< Michaeas 2 >
1 They meditated troubles, and wrought wickedness on their beds, and they put it in execution with the daylight; for they have not lifted up their hands to God.
その牀にありて不義を圖り惡事を工夫る者等には禍あるべし 彼らはその手に力あるが故に天亮におよべばこれを行ふ
2 And they desired fields, and plundered orphans, and oppressed families, and spoiled a man and his house, even a man and his inheritance.
3 Therefore thus saith the Lord; Behold, I devise evils against this family, out of which ye shall not lift up your necks, neither shall ye walk upright speedily: for the time is evil.
是故にヱホバかく言たまふ 視よ我此族にむかひて災禍を降さんと謀る 汝らはその頸を是より脱すること能はじ また首をあげて歩くこと能はざるべし 其時は災禍の時なればなり
4 In that day shall a parable be taken up against you, and a plaintive lamentation shall be uttered, saying, We are thoroughly miserable: the portion of my people has been measured out with a line, and there was none to hinder him so as to turn him back; your fields have been divided.
その日には人汝らにつきて詩を作り悲哀の歌をもて悲哀て言ん 事既にいたれり 我等は悉く滅さる 彼わが民の産業を人に與ふ 如何なれば我よりこれを離すや 我儕の田圃を違逆者に分ち與ふ
5 Therefore thou shalt have no one to cast a line for the lot.
6 Weep not with tears in the assembly of the Lord, neither let [any] weep for these things; for he shall not remove the reproaches,
預言する勿れ 彼らは預言す 彼らは是等の者等にむかひて預言せじ 恥辱彼らを離れざるべし
7 who says, The house of Jacob has provoked the Spirit of the Lord; are not these his practices? Are not the Lord's words right with him? and have they not proceeded correctly?
汝ヤコブの家と稱へらるる者よ ヱホバの氣短からんや ヱホバの行爲是のごとくならんや 我言は品行正直者の益とならざらんや
8 Even beforetime my people withstood [him] as an enemy against his peace; they have stripped off his skin to remove hope [in] the conflict of war.
然るに我民は近頃起りて敵となれり 汝らは夫の戰爭を避て心配なく過るところの者等に就てその衣服の外衣を奪ひ
9 The leaders of my people shall be cast forth from their luxurious houses; they are rejected because of their evil practices; draw ye near to the everlasting mountains.
10 Arise thou, and depart; for this is not thy rest because of uncleanness: ye have been utterly destroyed;
起て去れ 是は汝らの安息の地にあらず 是は已に汚れたれば必ず汝らを滅さん 其滅亡は劇かるべし
11 ye have fled, no one pursuing [you: thy] spirit has framed falsehood, it has dropped on thee for wine and strong drink. But it shall come to pass, [that] out of the dropping of this people,
12 Jacob shall be completely gathered with all [his people: ] I will surely receive the remnant of Israel; I will cause them to return together, as sheep in trouble, as a flock in the midst of their fold: they shall rush forth from among men through the breach made before them:
ヤコブよ我かならず汝をことごとく集へ 必ずイスラエルの遺餘者を聚めん 而して我之を同一に置てボヅラの羊のごとく成しめん 彼らは人數衆きによりて牧塲の中なる群のごとくにその聲をたてん
13 they have broken through, and passed the gate, and gone out by it: and their king has gone out before them, and the Lord shall lead them.
打破者かれらに先だちて登り彼ら遂に門を打敗り之を通りて出ゆかん 彼らの王その前にたちて進みヱホバその首に立たまふべし