< Psalms 69 >

1 For the end, [a Psalm] of David, for alternate [strains]. Save me, O God; for the waters have come in to my soul.
Ya Mukulu wa Bayimbi. Mu ddoboozi ery’Amalanga. Zabbuli ya Dawudi. Ondokole, Ayi Katonda, kubanga amazzi gandi mu bulago.
2 I am stuck fast in deep mire, and there is no standing: I am come in to the depths of the sea, and a storm has overwhelmed me.
Ntubira mu bitosi nga sirina we nnywereza kigere. Ntuuse ebuziba n’amataba gansaanikira.
3 I am weary [of] crying, my throat has become hoarse; mine eyes have failed by my waiting on my God.
Ndajanye ne nkoowa, n’emimiro ginkaze. Amaaso ganzizeeko ekifu gakooye olw’okutunula enkaliriza nga nnindirira Katonda wange.
4 They that hate me without a cause are more than the hairs of my head: my enemies that persecute me unrighteously are strengthened: then I restored that which I took not away.
Abo abankyayira obwereere bangi okusinga enviiri ez’oku mutwe gwange; abalabe bange bangi abannoonya okunzita awatali nsonga; ne mpalirizibwa mbaddizeewo ekyo kye sibbanga.
5 O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my transgressions are not hidden from thee.
Ayi Katonda, omanyi obusirusiru bwange, n’okusobya kwange tekukukwekeddwa.
6 Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord of hosts, be ashamed on my account: let not them that seek thee, be ashamed on my account, O God of Israel.
Sisaana kuswaza abo abakwesiga, Ayi Mukama, Mukama ow’Eggye. Abo abakunoonya baleme kuswazibwa ku lwange, Ayi Katonda wa Isirayiri.
7 For I have suffered reproach for thy sake; shame has covered my face.
Ngumiikirizza okuvumwa ku lulwo, n’amaaso gange ne gajjula ensonyi.
8 I became strange to my brethren, and a stranger to my mother's children.
Nfuuse nga omugwira eri baganda bange, munnaggwanga eri abaana ba mmange.
9 For the zeal of thine house has eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.
Nzijudde obuggya olw’ennyumba yo, n’abo abakuvuma bavuma nze.
10 And I bowed down my soul with fasting, and that was made my reproach.
Bwe nkaaba ne nsiiba, ekyo nakyo ne kinvumisa.
11 And I put on sackcloth for my covering; and I became a proverb to them.
Bwe nnyambala ebibukutu ne nfuuka eky’okuzanyisa kyabwe.
12 They that sit in the gate talked against me, and they that drank wine sang against me.
Abo abatuula ku mulyango gw’ekibuga banduulira, era nfuuse luyimba lw’abatamiivu.
13 But I [will cry] to thee, O Lord, in my prayer; O God, it is a propitious time: in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.
Naye nze, Ayi Mukama, nsaba ggwe, mu kiseera eky’ekisa kyo. Olw’okwagala kwo okungi, onnyanukule, Ayi Katonda, ondokole nga bwe wasuubiza.
14 Save me from the mire, that I stick not [in it]: let me be delivered from them that hate me, and from the deep waters.
Onnyinyulule mu ttosi nneme okutubira; omponye abankyawa, onzigye mu mazzi amangi;
15 Let not the waterflood drown me, nor let the deep swallow me up; neither let the well shut its mouth upon me.
amataba galeme okumbuutikira n’obuziba okunsanyaawo, n’ennyanja ereme okummira.
16 Hear me, O Lord; for thy mercy is good: according to the multitude of thy compassions look upon me.
Onnyanukule, Ayi Mukama olw’obulungi bw’okwagala kwo; onkyukire olw’okusaasira kwo okungi.
17 And turn not away thy face from thy servant; for I am afflicted: hear me speedily.
Tokisa muddu wo maaso go; yanguwa okunziramu, kubanga ndi mu kabi.
18 Draw nigh to my soul and redeem it: deliver me because of mine enemies.
Onsemberere onziruukirire, onnunule mu balabe bange.
19 For thou knowest my reproach, and my shame, and my confusion; all that afflict me are before thee.
Omanyi bwe nsekererwa, ne bwe nswazibwa ne bwe siteekebwamu kitiibwa, era n’abalabe bange bonna obamanyi.
20 My soul has waited for reproach and misery; and I waited for one to grieve with me, but there was none; and for one to comfort me, but I found none.
Okusekererwa kunkutudde omutima era kummazeemu amaanyi. Nanoonya okusaasirwa ne kumbula, n’ow’okumpooyawooya naye nga simulaba.
21 They gave [me] also gall for my food, and made me drink vinegar for my thirst.
Mu kifo ky’emmere bampa mususa, era bwe nalumwa ennyonta bampa nkaatu.
22 Let their table before them be for a snare, and for a recompense, and for a stumbling-block.
Emmere yaabwe gye bategese okulya ebafuukire ekyambika, n’embaga zaabwe ez’ebiweebwayo zibafuukire omutego.
23 Let their eyes be darkened that they should not see; and bow down their back continually.
Amaaso gaabwe gazibe baleme okulaba, n’emigongo gyabwe gyewetenga ennaku zonna.
24 Pour out thy wrath upon them, and let the fury of thine anger take hold on them.
Bayiweeko ekiruyi kyo, obamalewo n’obusungu obw’amaanyi go obungi.
25 Let their habitation be made desolate; and let there be no inhabitant in their tents:
Ebifo byabwe bifuuke bifulukwa, waleme kubaawo n’omu abeera mu weema zaabwe.
26 Because they persecuted him whom thou hast smitten; and they have added to the grief of my wounds.
Kubanga bayigganya oyo gw’ofumise, ne boogera ku bulumi bw’oyo gw’olumizza.
27 Add iniquity to their iniquity; and let them not come into thy righteousness.
Bavunaane omusango kina gumu, era tobaganya kugabana ku bulokozi bwo.
28 Let them be blotted out of the book of the living, and let them not be written with the righteous.
Bawanduukululwe mu kitabo ky’obulamu; baleme kulabika ku lukalala lw’abatuukirivu.
29 I am poor and sorrowful; but the salvation of thy countenance has helped me.
Ndi mu bulumi era mu nnaku; obulokozi bwo, Ayi Katonda, bunkuume.
30 I will praise the name of my God with a song, I will magnify him with praise;
Nnaatenderezanga erinnya lya Katonda nga nnyimba; nnaamugulumizanga n’okwebaza.
31 and [this] shall please God more than a young calf having horns and hoofs.
Kino kinaasanyusanga Mukama okusinga okumuwa ente ennume, oba okumuwa seddume n’amayembe gaayo, n’ebigere byayo.
32 Let the poor see and rejoice; seek the Lord diligently, and ye shall live.
Abaavu banaakirabanga ne basanyuka; mmwe abanoonya Katonda omutima gwammwe ne gubeera omulamu.
33 For the Lord hears the poor, and does not set at nought his fettered ones.
Kubanga Mukama awulira abo abali mu kwetaaga, era ababe ne bwe baba mu busibe, tabanyooma.
34 Let the heavens and the earth raise him, the sea, and all things moving in them.
Kale eggulu n’ensi bimutenderezenga awamu n’ennyanja zonna n’ebyo ebizirimu.
35 For God will save Sion, and the cities of Judea shall be built; and [men] shall dwell there, and inherit it.
Kubanga Katonda alirokola Sayuuni, n’ebibuga bya Yuda n’abizimba buggya, abantu ne babibeerangamu nga byabwe.
36 And the seed of his servants shall possess it, and they that love his name shall dwell therein.
Abaana b’abaweereza be balikisikira; n’abo abaagala erinnya lya Mukama omwo mmwe banaabeeranga.

< Psalms 69 >