< Numbers 8 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Awo Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa nti,
2 Speak to Aaron, and thou shalt say to him, Whenever thou shalt set the lamps in order, the seven lamps shall give light opposite the candlestick.
“Yogera ne Alooni omugambe nti, ‘Bw’oba oteekateeka ettaala omusanvu, zisaana zaake nga zimulisa ebbanga eryo eriri mu maaso g’ekikondo ky’ettaala.’”
3 And Aaron did so: on one side opposite the candlestick he lighted its lamps, as the Lord appointed Moses.
Alooni n’akola bw’atyo; n’akoleeza ettaala ne zaaka nga zimulisa ebbanga eryali mu maaso g’ekikondo ky’ettaala, nga Mukama Katonda bwe yalagira Musa.
4 And this [is] the construction of the candlestick: [it is] solid, golden—its stem, and its lilies—all solid: according to the pattern which the Lord shewed Moses, so he made the candlestick.
Ekikondo ky’ettaala kyakolebwa mu ngeri eno: kyaweesebwa mu zaabu okuva ku ntobo yaakyo okutuuka ku bimuli byakyo. Ekikondo ky’ettaala kyakolebwa ng’ekifaananyi ekyokulabirako Mukama Katonda kye yalaga Musa bwe kyali.
5 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa nti,
6 Take the Levites out of the midst of the children of Israel, and thou shalt purify them.
“Ggyamu Abaleevi mu baana ba Isirayiri, obafuule balongoofu.
7 And thus shalt thou perform their purification: thou shalt sprinkle them with water of purification, and a razor shall come upon the whole of their body, and they shall wash their garments, and shall be clean.
Okubafuula abalongoofu ojja kukola bw’oti: bamansireko amazzi ag’obulongoofu, obalagire bamwe omubiri gwabwe gwonna, era booze n’engoye zaabwe, bwe batyo bafuuke abalongoofu.
8 And they shall take one calf of the herd, and its meat-offering, fine flour mingled with oil: and thou shalt take a calf of a year old of the herd for a sin-offering.
Balagire baweeyo ente ya sseddume ento n’ekiweebwayo ekigenderako eky’obuwunga obulungi obutabuddwamu amafuta ag’omuzeeyituuni; n’oluvannyuma naawe oddire ente ya sseddume ento ogiweeyo olw’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi.
9 And thou shalt bring the Levites before the tabernacle of witness; and thou shalt assemble all the congregation of the sons of Israel.
Abaleevi obaleete mu maaso ga Weema ya Mukama ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, era okuŋŋaanyize awo ekibiina ky’abaana ba Isirayiri bonna.
10 And thou shalt bring the Levites before the Lord; and the sons of Israel shall lay their hands upon the Levites.
Onooleeta Abaleevi mu maaso ga Mukama, era abaana ba Isirayiri bajja kussa emikono gyabwe ku Baleevi abo.
11 And Aaron shall separate the Levites for a gift before the Lord from the children of Israel: and they shall be prepared to perform the works of the Lord.
Alooni ajja kuwaayo Abaleevi eri Mukama Katonda ng’ekiweebwayo ekiwuubibwa ekivudde mu baana ba Isirayiri, bwe batyo babe nga beetegese okukola omulimu gwa Mukama.
12 And the Levites shall lay their hands on the heads of the calves; and thou shalt offer one for a sin-offering, and the other for a whole-burnt-offering to the Lord, to make atonement for them.
“Abaleevi banassa emikono gyabwe ku mitwe gy’ente zisseddume zombi; emu onoogiwaayo ng’ekiweebwayo olw’ekibi, n’endala ng’ekiweebwayo ekyokebwa eri Mukama Katonda, okutangiririra Abaleevi.
13 And thou shalt set the Levites before the Lord, and before Aaron, and before his sons; and thou shalt give them as a gift before the Lord.
Ojja kuyimiriza Abaleevi mu maaso ga Alooni ne batabani be, olyoke obaweeyo eri Mukama Katonda ng’ekiweebwayo ekiwuubibwa.
14 And thou shalt separate the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel, and they shall be mine.
“Bw’otyo bw’onooyawula Abaleevi okuva mu baana ba Isirayiri, era Abaleevi banaabanga bange.
15 And afterwards the Levites shall go in to perform the works of the tabernacle of witness; and thou shalt purify them, and present them before the Lord.
“Ebyo nga biwedde Abaleevi banaayingiranga mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu ne baweereza, ng’omaze okubafuula abalongoofu era ng’obawaddeyo ng’ekiweebwayo ekiwuubibwa.
16 For these are given to me for a present out of the midst of the children of Israel: I have taken them to myself instead of all the first-born of the sons of Israel that open every womb.
Kubanga bampeereddwa ddala nga bava mu baana ba Isirayiri. Mbeetwalidde nga be bange ddala mu kifo ky’ababereberye, eky’abaana aboobulenzi ababereberye abazaalibwa buli mukazi Omuyisirayiri.
17 For every first-born among the children of Israel [is] mine, whether of man or beast: in the day in which I smote every first-born in the land of Egypt, I sanctified them to myself.
Buli ekizaalibwa kyonna mu Isirayiri ekisajja nga kibereberye, oba muntu oba nsolo, kyange. Bwe nazikiriza ebibereberye byonna eby’omu nsi y’e Misiri, ebya Isirayiri nabyeyawulirako ne biba byange.
18 And I took the Levites in the place of every first-born among the children of Israel.
Kaakano ntutte Abaleevi mu kifo ky’ababereberye mu baana ba Isirayiri.
19 And I gave the Levites presented as a gift to Aaron and his sons out of the midst of the children of Israel, to do the service of the children of Israel in the tabernacle of witness, and to make atonement for the children of Israel: thus there shall be none among the sons of Israel to draw nigh to the holy things.
Nzigye Abaleevi mu baana ba Isirayiri ne mbagabira Alooni ne batabani be ng’ekirabo, bakolererenga abaana ba Isirayiri nga baweereza mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu nga batangiririra abaana ba Isirayiri balemenga kulumbibwa kawumpuli nga babadde basemberedde awatukuvu.”
20 And Moses and Aaron, and all the congregation of the children of Israel, did to the Levites as the Lord commanded Moses concerning the Levites, so the sons of Israel did to them.
Bwe batyo Musa ne Alooni n’ekibiina kyonna eky’abaana ba Isirayiri ne bakola ku Baleevi ebyo byonna nga Mukama bwe yalagira Musa.
21 So the Levites purified themselves and washed their garments; and Aaron presented them as a gift before the Lord, and Aaron made atonement for them to purify them.
Abaleevi ne bayoza engoye zaabwe, ne Alooni n’abawaayo ng’ekiweebwayo ekiwuubibwa eri Mukama Katonda, n’abatangiririra okubafuula abalongoofu.
22 And afterwards the Levites went in to minister in their service in the tabernacle of witness before Aaron, and before his sons; as the Lord appointed Moses concerning the Levites, so they did to them.
Ebyo bwe byaggwa Abaleevi ne bajja okukola omulimu gwabwe nga baweereza mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, nga balabirirwa Alooni ne batabani be. Baakola byonna ku Baleevi nga Mukama Katonda bwe yalagira Musa.
23 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Awo Mukama Katonda n’agamba Musa nti,
24 This is the [ordinance] for the Levites; From five and twenty years old and upward, they shall go in to minister in the tabernacle of witness.
“Bino bye bikwata ku Baleevi: Abasajja ab’emyaka amakumi abiri mu etaano egy’obukulu n’okusingawo, banajjanga ne batandika emirimu gyabwe mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu;
25 And from fifty years old [the Levites] shall cease from the ministry, and shall not work any longer.
naye bwe banaawezanga emyaka egy’obukulu amakumi ataano banaawummuliranga ddala ne bava ku mirimu emitongole egya bulijjo ne bateeyongera kuweereza.
26 And his brother shall serve in the tabernacle of witness to keep charges, but he shall not do works: so shalt thou do to the Levites in their charges.
Naye banaayinzanga okudduukirirako ku booluganda abanaabanga bakola emirimu egyo mu Weema ey’Okukuŋŋaanirangamu, naye bo ku lwabwe tebaakolenga mirimu egyo mu butongole. Bw’otyo bw’onootegekanga emirimu gy’Abaleevi.”

< Numbers 8 >