< Genesis 36 >

1 And these [are] the generations of Esau; this is Edom.
Ovo su potomci Ezava, koji se zvao i Edom.
2 And Esau took to himself wives of the daughters of the Chananites; Ada, the daughter of Aelom the Chettite; and Olibema, daughter of Ana the son of Sebegon, the Evite;
Ezav je uzeo sebi žene od kanaanskih djevojaka: Adu, kćer Hetita Elona; Oholibamu, kćer Ane, unuku Sibeona Horijca;
3 and Basemath, daughter of Ismael, sister of Nabaioth.
i Basematu, kćer Jišmaelovu, sestru Nebajotovu.
4 And Ada bore to him Eliphas; and Basemath bore Raguel.
Ada Ezavu rodi Elifaza, a Basemata rodi Reuela,
5 And Olibema bore Jeus, and Jeglom, and Core; these [are] the sons of Esau, which were born to him in the land of Chanaan.
Oholibama rodi Jeuša, Jalama i Koraha. To su Ezavovi sinovi koji se rodiše u zemlji kanaanskoj.
6 And Esau took his wives, and his sons, and his daughters, and all the persons of his house, and all his possessions, and all his cattle, and all that he had got, and all things whatsoever he had acquired in the land of Chanaan; and Esau went forth from the land of Chanaan, from the face of his brother Jacob.
Ezav uzme svoje žene, svoje sinove, svoje kćeri, svu čeljad svoga doma; svoju stoku - krupnu i sitnu; svu imovinu što ju je namakao u zemlji kanaanskoj, pa ode u zemlju seirsku, daleko od svog brata Jakova.
7 For their substance was too great for them to dwell together; and the land of their sojourning could not bear them, because of the abundance of their possessions.
Njihov se, naime, posjed jako uvećao te nisu mogli ostati zajedno: kraj u kojem su boravili nije ih mogao izdržavati zbog njihova blaga.
8 And Esau dwelt in mount Seir; Esau, he is Edom.
Tako se Ezav - Edom nazvani - naseli u brdskom kraju Seiru.
9 And these [are] the generations of Esau, the father of Edom in the mount Seir.
Ovo je, dakle, potomstvo Ezava, praoca Edomaca, u brdskom kraju Seiru.
10 And these [are] the names of the sons of Esau. Eliphas, the son of Ada, the wife of Esau; and Raguel, the son of Basemath, wife of Esau.
Ovo su imena Ezavovih sinova: Elifaz, sin Ezavove žene Ade; Reuel, sin Ezavove žene Basemate.
11 And the sons of Eliphas were Thaeman, Omar, Sophar, Gothom, and Kenez.
Elifazovi su sinovi bili: Teman, Omar, Sefo, Gatam i Kenaz.
12 And Thamna was a concubine of Eliphaz, the son of Esau; and she bore Amalec to Eliphas. These [are] the sons of Ada, the wife of Esau.
Timna je bila inoča Ezavova sina Elifaza; ona je Elifazu rodila Amaleka. To su potomci Ezavove žene Ade.
13 And these [are] the sons of Raguel; Nachoth, Zare, Some, and Moze. These were the sons of Basemath, wife of Esau.
A ovo su sinovi Reuelovi: Nahat, Zerah, Šama i Miza. Oni su bili sinovi Ezavove žene Basemate.
14 And these [are] the sons of Olibema, the daughter of Ana, the son of Sebegon, the wife of Esau; and she bore to Esau, Jeus, and Jeglom, and Core.
A ovo su opet sinovi Ezavove žene Oholibame, Anine kćeri, unuke Sibeonove; ona je Ezavu rodila Jeuša, Jalama i Koraha.
15 These [are] the chiefs of the son of Esau, [even] the sons of Eliphas, the first-born of Esau; chief Thaeman, chief Omar, chief Sophar, chief Kenez,
Ovo su rodovske glave Ezavovih potomaka. Potomci Ezavova prvorođenca Elifaza: knez Teman, knez Omar, knez Sefo, knez Kenaz,
16 chief Core, chief Gothom, chief Amalec. These [are] the chiefs of Eliphas, in the land of Edom; these are the sons of Ada.
knez Korah, knez Gatam i knez Amalek. To su rodovski glavari Elifazovi u zemlji edomskoj; to su potomci Adini.
17 And these [are] the sons of Raguel, the son of Esau; chief Nachoth, chief Zare, chief Some, chief Moze. These [are] the chiefs of Raguel, in the land of Edom; these are the sons of Basemath, wife of Esau.
A ovo su potomci Ezavova sina Reuela: knez Nahat, knez Zerah, knez Šama i knez Miza. To su rodovski glavari Reuelovi u zemlji edomskoj; to su potomci Ezavove žene Basemate.
18 And these [are] the sons of Olibema, wife of Esau; chief Jeus, chief Jeglom, chief Core. These [are] the chiefs of Olibema, daughter of Ana, wife of Esau.
A ovo su potomci Ezavove žene Oholibame: knez Jeuš, knez Jalam i knez Korah. To su rodovski glavari Ezavove žene Oholibame, kćeri Anine.
19 These [are] the sons of Esau, and these are the chiefs; these are the sons of Edom.
To su bili sinovi Ezava-Edoma, njihovi knezovi.
20 And these [are] the sons of Seir, the Chorrhite, who inhabited the land; Lotan, Sobal, Sebegon, Ana,
A ovo su sinovi Seira Horijca, žitelji one zemlje: Lotan, Šobal, Sibeon, Ana,
21 and Deson, and Asar, and Rison. These [are] the chiefs of the Chorrhite, the son of Seir, in the land of Edom.
Dišon, Eser i Dišan. To su koljenovići Horijci, sinovi Seirovi, u zemlji edomskoj.
22 And the sons of Lotan [were] Chorrhi and Haeman; and the sister of Lotan, Thamna.
Lotanovi sinovi bili su: Hori i Hemam; a sestra Lotanova bila je Timna.
23 And these [are] the sons of Sobal; Golam, and Manachath, and Gaebel, and Sophar, and Omar.
Ovo su bili sinovi Šobalovi: Alvan, Manahat, Ebal, Šefo i Onam.
24 And these [are] the sons of Sebegon; Aie, and Ana; this is the Ana who found Jamin in the wilderness, when he tended the beasts of his father Sebegon.
Sinovi Sibeonovi bijahu Aja i Ana. Ana je onaj koji je našao vruća vrela u pustari dok je čuvao magarad svoga oca Sibeona.
25 And these [are] the sons of Ana; Deson—and Olibema [was] daughter of Ana.
Ovo su bila djeca Ane: sin Dišon i Anina kći Oholibama.
26 And these [are] the sons of Deson; Amada, and Asban, and Ithran, and Charrhan.
Ovo su bili sinovi Dišonovi: Hemdan, Ešban, Jitran i Keran.
27 And these [are] the sons of Asar; Balaam, and Zucam, and Jucam.
Ovo su bili sinovi Eserovi: Bilhan, Zaavan i Akan.
28 And these [are] the sons of Rison; Hos, and Aran.
A sinovi Dišanovi bili su: Uz i Aran.
29 And these [are] the chiefs of Chorri; chief Lotan, chief Sobal, chief Sebegon, chief Ana,
Ovo su knezovi Horijaca: knez Lotan, knez Šobal, knez Sibeon, knez Ana,
30 chief Deson, chief Asar, chief Rison. These [are] the chiefs of Chorri, in their principalities in the land of Edom.
knez Dišon, knez Eser i knez Dišan. To su bili knezovi Horijaca, glavar za glavarom, u zemlji seirskoj.
31 these [are] the kings which reigned in Edom, before a king reigned in Israel.
Evo kraljeva koji su kraljevali u edomskoj zemlji prije nego je zavladao kralj sinova Izraelovih.
32 And Balac, son of Beor, reigned in Edom; and the name of his city [was] Dennaba.
Beorov sin Bela vladao je u Edomu; njegov se grad zvao Dinhaba.
33 And Balac died; and Jobab, son of Zara, from Bosorrha reigned in his stead.
Kad je umro Bela, na njegovo se mjesto zakraljio Jobab, sin Zeraha iz Bosre.
34 And Jobab died; and Asom, from the land of the Thaemanites, reigned in his stead.
Kad je umro Jobab, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Hušam iz temanske zemlje.
35 And Asom died; and Adad son of Barad, who cut off Madiam in the plain of Moab, ruled in his stead; and the name of his city was Getthaim.
Kad je umro Hušam, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Bedadov sin Hadad, koji je potukao Midjance na Moapskom polju. Ime je njegovu gradu bilo Avit.
36 And Adad died; and Samada of Massecca reigned in his stead.
Kad je umro Hadad, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Samla iz Masreke.
37 Samada died; and Saul of Rhooboth by the river reigned in his stead.
Kad je umro Samla, zakraljio se na njegovo mjesto Šaul iz Rehobota na Rijeci.
38 And Saul died; and Ballenon the son of Achobor reigned in his stead.
Kad umrije Šaul, zavlada Baal Hanan, Akborov sin.
39 And Ballenon the son of Achobor died; and Arad the son of Barad reigned in his stead; and the name of his city was Phogor; and the name of his wife was Metebeel, daughter of Matraith, son of Maizoob.
Kad je umro Baal Hanan, Akborov sin, vladaše Hadad. Ime je njegovu gradu bilo Pai. Žena mu se zvala Mehetabela. Bila je kći Matredova, iz Me Zahaba.
40 These [are] the names of the chiefs of Esau, in their tribes, according to their place, in their countries, and in their nations; chief Thamna, chief Gola, chief Jether,
Ovo su imena Ezavovih knezova s njihovim nazivima po rodovima i smještaju: knez Timna, knez Alva, knez Jetet,
41 chief Olibema, chief Helas, chief Phinon,
knez Oholibama, knez Ela, knez Pinon,
42 chief Kenez, chief Thaeman, chief Mazar,
knez Kenaz, knez Teman, knez Mibzar,
43 chief Magediel, chief Zaphoin. These are the chiefs of Edom in their dwelling-places in the land of their possession; this is Esau, the father of Edom.
knez Magdiel i knez Iram. To su bili knezovi edomski, prema njihovim naseljima u zemlji koju su zaposjeli. To je Ezav, praotac Edomaca.

< Genesis 36 >