< Proverbs 28 >

1 The ungodly [man] flees when no one pursues: but the righteous is confident as a lion.
The wicked run away even when no one is chasing them, but the good have the trusting boldness of lions.
2 By reason of the sins of ungodly men quarrels arise; but a wise man will quell them.
When a country is in rebellion, it has many rulers, but a ruler who is wise and knowledgeable provides strength and continuity.
3 A bold man oppresses the poor by ungodly deeds. As an impetuous and profitable rain,
When someone poor oppresses the poor, it's like heavy rain that beats down the crops.
4 so they that forsake the law praise ungodliness; but they that love the law fortify themselves with a wall.
People who reject the law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law fight against them.
5 Evil men will not understand judgment: but they that seek the Lord will understand everything.
Evil people understand nothing about justice, but those who follow the Lord understand it completely.
6 A poor man walking in truth is better than a rich liar.
Better to be poor and have integrity than to be devious and rich.
7 A wise son keeps the law: but he that keeps up debauchery dishonours his father.
If you keep the law, you're a wise son, but if you keep bad company you shame your father.
8 He that increases his wealth by usuries and [unjust] gains, gathers it for him that pities the poor.
Anyone who gets rich through charging interest and profiteering is only storing it up for someone who is kind to the poor.
9 He that turns away his ear from hearing the law, even he has made his prayer abominable.
God hates the prayers of people who disregard the law.
10 He that causes upright men to err in an evil way, himself shall fall into destruction: transgressor also shall pass by prosperity, but shall not enter into it.
Those who lead good people astray into evil ways will fall into their own traps, but the innocent will receive a good reward.
11 A rich man is wise in his own conceit; but an intelligent poor man will condemn him.
The rich see themselves as wise, but poor people with insight see right through them.
12 By reason of the help of righteous men great glory arises: but in the places of the ungodly men are caught.
When good people win, everyone celebrates, but when the wicked come to power, people hide.
13 He that covers his own ungodliness shall not prosper: but he that blames [himself] shall be loved.
People who hide their sins won't succeed, but those who confess and renounce their sins will be shown kindness.
14 Blessed is the man who religiously fears always: but the hard of heart shall fall into mischiefs.
Blessed are those who always respect the Lord, but those who are stubborn end up in a lot of trouble.
15 A hungry lion and a thirsty wolf [is he], who, being poor, rules over a poor nation.
A wicked ruler lording it over poor people is like a roaring lion or a charging bear.
16 A king in need of revenues is a great oppressor: but he that hates injustice shall live a long time.
An unwise ruler thoroughly extorts his people, but one who refuses to profit illegally will live long.
17 He that becomes surety for a man charged with murder shall be an exile, and not in safety. Chasten thy son, and he shall love thee, and give honour to thy soul: he shall not obey a sinful nation.
Someone guilty of murder will go on running away from it until they die. Don't try and stop them.
18 He that walks justly is assisted: but he that walks in crooked ways shall be entangled [therein].
If you have integrity, you'll be kept safe, but if you live deviously, you'll fall.
19 He that tills his own land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that follows idleness shall have plenty of poverty.
If you cultivate the land you'll have plenty of food, but if you chase fantasies you'll end up with nothing.
20 A man worthy of credit shall be much blessed: but the wicked shall not be unpunished.
If you're trustworthy, you'll be richly rewarded; but if you try to get rich quick, you won't go unpunished.
21 He that reverences not the persons of the just is not good: such a one will sell a man for a morsel of bread.
Showing favoritism isn't good, but some people will do wrong just for a piece of bread.
22 An envious man makes haste to be rich, and knows not that the merciful man will have the mastery over him.
Envious people are in a rush to get rich; they don't realize they'll end up poor.
23 He that reproves a man's ways shall have more favour than he that flatters with the tongue.
Honest criticism is appreciated later far more than flattery.
24 He that casts off father or mother, and thinks he sins not; the same is partaker with an ungodly man.
A man who robs his father and mother, and says, “It's not a crime,” is one step away from becoming a murderer.
25 An unbelieving man judges rashly: but he that trusts in the Lord will act carefully.
Greedy people stir up trouble, but those who trust in the Lord will be successful.
26 He that trusts to a bold heart, such an one is a fool: but he that walks in wisdom shall be safe.
People who trust their own minds are foolish, but those who follow wise ways will be kept safe.
27 He that gives to the poor shall not be in want: but he that turns away his eye [from him] shall be in great distress.
If you give to the poor, you won't be in need; but if you look the other way, you'll have many curses.
28 In the places of ungodly [men] the righteous mourn: but in their destruction the righteous shall be multiplied.
When the wicked come to power, people hide; but when they fall, the good do well.

< Proverbs 28 >