< Naum 2 >
1 It is all over with him, he has been removed, [one] who has been delivered from affliction has come up panting into thy presence, watch the way, strengthen [thy] loins, be very valiant in [thy] strength.
Kii wax burburinayay waa u soo baxay hortiinna. Qalcaddiinna dhawra, oo jidka ilaaliya, oo guntiga isku giijiya, oo xooggiinnana si weyn u adkeeya.
2 For the Lord has turned aside the pride of Jacob, as the pride of Israel: for they have utterly rejected them, and have destroyed their branches.
Waayo, Rabbigu sharaftii reer Yacquub wuu u soo celinayaa sidii sharaftii reer binu Israa'iil oo kale, waayo, kuwii wax dhici jiray ayaa dhacay, oo laamahoodii canabka ahaana way wada baabbi'iyeen.
3 [They have destroyed] the arms of their power from among men, their mighty men sporting with fire: the reins of their chariots [shall be destroyed] in the day of his preparation, and the horsemen shall be thrown into confusion
Oo raggiisa xoogga badan gaashaankoodiina waa la caseeyey, oo ragga dagaalyahanka ahuna waxay xidhaan dhar guduudan, oo maalintii isdiyaarintiisana gaadhifardoodyadu waa bir widhwidha, oo warmihiina waa loo ruxay si cabsi badan.
4 in the ways, and the chariots shall clash together, and shall be entangled in each other in the broad ways: their appearance is as lamps of fire, and as gleaming lightnings.
Gaadhifardoodyada ayaa jidadka dhexdooda ka gurdamaya, oo jidadka balballaadhan ayaa midkoodba kan kale ku cidhiidhinaya, oo muuqashadooduna waa sida qori iftiimaya oo kale, waxayna u ordayaan sida hillaaca oo kale.
5 And their mighty men shall bethink themselves and flee by day; and they shall be weak as they go; and they shall hasten to her walls, and shall prepare their defences.
Wuxuu xusuustaa geesiyaashiisii, way turunturoodaan markay socdaan, oo derbigay ku degdegayaan, gabbaadkana waa la diyaariyey.
6 The gates of the cities have been opened, and the palaces have fallen into ruin,
Irdihii webiyaashu way furmeen, oo gurigii boqorkuna waa baabba'ay.
7 and the foundation has been exposed; and she has gone up, and her maid-servants were led [away] as doves moaning in their hearts.
Husab waa qaawan tahay, iyadii waa la kaxaystay, oo addoommaheediina waxay ugu musannaabayaan cod u eg midka qoolleyda oo kale, laabtana way garaacayaan.
8 And [as for] Nineve, her waters [shall be] as a pool of water: and they fled, and staid not, and there was none to look back.
Laakiinse Nineweh waxay tan iyo waagii hore ahaan jirtay sidii balli biya ah, habase yeeshee way cararayaan. Waxaa lagu qayliyaa, War jooga, jooga! laakiinse ninna dib uma eego.
9 They plundered the silver, they plundered the gold, and there was no end of their adorning; they were loaded [with it] upon all their pleasant vessels.
War lacagta dhaca, oo dahabka dhaca, waayo, kaydka iyo maalka wacan oo sharafta leh oo dhammu innaba dhammaad ma leh.
10 [There is] thrusting forth, and shaking, and tumult, and heart-breaking, and loosing of knees, and pangs on all loins; and the faces of all [are] as the blackening of a pot.
Way madhan tahay, oo waa baabba', oo waa cidla, oo qalbigu waa dhalaalayaa, lowyuhuna way isgaraacayaan, oo qof kasta dhexdiisa xanuun baa ku jira, oo kulligoodna wejigooda cabsi baa ka muuqanaysa.
11 Where is the dwelling-place of the lions, and the pasture that belonged to the whelps? where did the lion go, that the lion's whelp should enter in there, and there was none to scare [him] away?
Bal meeday bohoshii libaaxyadu, oo meeday meeshii lagu quudin jiray libaaxyada qayrabka ah, taasoo ah meeshii ay ku socon jireen aarka iyo goosha iyo dhasha libaaxu, iyagoo aan ciduna cabsiin?
12 The lion seized enough prey for his whelps, and strangled for his [young] lions, and filled his lair with prey, and his dwelling-place with spoil.
Aarkii libaaxu wuxuu dhashiisii u dildillaaciyey wax ku filan, oo goolihiisiina wax buu u dilay, oo godadkiisii wuxuu ka buuxsaday ugaadh, oo boholihiisiina wuxuu ka buuxsaday raq.
13 Behold, I am against thee, saith the Lord Almighty, and I will burn up thy multitude in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy lions; and I will utterly destroy thy prey from off the land, and thy deeds shall no more at all be heard of.
Rabbigii ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal eega, anigu col baan idinla ahay, oo gaadhifardoodyadana qiiq baan ku gubi doonaa, oo libaaxyada qayrabyada ahna seef baa baabbi'in doonta, oo waxa aad ugaadhsataanna dhulkaan ka dhammayn doonaa, oo codkii wargeysyadiinnana mar dambe lama maqli doono.