhondo lili pambuyo pawo.
20 And Achaab said to Eliu, Hast you found me, mine enemy? and he said, I have found [you]: because you have wickedly sold yourself to work evil in the sight of the Lord, to provoke him to anger;
Ndipo aliyense wa iwo anapha munthu wake. Ataona izi, Aaramu anathawa Aisraeli ali pambuyo pawo kuwapirikitsa. Koma Beni-Hadadi mfumu ya ku Aaramu anathawa atakwera pa kavalo pamodzi ndi ankhondo ena okweranso pa akavalo.
21 behold, I bring evil upon you: and I will kindle a fire after you, and I will utterly destroy every male of Achaab, and him that is shut up and him that is left in Israel.
Mfumu ya Israeli inapita chitsogolo ndi kugwira akavalo ndi magaleta ndipo Aaramu ambiri anaphedwa.
22 And I will make your house as the house of Jeroboam the son of Nabat, and as the house of Baasa son of Achia, because of the provocations wherewith you have provoked [me], and caused Israel to sin.
Zitachitika izi, mneneri wina anabwera kwa mfumu ya Israeli ndipo anati, “Mulimbike ndipo muganize bwino zoti mudzachite, chifukwa chaka chikudzachi mfumu ya Aramu idzakuthiraninso nkhondo.”
23 And the Lord spoke of Jezabel, saying, The dogs shall devour her within the fortification of Jezrael.
Nthawi imeneyi, akuluakulu a mfumu ya Aramu anamulangiza kuti, “Milungu ya anthu a ku Israeli ndi milungu ya mʼmapiri. Nʼchifukwa chake anali ndi mphamvu zotipambana ife. Koma ngati tidzamenyana nawo ku chigwa, ndithudi ife tidzakhala ndi mphamvu kuposa iwo.
24 Him that is dead of Achaab in the city shall the dogs eat, and him that is dead of him in the field shall the birds of the sky eat.
Inu chitani izi: chotsani mafumu onse pa maudindo awo ndipo mʼmalo mwawo muyikemo atsogoleri a ankhondo.
25 But Achaab [did] wickedly, in that he sold himself to do that which was evil in the sight of the Lord, as his wife Jezabel led him astray.
Musonkhanitsenso gulu lankhondo lofanana ndi lomwe linaphedwa lija, akavalo monga omwe anaphedwa aja, ndi magaleta monga omwe anawonongedwa aja, kuti tikamenyane ndi Israeli ku chigwa. Pamenepo, ife tidzapambana iwowo.” Beni-Hadadi anagwirizana nawo ndipo anachita momwemo.
26 And he did very abominably in following after the abominations, according to all that the Amorite did, whom the Lord utterly destroyed from before the children of Israel.
Chaka chinacho Beni-Hadadi anasonkhanitsa Aaramu, napita ku Afeki kukamenyana ndi Israeli.
27 And because of the word, Achaab was pierced with sorrow before the Lord, and he both went weeping, and tore his garment, and girded sackcloth upon his body, and fasted; he put on sackcloth also in the day that he struck Nabuthai the Jezraelite, and went his way.
Aisraeli atasonkhananso, napatsidwa zakudya zawo anapita kukakumana nawo. Aisraeli anamanga misasa yawo moyangʼanana ndi Aaramu ndipo ankaoneka ngati timagulu tiwiri ta mbuzi, pomwe Aaramu anali atakuta dera lonselo.
28 And the word of the Lord came by the hand of his servant Eliu concerning Achaab, and the Lord said,
Munthu wa Mulungu anabwera, nawuza mfumu ya Israeli kuti, “Yehova akuti, ‘Popeza Aaramu akuganiza kuti Yehova ndi mulungu wa ku mapiri, osati wa ku zigwa, Ine ndidzapereka chigulu chonsechi kwa iwe, ndipo iwe udzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova.’”
29 Hast you seen how Achaab has been pricked [to the heart] before me? I will not bring on the evil in his days, but in his son's days will I bring on the evil.
Kwa masiku asanu ndi awiri anakhala moyangʼanana mʼmisasa yawo, ndipo pa tsiku lachisanu ndi chiwiri nkhondo inayambika. Aisraeli anapha Aaramu okwana 100,000 tsiku limodzi lokha.
30 And the son of Ader gathered all his forces, and went up and besieged Samaria, [he] and thirty-two kings with him, and all [his] horse and chariots: and they went up and besieged Samaria, and fought against it.
Ena onse otsala anathawira ku Afeki, kumene khoma linagwera anthu 27,000. Ndipo Beni-Hadadi anathawira mu mzinda, nakabisala mʼchipinda chamʼkati.
31 And he sent into the city to Achaab king of Israel, and said to him, Thus says the son of Ader,
Atumiki ake anamuwuza kuti, “Taonani, ife tamva kuti mafumu a fuko la Israeli ndi achifundo. Tiyeni tipite kwa mfumu ya ku Israeli titavala ziguduli mʼchiwuno mwathu ndi kumanga zingwe mʼmakosi mwathu. Mwina iye sakakuphani.”
32 Your silver and your gold are mine, and your wives and your children are mine.
Atavala ziguduli mʼchiwuno mwawo ndi kumanga zingwe mʼmakosi mwawo, anapita kwa mfumu ya ku Israeli ndipo anayiwuza kuti, “Mtumiki wanu Beni-Hadadi akunena kuti, ‘Chonde loleni kuti ndikhale moyo.’” Mfumu inayankha kuti, “Kodi iye akanali ndi moyo? Iye ujatu ndi mʼbale wanga.”
33 And the king of Israel answered and said, As you have said, my lord, O king, I am your, and all mine [also].
Anthuwo ankaganiza kuti mawuwo anali abwino ndipo anavomereza mawuwa mofulumira. Iwo anati, “Inde, Beni-Hadadi ndi mʼbale wanu!” Mfumu inati, “Pitani kamutengeni.” Beni-Hadadi atatuluka, Ahabu anamukweza mʼgaleta lake.
34 And the messengers came again, and said, Thus says the son of Ader, I sent to you, saying, You shall give me your silver and your gold, and your wives and your children.
Beni-Hadadi anawuza Ahabu kuti, “Ndidzabweza mizinda imene abambo anga analanda abambo anu. Ndipo mutha kumanga nyumba zanu zamalonda mu Damasiko, monga anachitira abambo anga ku Samariya.” Ahabu anati, “Chifukwa cha mgwirizano umenewu, ine ndidzakumasula.” Choncho anachita naye mgwirizano, ndipo anamulola kuti apite.
35 For at this time to-morrow I will send my servants to you, and they shall search your house, and the houses of your servants, and it shall be that all the desirable objects of their eyes on which they shall lay their hands, they shall even take [them].
Molamulidwa ndi Yehova, mmodzi mwa ana a aneneri anawuza mnzake kuti, “Chonde, menye ndi chida chako,” koma mnzakeyo anakana.
36 And the king of Israel called all the elders of the land, and said, Take notice now and consider, that this man seeks mischief: for he has sent to me concerning my wives, and concerning my sons, an concerning my daughters: I have not kept back from him my silver and my gold.
Choncho mneneriyo anati, “Chifukwa sunamvere Yehova, ukangochoka pano, mkango ukupha.” Ndipo munthuyo atangochoka pamenepo, mkango unamupeza ndi kumupha.
37 And the elders and all the people said to him, Listen not, and consent not.
Mneneriyo anapeza munthu wina ndipo anamuwuza kuti, “Chonde, menye.” Choncho munthuyo anamumenya ndi kumuvulaza.
38 And he said to the messengers of the son of Ader, Say to your master, All things that you have sent to your servant about at first I will do; but this thing I shall not be able to do. And the men departed, and carried back the answer to him.
Pamenepo mneneriyo anapita nakayima pa msewu kudikirira mfumu. Iye anadzibisa nakulunga nsalu nkhope yake.
39 And the son of Ader sent to him, saying, So do God to me, and more also, if the dust of Samaria shall suffice for foxes to all the people, even my infantry.
Mmene mfumu inkadutsa pamenepo, mneneriyo anafuwula kwa mfumuyo kuti, “Ine mtumiki wanu ndinalowa pakati pa nkhondo, ndipo munthu wina anabwera kwa ine atatenga mmodzi mwa anthu ogwidwa pa nkhondo, nandiwuza kuti, ‘Sunga munthu uyu. Ngati asowa, ndiye kuti ndidzakupha, kapena udzalipira ndalama 3,000 za siliva.’
40 And the king of Israel answered and said, Let it be sufficient; let not the humpbacked boast as he that is upright.
Pamene ine mtumiki wanu ndinali wotanganidwa apa ndi apa, munthuyo anasowa.” Mfumu ya Israeli inati, “Chimenechi ndiye chilango chako. Iwe wadziweruza wekha.”
41 And it came to pass when he returned him this answer, he and all the kings with him were drinking in tents: and he said to his servants, Form a trench. And they made a trench against the city.
Pamenepo mneneriyo anachotsa msangamsanga nsalu yomwe anakulunga pa nkhope yake, ndipo mfumu ya Israeli inamuzindikira kuti ndi mmodzi mwa aneneri.
42 And, behold, a prophet came to Achaab king of Israel, and said, Thus says the Lord, Hast you seen this great multitude? behold, I give it this day into your hands; and you shall know that I [am] the Lord.
Iye anawuza mfumu kuti, “Yehova akuti, ‘Chifukwa chakuti mwamasula munthu amene Ine ndinati ndi woyenera kuphedwa, inuyo ndi amene mudzaphedwe mʼmalo mwa iyeyo, anthu anu mʼmalo mwa anthu ake.’”
43 And Achaab said, Whereby? And he said, Thus says the Lord, by the young men of the heads of the districts. And Achaab said, Who shall begin the battle? and he said, You.
Mwachisoni ndi mokwiya, mfumu ya Israeli inapita ku nyumba yake yaufumu ku Samariya.

< Kings III 20 >