< Proverbs 31 >

1 My words have been spoken by God—the oracular answer of a king, whom his mother instructed.
Kuwanu waa erayadii Lemuu'eel oo ahaa boqorkii Masaa ay hooyadiis bartay isaga.
2 What wilt thou keep, my son, what? the words of God. My firstborn son, I speak to thee: what? son of my womb? what? son of my vows?
Waa maxay, wiilkaygiiyow? Waa maxay, wiilkii uurkaygow? Waa maxay, wiilkii nidarradaydow?
3 Give not thy wealth to women, nor thy mind and living to remorse. Do all things with counsel: drink wine with counsel.
Xooggaaga naago ha siinin, Dawyadaadana ha siinin kuwa boqorrada dumiya.
4 Princes are prone to anger: let them then not drink wine:
Lemuu'eelow, uma eka boqorrada, uma eka boqorradu inay khamri cabbaan, Oo amiirradana uma eka inay waxa lagu sakhraamo damcaan,
5 lest they drink, and forget wisdom, and be not able to judge the poor rightly.
Waaba intaasoo ay cabbaan, oo ay sharciga illoobaan, Oo ay kuwa dhibaataysan midkood gartiisa qalloociyaan.
6 Give strong drink to those that are in sorrow, and the wine to drink to those in pain:
Waxa lagu sakhraamo siiya ka dhimashada ku dhow, Oo khamrigana waxaad siisaan kuwa naftoodu la qadhaadhaatay.
7 that they may forget their poverty, and may not remember their troubles any more.
Ha cabbo, oo caydhnimadiisa ha illoobo, Oo dhibaatadiisana yaanu mar dambe soo xusuusan innaba.
8 Open thy mouth with the word of God, and judge all fairly.
Afka u fur carrablaawaha aawadiis, Si aad kuwa baabba'aya oo dhan u xaq mariso.
9 Open thy mouth and judge justly, and plead the cause of the poor and weak.
Afka fur, oo si xaq ah u garsoor, Oo miskiinka iyo saboolka baahanba gartooda u qaad.
10 Who shall find a virtuous woman? for such a one is more valuable than precious stones.
Bal yaa heli kara naag wanaagsan? Waayo, qiimaheedu waa ka sii badan yahay xataa luul.
11 The heart of her husband trusts in her: such a one shall stand in no need of fine spoils.
Waayo, qalbiga ninkeedu iyaduu isku halleeyaa, Oo isagu innaba uma baahnaan doono wax booli ah.
12 For she employs all her living for her husband's good.
Cimrigeeda oo dhan isaga wanaag bay u samayn doontaa, Oo innaba xumaan kuma samayn doonto.
13 Gathering wool and flax, she makes it serviceable with her hands.
Waxay doondoontaa dhogor idaad iyo geed linen la yidhaahdo. Oo iyadoo raalli ku ah ayay gacmaheeda ku shaqaysaa.
14 She is like a ship trading from a distance: so she procures her livelihood.
Iyadu waa sida doonniyaha baayacmushtariga, Oo cuntadeeda waxay ka keentaa meel fog.
15 And she rises by night, and gives food to her household, and [appointed] tasks to her maidens.
Waxay kacdaa iyadoo weli ay habeennimo tahay, Oo dadka reerkeeda ayay cunto siisaa, Oo gabdhaheedana hawshooday siisaa,
16 She views a farm, and buys it: and with the fruit of her hands she plants and a possession.
Iyadu waxay ka fikirtaa beer, wayna soo iibsataa, Oo midhaha gacmaheeda ayay beercanab ku beerataa.
17 She strongly girds her loins, and strengthens her arms for work.
Waxay dhexda ku xidhataa xoog, Oo gacmaheedana way xoogaysaa.
18 And she finds by experience that working is good; and her candle goes not out all night.
Waxay eegtaa in baayacmushtarigeedu wanaagsan yahay; Laambaddeeduna habeenkii ma bakhtido.
19 She reaches forth her arms to needful [works], and applies her hands to the spindle.
Waxay gacmaheeda ku fidisaa dunmiiqa, Oo sacabbadeeduna waxay qabtaan usha wareegta.
20 And she opens her hands to the needy, and reaches out fruit to the poor.
Waxay sacabkeeda u furtaa miskiinka, Oo gacmaheedana waxay u fidisaa saboolka baahan.
21 Her husband is not anxious about those at home when he tarries anywhere abroad: for all her household are clothed.
Dadka reerkeeda ugama cabsato dhaxanta barafka cad, Waayo, xaaskeeda oo dhammu waxay wada qabaan dhar labanlaab ah.
22 She makes for her husband clothes of double texture, and garments for herself of fine linen and scarlet.
Waxay samaysataa durraaxado daabac leh, Oo dharkeeduna waxaa weeye dhar aad u wanaagsan oo guduudan.
23 And her husband becomes a distinguished [person] in the gates, when he sits in council with the old inhabitants of the land.
Ninkeedana waxaa laga yaqaan irdaha magaalada, Markuu dhex fadhiisto waayeellada waddanka.
24 She makes fine linens, and sells girdles to the Chananites: she opens her mouth heedfully and with propriety, and controls her tongue.
Waxay samaysaa dhar wanaagsan, wayna iibisaa, Oo baayacmushtarigana waxay ka iibisaa boqorro dhexda lagu xidho.
25 She puts on strength and honour; and rejoices in the last days.
Xoog iyo sharaf ayaa iyada dhar u ah; Oo wakhtiga soo socda way ku qososhaa.
26 But she opens her mouth wisely, and according to law.
Afkeeda waxay u kala qaaddaa xigmad; Oo carrabkeedana waxaa saaran sharciga raxmadda.
27 The ways of her household are careful, and she eats not the bread of idleness.
Waxay aad u xannaanaysaa reerkeeda, Oo kibista caajisnimadana ma cunto.
28 And [her] kindness to them sets up her children for them, and they grow rich, and her husband praises her.
Carruurteedu way kacaan oo waxay ugu yeedhaan tan barakaysan, Oo weliba ninkeeduna wuu ammaanaa, isagoo leh;
29 Many daughters have obtained wealth, many have wrought valiantly; but thou hast exceeded, thou hast surpassed all.
Dumar badan baa wanaag sameeyey, Laakiinse adigu waad ka sii wanaagsan tahay dhammaantood.
30 Charms are false, and woman's beauty is vain: for it is a wise woman that is blessed, and let her praise the fear the Lord.
Suuradwacnaantu waa khiyaano miidhan, oo quruxduna waa ceeryaamo oo kale, Laakiinse naagtii Rabbiga ka cabsata waa la ammaani doonaa.
31 Give her of the fruit of her lips; and let her husband be praised in the gates.
Midhihii gacmaheeda wax ka siiya, Oo shuqulladeeduna iyada ha ku ammaaneen irdaha magaalada.

< Proverbs 31 >