< Psalms 61 >
1 For the end, among the Hymns of David. O God, hearken to my petition; attend to my prayer.
Sliši moj klic, oh Bog, prisluhni moji molitvi.
2 From the ends of the earth have I cried to thee, when my heart was in trouble: thou liftedst me up on a rock thou didst guide me:
Od konca zemlje bom klical k tebi, ko je moje srce preplavljeno. Vôdi me k skali, ki je višja kakor jaz.
3 because thou wert my hope, a tower of strength from the face of the enemy.
Kajti zame si bil zatočišče in močna trdnjava pred sovražnikom.
4 I will dwell in thy tabernacle for ever; I will shelter myself under the shadow of thy wings. (Pause)
V tvojem šotorskem svetišču bom ostal na veke. Zaupal bom v skrivališče tvojih peruti. (Sela)
5 For thou, o God, hast heard my prayers; thou hast given an inheritance to them that fear thy name.
Kajti ti, oh Bog, si uslišal moje zaobljube; dal si mi dediščino tistih, ki se bojijo tvojega imena.
6 Thou shalt add days to the days of the king; [thou shalt lengthen] his years to all generations.
Kralju boš podaljšal življenje in njegova leta kakor mnoge rodove.
7 He shall endure for ever before God: which of them will seek out his mercy and truth?
Pred Bogom bo on ostal na veke. O pripravi usmiljenje in resnico, ki ga lahko varuje.
8 So will I sing to thy name for ever and ever, that I may daily perform my vows.
Tako bom na veke prepeval hvalo tvojemu imenu, da bom lahko dnevno opravljal svoje zaobljube.