< Job 9 >

1 Then Job answered and said,
Saa tog Job til Orde og svarede:
2 I know of a truth that it is so: for how shall a mortal man be just before the Lord?
Jeg ved forvist, at saaledes er det, hvad Ret har en dødelig over for Gud?
3 For if he would enter into judgment with him, [God] would not hearken to him, so that he should answer to one of his charges of a thousand.
Vilde Gud gaa i Rette med ham, kan han ikke svare paa et af tusind!
4 For he is wise in mind, and mighty, and great: who has hardened himself against him and endured?
Viis af Hjerte og vældig i Kraft hvo trodsede ham og slap vel derfra?
5 Who wears out the mountains, and [men] know it not: who overturns them in anger.
Han flytter Bjerge saa let som intet, vælter dem om i sin Vrede,
6 Who shakes the [earth] under heaven from its foundations, and its pillars totter.
ryster Jorden ud af dens Fuger, saa dens Grundstøtter bæver;
7 Who commands the sun, and it rises not; and he seals up the stars.
han taler til Solen, saa skinner den ikke, for Stjernerne sætter han Segl,
8 Who alone has stretched out the heavens, and walks on the sea as on firm ground.
han udspænder Himlen ene, skrider hen over Havets Kamme,
9 Who makes Pleias, and Hesperus, and Arcturus, and the chambers of the south.
han skabte Bjørnen, Orion, Syvstjernen og Sydens Kamre,
10 Who does great and unsearchable things; glorious also and excellent things, innumerable.
han øver ufattelig Vælde og Undere uden Tal!
11 If ever he should go beyond me, I shall not see him: if he should pass by me, neither thus have I known [it].
Gaar han forbi mig, ser jeg ham ikke, farer han hen, jeg mærker ham ikke;
12 If he would take away, who shall turn him back? or who shall say to him, What hast thou done?
røver han, hvem mon der hindrer ham i det? Hvo siger til ham: »Hvad gør du?«
13 For [if] he has turned away [his] anger, the whales under heaven have stooped under him.
Gud lægger ikke Baand paa sin Vrede, Rahabs Hjælpere bøjed sig under ham;
14 Oh then that he would hearken to me, or judge my cause.
hvor kan jeg da give ham Svar og rettelig føje min Tale for ham!
15 For though I be righteous, he will not hearken to me: I will intreat his judgment.
Har jeg end Ret, jeg kan dog ej svare, maa bede min Dommer om Naade!
16 And if I should call and he should not hearken, I cannot believe that he has listened to my voice.
Nævned jeg ham, han svared mig ikke, han hørte, tror jeg, ikke min Røst,
17 Let him not crush me with a dark storm: but he has made by bruises many without cause.
han, som river mig bort i Stormen, giver mig Saar paa Saar uden Grund,
18 For he suffers me not to take breath, but he has filled me with bitterness.
ikke lader mig drage Aande, men lader mig mættes med beske Ting.
19 For indeed he is strong in power: who then shall resist his judgment?
Gælder det Kæmpekraft, melder han sig! Gælder det Ret, hvo stævner ham da!
20 For though I should seem righteous, my mouth will be profane: and though I should seem blameless, I shall be proved perverse.
Har jeg end Ret, maa min Mund dog fælde mig, er jeg end skyldfri, han gør mig dog vrang!
21 For even if I have sinned, I know it not [in] my soul: but my life is taken away.
Skyldfri er jeg, ser bort fra min Sjæl og agter mit Liv for intet!
22 Wherefore I said, Wrath slays the great and mighty man.
Lige meget; jeg paastaar derfor: Skyldfri og skyldig gør han til intet!
23 For the worthless die, but the righteous are laughed to scorn.
Naar Svøben kommer med Død i et Nu, saa spotter han skyldfries Hjertekval;
24 For they are delivered into the hands of the unrighteous [man]: he covers the faces of the judges [of the earth]: but if it be not he, who is it?
Jorden gav han i gudløses Haand, hylder dens Dommeres Øjne til, hvem ellers, om ikke han?
25 But my life is swifter than a post: [my days] have fled away, and they knew it not.
Raskere end Løberen fløj mine Dage, de svandt og saa ikke Lykke,
26 Or again, is there a trace of [their] path [left] by ships? or is there one of the flying eagle as it seeks [its] prey?
gled hen som Baade af Siv, som en Ørn, der slaar ned paa Bytte.
27 And if I should say, I will forget to speak, I will bow down my face and groan;
Dersom jeg siger: »Mit Suk vil jeg glemme, glatte mit Ansigt og være glad, «
28 I quake in all my limbs, for I know that thou wilt not leave me alone [as] innocent.
maa jeg dog grue for al min Smerte, jeg ved, du kender mig ikke fri.
29 But since I am ungodly, why have I not died?
Jeg skal nu engang være skyldig, hvorfor da slide til ingen Nytte?
30 For if I should wash myself with snow, and purge myself with pure hands,
Toed jeg mig i Sne og tvætted i Lud mine Hænder,
31 thou hadst thoroughly plunged me in filth, and my garment had abhorred me.
du dypped mig dog i Pølen, saa Klæderne væmmedes ved mig.
32 For thou art not man like me, with whom I could contend, that we might come together to judgment.
Thi du er ikke en Mand som jeg, saa jeg kunde svare, saa vi kunde gaa for Retten sammen;
33 Would that [he] our mediator were [present], and a reprover, and one who should hear [the cause] between both.
vi savner en Voldgiftsmand til at lægge sin Haand paa os begge!
34 Let him remove [his] rod from me, and let not his fear terrify me:
Fried han mig for sin Stok, og skræmmed hans Rædsler mig ikke,
35 so shall I not be afraid, but I will speak: for I am not thus conscious [of guilt].
da talte jeg uden at frygte ham, thi min Dom om mig selv er en anden!

< Job 9 >