< Psalms 63 >
1 A Psalm of David, when he was in the wilderness of Idumea. O God, my God, I cry to thee early; my soul has thirsted for thee: how often has my flesh [longed] after thee, in a barren and trackless and dry land!
Oh Bog, ti si moj Bog, zgodaj te bom iskal. Mojo dušo žeja po tebi, moje meso hrepeni po tebi v suhi in žejni deželi, kjer ni vode,
2 Thus have I appeared before thee in the sanctuary, that I might see thy power and thy glory.
da bi videl tvojo oblast in tvojo slavo, tako kot sem te videl v svetišču.
3 For thy mercy is better than life: my lips shall praise thee.
Ker je tvoja ljubeča skrbnost boljša kot življenje, te bodo moje ustnice hvalile.
4 Thus will I bless thee during my life: I will lift up my hands in thy name.
Tako te bom blagoslavljal, medtem ko živim, svoje roke bom vzdigoval v tvojem imenu.
5 Let my soul be filled as with marrow and fatness; and [my] joyful lips shall praise thy name.
Moja duša bo nasičena kakor z mozgom in tolščo in moja usta te bodo hvalila z radostnimi ustnicami,
6 Forasmuch as I have remembered thee on my bed: in the early seasons I have meditated on thee.
ko se te spominjam na svoji postelji in o tebi premišljujem v nočnih stražah.
7 For thou hast been my helper, and in the shelter of thy wings will I rejoice.
Ker si bil ti moja pomoč, zato se bom veselil v senci tvojih peruti.
8 My soul has kept very close behind thee: thy right hand has upheld me.
Moja duša trdno sledi tebi; tvoja desnica me podpira.
9 But they vainly sought after my soul; they shall go into the lowest parts o the earth.
Toda tisti, ki iščejo mojo dušo, da bi jo uničili, bodo šli v globočine zemlje.
10 They shall be delivered up to the power of the sword; they shall be portions for foxes.
Padli bodo pod mečem; delež bodo za lisice.
11 But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that swears by him shall be praised; for the mouth of them that speak unjust things has been stopped.
Toda kralj se bo veselil v Bogu, vsak, kdor prisega z njim, bo v tem užival, toda usta teh, ki govorijo laži, bodo zamašena.