< Proverbs 13 >
1 A wise son is obedient to his father: but a disobedient son will be destroyed.
Miantoke ty lafan-drae’e ty ajaja karafito, fe tsy mañaon-trevoke ty mpiteratera.
2 A good [man] shall eat of the fruits of righteousness: but the lives of transgressors shall perish before their time.
Ty havokaran-tsaontsi’ ondatio ro ikama’e raha mafiry, fe tsihavokarañe ty fañiria’ o mpitroboo.
3 He that keeps his own mouth keeps his own life: but he that is hasty with his lips shall bring terror upon himself.
Mahatan-kavelo ty mahambeñe ty falie’e; mianto ka ty mampidañadaña fivimby.
4 Every slothful man desires, but the hands of the active are diligent.
Tea-haneñe ty votroo, fe tsy mahazo; ho anjañeñe ka ty mavitrike.
5 A righteous man hates an unjust word: but an ungodly man is ashamed, and will have no confidence.
Malain-dremborake ty vañoñe, fe manao ty hameñarañe naho hasalarañe ty lahiaga.
Mahambeñe i an-dalam-bantañey ty havañonañe, fe mamotsake ty mpanan-kakeo o hatsivokarañeo.
7 There are [some] who, having nothing, enrich themselves: and there are [some] who bring themselves down in [the midst of] much wealth.
Eo ty miamoke ho mpañefoefo fe poi’e; eo ka ty manao ho rarake f’ie mpañaleale.
8 A man's own wealth is the ransom of his life: but the poor endures not threatening.
Mahajebañe ty fiai’ ondaty o vara’eo, fe tsy mañaom-pañembàñañe ty rarake.
9 The righteous always have light: but the light of the ungodly is quenched. Crafty souls go astray in sins: but just men pity, and are merciful.
Mirebeke ty failo’ o vantañeo, fe hakipeke ty jiro’ i lahiaga.
10 A bad man does evil with insolence: but they that are judges of themselves are wise.
Fifandierañe avao ty ente’ ty fibohabohañe, fe hihitse ty rambese’ ty mañaom-bere.
11 Wealth gotten hastily with iniquity is diminished: but he that gathers for himself with godliness shall be increased. The righteous is merciful, and lends.
Mikepake ty vara niazo an-tsata koake, fa mampitombo ka ty mitromake hanontoña’e.
12 Better is he that begins to help heartily, than he that promises and leads [another] to hope: for a good desire is a tree of life.
Mampikoretse arofo ty fitamañe nihànkañe, fe hataen-kaveloñe ty salala niheneke.
13 He that slights a matter shall be slighted of it: but he that fears the commandment has health [of soul]. To a crafty son there shall be nothing good: but a wise servant shall have prosperous doings, and his way shall be directed aright.
Hanaña’ i tsaray songo ty manirìka aze, fe ho tambezeñe ty mañeveñe amo lilio.
14 The law of the wise is fountain of life: but the man void of understanding shall die by a snare.
Figoangoañan-kavelo ty Fañòha’ o mahihitseo hiholiara’e o fandrin-kavilasio.
15 Sound discretion gives favour, and to know the law is the part of a sound understanding: but the ways of scorners tend to destruction.
Tendreke fañisohañe ty hilala soa, fe tomoantoañe ty lala’ o manao bodongeroo.
16 Every prudent man acts with knowledge: but the fool displays his own mischief.
Hene mitoloñe an-kilala ze hendre, fe hagegeañe ty aboa’ i dagolay.
17 A rash king shall fall into mischief: but a wise messenger shall deliver him.
Mivariñ’an-dama ty irake vìlañe, fe fijanganañe ty mpihitrike migahiñe.
18 Instruction removes poverty and disgrace: but he that attends to reproofs shall be honoured.
Hararahañe naho hasalarañe ty hizò ty tsi-mañaon-dafa, iasiañe ka ty miantok’ endake.
19 The desires of the godly gladden the soul, but the works of the ungodly are far from knowledge.
Mamy an-troke ty fisalalàñe heneke, fe mamparitsike i dagola ty isitaha’e ty raty.
20 If thou walkest with wise men thou shalt be wise: but he that walks with fools shall be known.
Miha-mahihitse te miharo lia ami’ty mahihitse, f’ie halovilovy te mpiami’ty gege.
21 Evil shall pursue sinners; but good shall overtake the righteous.
Tokoen-kasotriañe ty aman-kakeo, fe firaoraoañe ty anambezañe o vantañeo.
22 A good man shall inherit children's children; and the wealth of ungodly men is laid up for the just.
Mampandova amo anan’ ana’eo ty vañoñe, fe mihaja ho a o vantañeo ty vara’ o piaroteñeo.
23 The righteous shall spend many years in wealth: but the unrighteous shall perish suddenly.
Bey ty havokarañe an-tane-hoba’ i rarakey, fe ifaopaoha’ ty tsy-hatò.
24 He that spares the rod hates his son: but he that loves, carefully chastens [him].
Malaiñ-anake ty mampipoke fikiso, fe mikoko aze ty mipiso am-pahimbañañe.
25 A just [man] eats and satisfies his soul: but the souls of the ungodly are in want.
Mahaeneñe ty tro’e ty mahakama’ i vantañey, fe kefoke ty fisafoa’ i lahiaga.