< Esias 9 >
1 Drink this first. Act quickly, O land of Zabulon, land of Nephthalim, and the rest [inhabiting] the sea-coast, and [the land] beyond Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles.
Men engang skal der ikke længer være Mørke i det Land, hvor der nu er Trængsel; i Fortiden bragte han Skændsel over Zebulons og Naftalis Land, Men i Fremtiden bringer han Ære over Vejen langs Søen, Landet hinsides Jordan, Hedningernes Kreds.
2 O people walking in darkness, behold a great light: ye that dwell in the region [and] shadow of death, a light shall shine upon you.
Det Folk, som vandrer i Mørke, skal skue saa stort et Lys; Lys straaler frem over dem, som bor i Mulmets Land.
3 The multitude of the people which thou hast brought down in thy joy, they shall even rejoice before thee as they that rejoice in harvest, and as they that divide the spoil.
Du gør Fryden mangfoldig, Glæden stor, de glædes for dit Aasyn, som man glædes i Høst, ret som man jubler, naar Bytte deles.
4 Because the yoke that was laid upon them has been taken away, and the rod that was on their neck: for he has broken the rod of the exactors, as in the day of Madiam.
Thi dets tunge Aag og Stokken til dets Ryg, dets Drivers Kæp, har du brudt som paa Midjans Dag;
5 For they shall compensate for every garment that has been acquired by deceit, and [all] raiment with restitution; and they shall be willing, [even] if they were burnt with fire.
ja, hver en Støvle, der tramper i Striden, og Kappen, der søles i Blod, skal brændes og ende som Luernes Rov.
6 For a child is born to us, and a son is given to us, whose government is upon his shoulder: and his name is called the Messenger of great counsel: for I will bring peace upon the princes, and health to him.
Thi et Barn er født os, en Søn er os givet, paa hans Skulder skal Herredømmet hvile; og hans Navn skal være: Underfuld-Raadgiver, Vældig-Gud, Evigheds-Fader, Fredsfyrste.
7 His government shall be great, and of his peace there is no end: [it shall be] upon the throne of David, and [upon] his kingdom, to establish it, and to support [it] with judgment and with righteousness, from henceforth and forever. The seal of the Lord of hosts shall perform this.
Stort bliver Herredømmet, endeløs Freden over Davids Trone og over hans Rige, at det maa grundes og fæstnes ved Ret og Retfærd fra nu og til evig Tid. Hærskarers HERRES Nidkærhed gør det.
8 The Lord has sent death upon Jacob, and it has come upon Israel.
Et Ord sender Herren mod Jakob, i Israel slaar det ned;
9 And all the people of Ephraim, and they that dwelt in Samaria shall know, who say in their pride and lofty heart,
alt Folket faar det at kende, Efraim og Samarias Borgere. Thi de siger i Hovmod og Hjertets Stolthed:
10 The bricks are fallen down, but come, let us hew stones, and cut down sycamores and cedars, and let us build for ourselves a tower.
»Teglsten faldt, vi bygger med Kvader, Morbærtræer blev fældet, vi faar Cedre i Stedet!«
11 And God shall dash down them that rise up against him on mount Sion, and shall scatter his enemies;
Da rejser HERREN dets Uvenner mod det og ægger dets Fjender op,
12 [even] Syria from the rising of the sun, and the Greeks from the setting of the sun, who devour Israel with open mouth. For all this [his] anger is not turned away, but still [his] hand is exalted.
Syrerne forfra, Filisterne bagfra, de æder Israel med opspilet Gab. Men trods alt har hans Vrede ej lagt sig, hans Haand er fremdeles rakt ud.
13 But the people turned not until they were smitten, and they sought not the Lord.
Men til ham, der slaar det, vender Folket ej om, de søger ej Hærskarers HERRE.
14 So the Lord took away from Israel the head and tail, great and small, in one day:
Da hugger HERREN Hoved og Hale af Israel, Palme og Siv paa en eneste Dag.
15 the old man, and them that respect persons, this is the head; and the prophet teaching unlawful things, he is the tail.
Den ældste og agtede er Hoved, Løgnprofeten er Hale.
16 And they that pronounce this people blessed shall mislead them; and they mislead them that they may devour them.
De ledende i dette Folk leder vild, og de, der ledes, opsluges.
17 Therefore the Lord shall not take pleasure in their young men, neither shall he have pity on their orphans or on their widows: for they are all transgressors and wicked, and every mouth speaks unjustly. For all this [his] anger is not turned away, but [his] hand is yet exalted.
Derfor glædes ej Herren ved dets unge Mænd, har ej Medynk med dets faderløse og Enker. Thi alle er Niddinger og Ugerningsmænd, og hver en Mund taler Daarskab. Men trods alt har hans Vrede ej lagt sig, hans Haand er fremdeles rakt ud.
18 And iniquity shall burn as fire, and shall be devoured by fire as dry grass: and it shall burn in the thickets of the wood, and shall devour all that is round about the hills.
Thi Gudløshed brænder som Ild, fortærer Torn og Tidsel, sætter Ild paa det tætte Krat, saa det hvirvler op i Røg.
19 The whole earth is set on fire because of the fierce anger of the Lord, and the people shall be as men burnt by fire: no man shall pity his brother.
Ved Hærskarers HERRES Vrede staar Landet i Brand, og Folket bliver som Føde for Ilden; de skaaner ikke hverandre.
20 But [one] shall turn aside to the right hand, for he shall be hungry; and shall eat on the left, and a man shall by no means be satisfied with eating the flesh of his own arm.
Man snapper til højre og hungrer, æder om sig til venstre og mættes dog ej. Hver æder sin Næstes Kød,
21 For Manasses shall eat [the flesh] of Ephraim, and Ephraim [the flesh] of Manasses; for they shall besiege Juda together. For all this [his] anger is not turned away, but [his] hand is yet exalted.
Manasse Efraim, Efraim Manasse, og de overfalder Juda sammen. Men trods alt har hans Vrede ej lagt sig, hans Haand er fremdeles rakt ud.