< Proverbs 22 >
1 A fair name is better than much wealth, and good favour is above silver and gold.
Kom ac fin sule inmasrlon elah wo ac mwe kasrup, sulela elah wo.
2 The rich and the poor meet together; but the Lord made them both.
Oasr ma se mwet kasrup ac mwet sukasrup oana sie kac: elos kewa orekla sin LEUM GOD.
3 An intelligent man seeing a bad man severely punished is himself instructed, but fools pass by and are punished.
Ke pacl se mwe lokoalok tuku, mwet etu elos ac fahsr liki; a sie mwet wangin nunak la ac fahsryang nu kac, na toko el auli.
4 The fear of the Lord is the offspring of wisdom, and wealth, and glory, and life.
Akfulatye LEUM GOD ac inse pusisel, na kom ac fah kasrup, sunakinyuk, ac loes moul lom.
5 Thistles and snares are in perverse ways; but he that keeps his soul will refrain from them.
Kom fin lungse moul lom, na fahsr liki mwe kwasrip ma srumasrla mwet koluk ke inkanek lalos.
Luti nu sin sie tulik inkanek fal elan fahsr kac, na ke el matula el fah tia fahsr liki.
7 The rich will rule over the poor, and servants will lend to their own masters.
Mwet sukasrup elos mwet kulansap lun mwet kasrup. Ouinge, kom fin ngisre mani sin sie mwet, na kom mwet kulansap lun mwet sac.
8 He that sows wickedness shall reap troubles; and shall fully receive the punishment of his deeds. God loves a cheerful and liberal man; but [a man] shall fully prove the folly of his works.
Kutena mwet su taknelik fita lun orekma koluk ac fah kosrani ongoiya, na kasrkusrak upa lalos ac safla.
9 He that has pity on the poor shall himself be maintained; for he has given of his own bread to the poor. He that gives liberally secures victory an honour; but he takes away the life of them that posses [them].
Kom in kulang ac kasru mwet sukasrup ke mwe mongo nom, na ac fah akinsewowoyeyuk kom.
10 Cast out a pestilent person from the council, and strife shall go out with him; for when he sits in the council he dishonours all.
Sisla mwet se ma inse fulat, na ac fah wanginla akukuin, amei, ac akkolukye sie sin sie.
11 The Lord loves holy hearts, and all blameless persons are acceptable with him: a king rules with his lips.
El su lungse inse nasnas ac kaskas kulang, tokosra el ac mwet kawuk lal.
12 But the eyes of the Lord preserve discretion; but the transgressor despises [wise] words.
LEUM GOD El akkeye mwet orekma pwaye, a El tia akkeye kas kikiap lun mwet kutasrik.
13 The sluggard makes excuses, and says, [There is] a lion in the ways, and murderers in the streets.
Sie mwet alsrangesr el mutana in lohm sel; el mu el fin tufoki soko lion ac sruokilya.
14 The mouth of a transgressor is a deep pit; and he that is hated of the Lord shall fall into it. Evil ways are before a man, and he does not like to turn away from them; but it is needful to turn aside from a perverse and bad way.
Kas lun sie mutan koluk oana sie luf na loal. Elos su akkasrkusrakye LEUM GOD fah putatyang nu loac.
15 Folly is attached to the heart of a child, but the rod and instruction are [then] far from him.
Tulik srisrik uh ac nuna oru ma lalfon ke elos srik, tuh kaiyuk wo uh ac lotelos in oru ma fal.
16 He that oppresses the poor, increases his own substance, yet gives to the rich so as to make it less.
Kom fin sang mwe kite nu sin mwet kasrup, ku akkeokye mwet sukasrup in akyokye ma laesla lom, kom ac sifacna oru tuh kom in sukasrup.
17 Incline thine ear to the words of wise men: hear also my word, and apply thine heart,
Porongo, ac nga fah luti nu sum kas lun mwet lalmwetmet. Lotela mwe luti lalos,
18 that thou mayest know that they are good: and if thou lay them to heart, they shall also gladden thee on thy lips.
ac kom ac fah insewowo kom fin esam ac kaliya.
19 That thy hope may be in the Lord, and he may make thy way known to thee.
Nga lungse kom in filiya lulalfongi lom in LEUM GOD; pa oru nga akola in fahkak ma inge nu sum misenge.
20 And do thou too repeatedly record them for thyself on the table of thine heart, for counsel and knowledge.
Nga simusla tari kas lalmwetmet tolngoul nu sum. Oasr kas in etauk ac kas in kasru
21 I therefore teach thee truth, and knowledge good to hear; that thou mayest answer words of truth to them that question thee.
su ac fah luti nu sum kalmen ma suwohs ac pwaye. Na pacl se ac supweyukla kom in konauk, kom ac foloko use top suwohs.
22 Do no violence to the poor, for he is needy: neither dishonour the helpless [man] in the gates.
Nimet pisre ma lun mwet sukasrup ke sripenna kom ku lukelos. Nimet orek kutasrik nu selos su wangin kasreyalos in acn in nununku.
23 For the Lord will plead his cause, and thou shalt deliver thy soul in safety.
LEUM GOD El ac fah aululos sramsram, ac El ac fah kalyaelos su akkeokye mwet sukasrup ingan.
24 Be not companion to a furious man; neither lodge with a passionate man:
Nimet asruoki nu sin mwet mongsa,
25 lest thou learn of his ways, and get snares to thy soul.
sahp kom ac lotela ouiya lalos ac kofla ekulla tok.
26 Become not surety from respect of a man's person.
Nimet wulela in fosrngakin soemoul lun kutena mwet.
27 For if those have not whence to give compensation, they will take the bed [that is] under thee.
Kom fin kofla in akfalyela, elos ac eisla ma lom nukewa, finne mwe oan kiom.
28 Remove not the old landmarks, which thy fathers placed.
Nimet mokle akilenyen sie masrol matu ma oakwuki sin mwet matu lom somla.
29 It is fit that an observant man and [one] diligent in his business should attend on kings, and not attend on slothful men.
Kom fin konauk sie mwet pah ac wo ke orekma, el ac fal in orekma nu sin tokosra, ac tia nu sin mwet pilasr.