< Osee 6 >
1 In their affliction they will seek me early, saying, Let us go, and return to the Lord our God; for he has torn, and will heal us; he will smite, and bind us up.
Haere mai, tatou ka hoki ki a Ihowa: nana hoki i haehae, a mana tatou e rongoa; nana i patu, mana ano tatou e takai.
2 After two days he will heal us: in the third day we shall arise, and live before him, and shall know [him]:
Kia rua nga ra ka whakaorangia tatou e ia; i te toru o nga ra ka whakaarahia tatou e ia, a ka ora tatou ki tona aroaro.
3 let us follow on to know the Lord: we shall find him ready as the morning, and he will come to us as the early and latter rain to the earth.
Na kia mohio tatou, kia whai atu tatou kia mohio ai ki a Ihowa; ko tona putanga tuturu tonu, koia ano kei to te ata, ko tona taenga mai ki a tatou rite tonu ki to te ua, ka rite ki to muri ua e makuku ai te whenua.
4 What shall I do unto thee, Ephraim? What shall I do to thee, Juda? whereas your mercy is as a morning cloud, and as the early dew that goes away.
Me pehea koe e ahau, e Eparaima? Me pehea koe e ahau, e Hura? rite tonu hoki to koutou pai ki te kapua o te ata, ki te tomairangi o te atatu, e riro wawe atu ana.
5 Therefore have I mown down your prophets; I have slain them with the word of my mouth: and my judgment shall go forth as the light.
Na reira taku hahau i a ratou ki nga poropiti; tukitukia ana ratou e ahau ki nga kupu a toku mangai: rite tonu ano au whakaritenga ki te putanga ake o te marama.
6 For I will [have] mercy rather than sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than whole-burnt-offerings.
Ko taku hoki i pai ai ko te tohu tangata, haunga te patunga tapu: ko te matau ki te Atua, pai ake i nga tahunga tinana.
7 But they are as a man transgressing a covenant:
Otiia kua pera ta ratou i ta Arama, kua whakataka e ratou te kawenata: kua tinihanga ratou ki ahau i reira.
8 there the city Galaad despised me, working vanity, troubling water.
He pa a Kireara no nga kaimahi i te he, poke tonu i te toto.
9 And thy strength [is that] of a robber: the priests have hid the way, they have murdered [the people of] Sicima; for they have wrought iniquity in the house of Israel.
Rite tonu hoki ki ta nga taua pahua e whanga ana ki te tangata, ta te ropu o nga tohunga kohuru i te ara ki Hekeme; ae ra, kua mahi ratou i te he.
10 I have seen horrible [things] there, [even] the fornication of Ephraim: Israel and Juda are defiled;
He hanga whakawehi taku i kite ai ki te whare o Iharaira: he puremu e kitea ana ki Eparaima, kua poke a Iharaira.
11 begin together grapes for thyself, when I turn the captivity of my people.
Kua rite hoki he kotinga mau, e Hura, ina whakahokia mai e ahau taku iwi i te whakarau.