< Leviticus 8 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
И рече Господ Мојсију говорећи:
2 Take Aaron and his sons, and his robes and the anointing oil, and the calf for the sin-offering, and the two rams, and the basket of unleavened bread,
Узми Арона и синове његове с њим и одело и уље помазања и теле за жртву ради греха и два овна и котарицу пресних хлебова.
3 and assemble the whole congregation at the door of the tabernacle of witness.
И сабери сав збор пред врата шатору од састанка.
4 And Moses did as the Lord appointed him, and he assembled the congregation at the door of the tabernacle of witness.
И учини Мојсије како му заповеди Господ, и сабра се збор пред врата шатору од састанка.
5 And Moses said to the congregation, This is the thing which the Lord has commanded you to do.
И рече Мојсије збору: Ово је заповедио Господ да се учини.
6 And Moses brought nigh Aaron and his sons, and washed them with water,
И доведе Мојсије Арона и синове његове, и опра их водом.
7 and put on him the coat, and girded him with the girdle, and clothed him with the tunic, and put on him the ephod;
И обуче му кошуљу, и опаса га појасом, и огрну га плаштом, и метну му сврх њега оплећак, и стеже око њега појас од оплећка, и опаса га њим.
8 and girded him [with a girdle] according to the make of the ephod, and clasped him closely with it: and put upon it the oracle, and put upon the oracle the Manifestation and the Truth.
И метну на њ напрсник, а на напрсник метну Урим и Тумим.
9 And he put the mitre on his head, and put upon the mitre in front the golden plate, the most holy thing, as the Lord commanded Moses.
Још му метну капу на главу, и на капу метну спред плочу златну, круну свету, као што заповеди Господ Мојсију.
10 And Moses took of the anointing oil,
И узе Мојсије уље помазања, и помаза шатор и све ствари у њему, и освети их.
11 and sprinkled of it seven times on the altar; and anointed the altar, and hallowed it, and all things on it, and the laver, and its foot, and sanctified them; and anointed the tabernacle and all its furniture, and hallowed it.
И покропи њим олтар седам пута, и помаза олтар и све справе његове, и умиваоницу и подножје њено, да се освети.
12 And Moses poured of the anointing oil on the head of Aaron; and he anointed him and sanctified him.
И изли уље помазања на главу Арону, и помаза га да се освети.
13 And Moses brought the sons of Aaron near, and put on them coast and girded them with girdles, and put on them bonnets, as the Lord commanded Moses.
И доведе Мојсије синове Аронове, и обуче им кошуље, и опаса их појасом, и веза им капице на главе, као што му беше заповедио Господ.
14 And Moses brought near the calf for the sin-offering, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the calf of the sin-offering.
И доведе теле за грех, и Арон и синови његови метнуше руке своје на главу телету за грех.
15 And he slew it; and Moses took of the blood, and put it on the horns of the altar round about with his finger; and he purified the altar, and poured out the blood at the bottom of the altar, and sanctified it, to make atonement upon it.
И закла га Мојсије, и узевши крви његове помаза рогове олтару унаоколо прстом својим, и очисти олтар, а осталу крв изли на подножје олтару, и освети га да се на њему чини очишћење од греха.
16 And Moses took all the fat that was upon the inwards, and the lobe on the liver, and both the kidneys, and the fat that was upon them, and Moses offered them on the altar.
И узе све сало што је на цревима, и мрежицу с јетре, и оба бубрега, и сало око њих, и запали Мојсије на олтару.
17 But the calf, and his hide, and his flesh, and his dung, he burnt with fire without the camp, as the Lord commanded Moses.
А теле с кожом и с месом и балегом спали огњем иза логора, као што беше Господ заповедио Мојсију.
18 And Moses brought near the ram for a whole-burnt-offering, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram. And Moses slew the ram: and Moses poured the blood on the altar round about.
И доведе овна за жртву паљеницу, и Арон и синови његови метнуше руке своје на главу овну;
19 And he divided the ram by its limbs, and Moses offered the head, and the limbs, and the fat; and he washed the belly and the feet with water.
И закла га Мојсије, и покропи крвљу његовом олтар одозго унаоколо.
20 And Moses offered up the whole ram on the altar: it is a whole-burnt-offering for a sweet-smelling savour; it is a burnt-offering to the Lord, as the Lord commanded Moses.
И исекавши овна на делове запали Мојсије главу и делове и сало.
21 And Moses brought the second ram, the ram of consecration, and Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the ram, and [he] slew him;
А црева и ноге опра водом, и тако спали Мојсије свега овна на олтару; и би жртва паљеница за угодни мирис, жртва огњена Господу, као што беше Господ заповедио Мојсију.
22 and Moses took of his blood, and put it upon the tip of Aaron's right ear, and on the thumb of his right hand, and on the great toe of his right foot.
И доведе другог овна, овна за посвећење; и Арон и синови његови метнуше руке своје на главу овну.
23 And Moses brought near the sons of Aaron; and Moses put of the blood on the tips of their right ears, and on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the great toes of their right feet, and Moses poured out the blood on the altar round about.
И заклавши га Мојсије узе крви његове, и помаза њом крај десног уха Арону и палац десне руке његове и палац десне ноге његове.
24 And he took the fat, and the rump, and the fat on the belly, and the lobe of the liver, and the two kidneys, and the fat that is upon them, and the right shoulder.
И доведе Мојсије синове Аронове, па и њима помаза истом крвљу крај десног уха и палац десне руке и палац десне ноге; а осталу крв изли Мојсије по олтару унаоколо.
25 And from the basket of consecration, which was before the Lord, he also took one unleavened loaf, and one loaf made with oil, and one cake; and put [them] upon the fat, and the right shoulder:
Потом узе сало и реп и све сало што је на цревима, и мрежицу с јетре, и оба бубрега, и сало око њих, и плеће десно,
26 and put them all on the hands of Aaron, and upon the hands of his sons, and offered them up for a wave-offering before the Lord.
А из котарице у којој стајаху пресни хлебови пред Господом узе један колач пресан и један колач хлеба с уљем и једну погачу, и метну на сало и на плеће десно.
27 And Moses took them at their hands, and Moses offered them on the altar, on the whole-burnt-offering of consecration, which is a smell of sweet savour: it is a burnt-offering to the Lord.
И метну то све Арону у руке, и синовима његовим у руке, и обрну тамо и амо за жртву обртану пред Господом.
28 And Moses took the breast, and separated it for a heave-offering before the Lord, from the ram of consecration; and it became Moses' portion, as the Lord commanded Moses.
После узевши то из руку њихових Мојсије запали на олтару сврх жртве паљенице; то је посвећење на угодни мирис, жртва огњена Господу.
29 And Moses took of the anointing oil, and of the blood that was on the altar, and sprinkled it on Aaron, and on his garments, and his sons, and the garments of his sons with him.
И узе Мојсије груди, и обрну их тамо и амо за жртву обртану пред Господом; и од овна посветног допаде Мојсију део, као што беше заповедио Господ Мојсију.
30 And he sanctified Aaron and his garments, and his sons, and the garments of his sons with him.
И узе Мојсије уља за помазање и крви која беше на олтару, и покропи Арона и хаљине његове, и синове његове и хаљине њихове с њим; и тако посвети Арона и хаљине његове, и синове његове и хаљине њихове с њим.
31 And Moses said to Aaron and to his sons, Boil the flesh in the tent of the tabernacle of witness in the holy place; and there ye shall eat it and the loaves in the basket of consecration, as it has been appointed me, [the Lord] saying, Aaron and his sons shall eat them.
Потом рече Мојсије Арону и синовима његовим: Кувајте то месо на вратима шатора од састанка, и онде га једите и хлеб посветни што је у котарици, као што сам заповедио рекавши: Арон и синови његови нека једу то.
32 And that which is left of the flesh and of the loaves burn ye with fire.
А шта остане меса или хлеба, огњем сажезите.
33 And ye shall not go out from the door of the tabernacle of witness for seven days, until the day be fulfilled, the day of your consecration; for in seven days shall he consecrate you,
И не излазите с врата шатора од састанка седам дана, докле се не наврше дани посвећења вашег, јер ћете се седам дана посвећивати.
34 as he did in this day on which the Lord commanded me to do so, to make an atonement for you.
Како је било данас, тако је Господ заповедио да се чини, да бисте се очистили од греха.
35 And ye shall remain seven days at the door of the tabernacle of witness, day and night; ye shall observe the ordinances of the Lord, that ye die not; for so has the Lord God commanded me.
Зато на вратима шатора од састанка останите дању и ноћу за седам дана, и извршите шта је Господ заповедио да извршите, да не помрете, јер ми је тако заповеђено.
36 And Aaron and his sons performed all these commands which the Lord commanded Moses.
И Арон и синови његови учинише све што беше Господ заповедио преко Мојсија.

< Leviticus 8 >