< Leviticus 5 >
1 And if a soul sin, and hear the voice of swearing, and he is a witness or has seen or been conscious, if he do not report it, he shall bear his iniquity.
Če duša greši in sliši glas priseganja in je priča, bodisi da je to videla ali izvedela o tem; če tega ne izusti, potem bo nosila svojo krivičnost.
2 That soul which shall touch any unclean thing, or carcase, or [that which is] unclean being taken of beasts, or the dead bodies of abominable [reptiles] which are unclean, or carcases of unclean cattle,
Ali če se duša dotakne katerekoli nečiste stvari, bodisi je to truplo nečiste živali ali truplo nečiste živine ali truplo nečistih plazečih bitij, in če je to skrito pred njim, bo tudi on nečist in kriv.
3 or should touch the uncleanness of a man, or whatever kind, which he may touch and be defiled by, and it should have escaped him, but afterwards he should know, —then he shall have transgressed.
Ali če se on dotakne nečistosti človeka, kakršnakoli nečistost je to, da se bo človek z njo omadeževal in je to skrito pred njim; potem bo kriv, ko izve o tem.
4 That unrighteous soul, which determines with his lips to do evil or to do good according to whatsoever a man may determine with an oath, and it shall have escaped his notice, and he shall [afterwards] know [it], and [so] he should sin in some one of these things:
Ali če duša priseže, razglašujoč s svojimi ustnicami, da stori zlo ali da stori dobro, karkoli je to, kar bo človek s prisego razglasil in bo to skrito pred njim; ko izve o tem, potem bo kriv v eni izmed teh.
5 —then shall he declare his sin in the tings wherein he has sinned by that sin.
Zgodilo se bo, ko bo kriv v eni izmed teh stvari, da bo priznal, da je v tej stvari grešil.
6 And he shall bring for his transgressions against the Lord, for his sin which he has sinned, a ewe lamb of the flock, or a kid of the goats, for a sin-offering; and the priest shall make an atonement for him for his sin which he has sinned, and his sin shall be forgiven him.
Za svoj greh, ki ga je zagrešil, bo prinesel Gospodu svojo daritev za prestopek, samico izmed tropa, jagnje ali kozlička izmed koz za daritev za greh; in duhovnik bo zanj opravil spravo glede njegovega greha.
7 And if he cannot afford a sheep, he shall bring for his sin which he has sinned, two turtle-doves or two young pigeons to the Lord; one for a sin-offering, and the other for a burnt-offering.
Če pa ne bo zmožen prinesti jagnjeta, potem bo za svoj prekršek, ki ga je zagrešil, Gospodu prinesel dve grlici ali dva mlada goloba, enega za daritev za greh in drugega za žgalno daritev.
8 And he shall bring them to the priest, and the priest shall bring the sin-offering first; and the priest shall pinch off the head from the neck, and shall not divide the body.
Prinesel ju bo duhovniku, ki bo najprej daroval to, kar je za daritev za greh in njegovo glavo bo odščipnil od vratu, toda tega ne bo ločil narazen.
9 And he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sin-offering on the side of the altar, but the rest of the blood he shall drop at the foot of the altar, for it is a sin-offering.
Poškropil bo od krvi daritve za greh na strani oltarja. Preostanek krvi pa bo iztisnil ob vznožju oltarja. To je daritev za greh.
10 And he shall make the second a whole-burnt-offering, as it is fit; and the priest shall make atonement for his sin which he has sinned, and it shall be forgiven him.
Drugo pa bo daroval za žgalno daritev, glede na določen način in duhovnik bo zanj opravil spravo za njegov greh, ki ga je zagrešil in ta mu bo odpuščen.
11 And if he cannot afford a pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons, then shall he bring as his gift for his sin, the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a sin-offering; he shall not pour oil upon it, nor shall he put frankincense upon it, because it is a sin-offering.
Toda če ne bo zmožen prinesti dveh grlic ali dveh mladih golobov, potem naj tisti, ki je grešil, za svoj dar prinese deseti del škafa iz fine moke za daritev za greh; nanjo ne bo dal olja niti ne bo nanjo dal kakršnega koli kadila, kajti to je daritev za greh.
12 And he shall bring it to the priest; and the priest having taken a handful of it, shall lay the memorial of it on the altar of whole-burnt-offerings to the Lord; it is a sin-offering.
Potem bo to prinesel do duhovnika in duhovnik bo vzel prgišče tega, torej spomin od tega in to sežgal na oltarju, glede na daritve, narejene z ognjem Gospodu. To je daritev za greh.
13 And the priest shall make atonement for him for his sin, which he has sinned in one of these things, and it shall be forgiven him; and that which is left shall be the priest's, as an offering of fine flour.
Duhovnik bo zanj opravil spravo glede njegovega greha, ki ga je zagrešil v eni od teh [stvari] in ta mu bo odpuščen. Preostanek pa bo duhovnikov, kot jedilna daritev.‹«
14 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
Gospod je spregovoril Mojzesu, rekoč:
15 The soul which shall be really unconscious, and shall sin unwillingly in any of the holy things of the Lord, shall even bring to the Lord for his transgression, a ram of the flock without blemish, valued according to shekels of silver according to the shekel of the sanctuary, for his [transgression] wherein he transgressed.
»Če duša zagreši prekršek in greši zaradi nevednosti v Gospodovih svetih stvareh, potem bo za svoj prekršek iz tropa privedla ovna brez pomanjkljivosti Gospodu, s tvojo oceno po srebrnih šeklih, po svetiščnem šeklu, v daritev za prestopek.
16 And he shall make compensation for that wherein he has sinned in the holy things; and he shall add the fifth part to it, and give it to the priest; and the priest shall make atonement for him with the ram of transgression, and [his sin] shall be forgiven him.
Odkupil se bo zaradi škode, ki jo je storil v sveti stvari in k temu bo dodal peti del in ga dal duhovniku. Duhovnik bo zanj opravil spravo z ovnom daritve za prekršek in to mu bo odpuščeno.
17 And the soul which shall sin, and do one thing [against] any of the commandments of the Lord, which it is not right to do, and has not known it, and shall have transgressed, and shall have contracted guilt,
Če duša greši in zagreši katerokoli od teh stvari, ki so po Gospodovih zapovedih prepovedane, da se storijo; čeprav tega ni vedel, je vendarle kriv in bo nosil svojo krivičnost.
18 he shall even bring a ram without blemish from the flock, [valued] at a price of silver for his transgression to the priest; and the priest shall make atonement for his trespass of ignorance, wherein he ignorantly trespassed, and he knew it not; and it shall be forgiven him.
Iz tropa bo duhovniku privedel ovna brez pomanjkljivosti, s tvojo oceno, v daritev za prestopek in duhovnik bo zanj opravil spravo glede njegove nevednosti, v kateri je nevedno grešil in tega ni vedel in ta mu bo odpuščena.
19 For he has surely been guilty of transgression before the Lord.
To je daritev za prestopek. Zagotovo se je prekršil zoper Gospoda.«