< Esias 33 >

1 Woe to them that afflict you; but no one makes you miserable: and he that deals perfidiously with you does not deal perfidiously: they that deal perfidiously shall be taken and given up, and as a moth on a garment, so shall they be spoiled.
Lozanao, ry ilay mandroba, nefa tsy norobaina ianao! Ary mamitaka, nefa tsy nofitahina ianao! Rehefa mitsahatra ny mandrava ianao, dia vao horavana kosa; Ary rehefa mitsahatra ny mamitaka ianao, dia vao hofitahina kosa.
2 Lord, have mercy upon us; for we have trusted in thee: the seed of the rebellious is gone to destruction, but our deliverance was in a time of affliction.
Jehovah ô, mamindrà fo aminay; Hianao no antenainay; Aoka ho sandrinay isa-maraina ianao sy ho famonjena anay amin’ ny andro fahoriana.
3 By reason of the terrible sound the nations were dismayed for fear of thee, and the heathen were scattered.
Ny feon’ ny fitabatabana no mampandositra ny firenena; Raha misandratra Hianao, dia mipariaka ny jentilisa.
4 And now shall the spoils of your small and great be gathered: as if one should gather locusts, so shall they mock you.
Ary ireny handevona ny babonareo tahaka ny fandevon’ ny valala, tahaka ny fifanaretsaky ny kalalao no fifanaretsany eo aminy.
5 The God who dwells on high is holy: Sion is filled with judgment and righteousness.
Manerinarina Jehovah, fa mitoetra any amin’ ny avo Izy; Nofenoiny rariny sy fahamarinana Ziona.
6 They shall be delivered up to the law: our salvation is our treasure: there are wisdom and knowledge and piety toward the Lord; these are the treasures of righteousness.
Ary hisy andro tsy manam-piovana ho anao, eny, haren’ ny famonjena sy ny fahendrena ary ny fahalalana; Ny fahatahorana an’ i Jehovah no rakitrao.
7 Behold now, these shall be terrified with fear of you: those whom ye feared shall cry out because of you: messengers shall be sent, bitterly weeping, entreating for peace.
Indreo, ny lehilahy maheriny mitaraina eny ivelany; Ny iraka nitady fihavanana dia mitomany mafy.
8 For the ways of these shall be made desolate: the terror of the nations has been made to cease, and the covenant with these is taken away, and ye shall by no means deem them men.
Maty ny lalambe; Tsy misy ny mpandeha; Nofoanany ny fanekena; Nalany baraka ny tanàna; Tsy nanaja olona izy.
9 The land mourns; Libanus is ashamed: Saron is become marshes; Galilee shall be laid bare, and Chermel.
Misaona ny tany ka milofika; Menatra Libanona ka malazo; Efa tonga tahaka ny tani-hay Sarôna, Ary manintsana Basana sy Karmela.
10 Now will I arise, saith the Lord, now will I be glorified; now will I be exalted.
Ankehitriny dia hitsangana Aho, hoy Jehovah; Ankehitriny dia ho any amin’ ny avo Aho; Ankehitriny dia hisandratra Aho.
11 Now shall ye see, now shall ye perceive; the strength of your breath, shall be vain; fire shall devour you.
Torontoronina bozaka ianareo ka miteraka vodivary; Ny fofonainareo dia tahaka ny afo handevona anareo.
12 And the nations shall be burnt up; as a thorn in the field cast out and burnt up.
Ary ny firenena ho tahaka ny fandoroan-tsokay, eny, ho tahaka ny tsilo notombohina izay mirehitra amin’ ny afo izy.
13 They that are afar off shall hear what I have done; they that draw nigh shall know my strength.
Mihainoa ny amin’ izay efa nataoko, ianareo izay lavitra, ary aoka hahafantatra ny heriko ianareo izay akaiky.
14 The sinners in Sion have departed; trembling shall seize the ungodly. Who will tell you that a fire is kindled? Who will tell you of the eternal place?
Raiki-tahotra ny mpanota ao Ziona; Horohoro no nahazo ny mpihatsaravela-tsihy. Iza amintsika no hahatoetra amin’ ny afo mandevona? Iza amintsika moa no hahatoetra amin’ ny lelafo mandrakizay?
15 He that walks in righteousness, speaking rightly, hating transgression and iniquity, and shaking his hands from gifts, stopping his ears that he should not hear the judgment of blood, shutting his eyes that he should not see injustice.
Izay mandeha amin’ ny fahamarinana sady miteny zava-mahitsy, izay tsy mety mandray harena amin’ ny fanaovana an-keriny fa manifikifika ny tanany mba tsy handray kolikoly, izay manentsin-tadiny mba tsy handrenesany ny amin’ ny fandatsahan-drà sady manakimpy ny masony mba tsy hahita ny ratsy;
16 he shall dwell in a high cave of a strong rock: bread shall be given him, and his water shall be sure.
Izy no honina ao amin’ ny avo; Ny fitoerana avony dia ny fiarovana any amin’ ny harambato; Izay hohaniny dia homena azy, ary ny rano hosotroiny tsy ho diso.
17 Ye shall see a king with glory: your eyes shall behold a land from afar.
Ny masonao hahita ny mpanjaka amin’ ny hatsaran-tarehiny sady hahatsinjo tany malalaka dia malalaka.
18 Your soul shall meditate terror. Where are the scribes? where are the counsellors, where is he that numbers them that are growing up,
Hotsaroan’ ny fonao ilay nahatahotra: Aiza ny mpanoratra? Aiza ny mpandanja? Aiza ny mpanisa ny tilikambo?
19 [even] the small and great people? with whom he took not counsel, neither did he understand [a people] of deep speech, so that a despised people should not hear, and there is no understanding to him that hears.
Ny firenena misetaseta dia tsy ho hitanao intsony, dia ilay olona miboediboedi-piteny ka tsy fantatra, na ny lela mikodedidedy ka tsy azo.
20 Behold the city of Sion, our refuge: thine eyes shall behold Jerusalem, a rich city, tabernacles which shall not be shaken, neither shall the pins of her tabernacle be moved for ever, neither shall her cords be at all broken:
Tsiniovy Ziona, dia ilay tanàna fihaonantsika tamin’ ny fotoam-pivavahana; Ny masonao hahita an’ i Jerosalema ho fonenana mandry fahizay, dia lay izay tsy hafindra, ny tsimatra aminy tsy hongotana mandrakizay, ary tsy hisy hotapahina ny kofehiny.
21 for the name of the Lord is great to you: ye shall have a place, [even] rivers and wide and spacious channels: thou shalt not go this way, neither a vessel with oars go [thereby].
Fa Jehovah dia mahery ho antsika any, tany be ony sy lahin-drano lehibe any, nefa sy halehan’ ny sambo voizina, na hovakin’ ny sambo lehibe.
22 For my God is great: the Lord our judge shall not pass me by: the Lord is our prince, the Lord is our king; the Lord, he shall save us.
Fa Jehovah no Mpitsara antsika; Jehovah no mpanome lalàna antsika; Jehovah no mpanjakantsika; Izy no hamonjy antsika.
23 Thy cords are broken, for they had no strength: thy meat has given way, it shall not spread the sails, it shall not bear a signal, until it be given up for plunder; therefore shall many lame men take spoil.
Mivaha ny mahazakan-tsambonao; Tsy mahahazona mafy ny fiorenan’ andry izy, na mahavelatra ny lay; Fa amin’ izay kosa dia hozaraina ny zavatra be voababo; Na dia ny mandringa aza dia mba hahazo babo ihany.
24 And the people dwelling among them shall by no means say, I am in pain: for their sin shall be forgiven them.
Tsy hisy amin’ ny mponina ao hilaza hoe: Marary aho; Ny olona izay mitoetra ao dia voavela heloka.

< Esias 33 >