< Genesis 28 >
1 And Isaac having called for Jacob, blessed him, and charged him, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of the Chananites.
Saboda haka Ishaku ya kira Yaƙub, ya kuma albarkace shi, sa’an nan ya umarce shi ya ce, “Kada ka auri mace daga Kan’ana.
2 Rise and depart quickly into Mesopotamia, to the house of Bathuel the father of thy mother, and take to thyself thence a wife of the daughters of Laban thy mother's brother.
Tashi nan da nan ka tafi Faddan Aram, zuwa gidan mahaifin mahaifiyarka Betuwel. Ka ɗauko wa kanka mata a can daga cikin’ya’ya matan Laban ɗan’uwan mahaifiyarka.
3 And may my God bless thee, and increase thee, and multiply thee, and thou shalt become gatherings of nations.
Bari Allah Maɗaukaki yă albarkace ka, yă kuma sa ka yi ta haihuwa ka riɓaɓɓanya har ka zama ƙungiyar jama’o’i.
4 And may he give thee the blessing of my father Abraam, even to thee and to thy seed after thee, to inherit the land of thy sojourning, which God gave to Abraam.
Bari Allah yă ba ka da kuma zuriyarka albarkar da ya ba wa Ibrahim, don ka amshi ƙasar da kake baƙunci, ƙasar da Allah ya ba wa Ibrahim.”
5 So Isaac sent away Jacob, and he went into Mesopotamia to Laban the son of Bethuel the Syrian, the brother of Rebecca the mother of Jacob and Esau.
Sa’an nan Ishaku ya sallami Yaƙub, ya kuwa tafi Faddan Aram, zuwa wurin Laban ɗan Betuwel mutumin Aram. Laban ne ɗan’uwan Rebeka, wadda take mahaifiyar Yaƙub da Isuwa.
6 And Esau saw that Isaac blessed Jacob, and sent him away to Mesopotamia of Syria as he blessed him, to take to himself a wife thence, and [that] he charged him, saying, Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of the Chananites;
Yanzu Isuwa ya san cewa Ishaku ya albarkaci Yaƙub ya kuma aike shi zuwa Faddan Aram don yă auri mata daga can, ya kuma san cewa sa’ad da ya albarkace shi, ya umarce shi cewa, “Kada ka auro wata mace daga cikin Kan’aniyawa,”
7 and [that] Jacob hearkened to his father and his mother, and went to Mesopotamia of Syria.
ya kuma san cewa Yaƙub ya yi biyayya da mahaifinsa da kuma mahaifiyarsa, ya kuwa tafi Faddan Aram.
8 And Esau also having seen that the daughters of Chanaan were evil before his father Isaac,
Sai Isuwa ya gane cewa matan Kan’aniyawa ba su gamshi mahaifinsa Ishaku ba;
9 Esau went to Ismael, and took Maeleth the daughter of Ismael, the son of Abraam, the sister of Nabeoth, a wife in addition to his [other] wives.
saboda haka sai ya tafi wurin Ishmayel ya auri Mahalat,’yar’uwar Nebayiwot da kuma’yar Ishmayel ɗan Ibrahim, ban da matan da yake da su.
10 And Jacob went forth from the well of the oath, and departed into Charrhan.
Yaƙub ya bar Beyersheba ya kama hanyar Haran.
11 And came to a certain place and slept there, for the sun had gone down; and he took [one] of the stones of the place, and put it at his head, and lay down to sleep in that place,
Sa’ad da ya kai wani wuri, sai ya dakata domin yă kwana, gama rana ta riga ta fāɗi. Ya ɗauki dutse daga cikin duwatsun wurin, ya sa shi ya zama matashin kansa, sa’an nan ya kwanta don yă yi barci.
12 and dreamed, and behold a ladder fixed on the earth, whose top reached to heaven, and the angels of God ascended and descended on it.
Ya yi mafarki inda ya ga wata matakalar hawa, tsaye a ƙasa, kanta ta kai sama, mala’ikun Allah kuwa suna hawa, suna sauka a kanta.
13 And the Lord stood upon it, and said, I am the God of thy father Abraam, and the God of Isaac; fear not, the land on which thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed.
A can bisantaUbangiji ya tsaya, ya kuma ce, “Ni ne Ubangiji Allah na mahaifinka Ibrahim da kuma Allah na Ishaku. Zan ba ka, kai da kuma zuriyarka, ƙasar da kake kwance a kai.
14 And thy seed shall be as the sand of the earth; and it shall spread abroad to the sea, and the south, and the north, and to the east; and in thee and in thy seed shall all the tribes of the earth be blessed.
Zuriyarka za tă zama kamar ƙurar ƙasa, za ka kuma bazu zuwa yamma da kuma gabas, zuwa arewa da kuma kudu. Dukan mutanen duniya za su sami albarka ta wurinka da kuma ta wurin’ya’yanka.
15 And behold I am with thee to preserve thee continually in all the way wherein thou shalt go; and I will bring thee back to this land; for I will not desert thee, until I have done all that I have said to thee.
Ina tare da kai, zan lura da kai duk inda ka tafi, zan kuma dawo da kai zuwa wannan ƙasa. Ba zan rabu da kai ba sai na cika abin da na yi maka alkawari.”
16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and said, The Lord is in this place, and I knew it not.
Sa’ad da Yaƙub ya farka daga barci, sai ya yi tunani ya ce, “Tabbatacce Ubangiji yana a wannan wuri, ban kuwa sani ba.”
17 And he was afraid, and said, How fearful is this place! this is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven.
Ya ji tsoro, ya kuma ce, “Wane irin wuri ne mai banrazana haka! Lalle wannan gidan Allah ne, kuma nan ne ƙofar sama.”
18 And Jacob rose up in the morning, and took the stone he [had] laid there by his head, and he set it up [as] a pillar, and poured oil on the top of it.
Kashegari da sassafe, sai Yaƙub ya ɗauki dutsen da ya yi matashin kai da shi, ya kafa shi al’amudi, ya kuma zuba mai a kansa.
19 And he called the name of that place, the House of God; and the name of the city before was Ulam-luz.
Ya kira wannan wuri Betel ko da yake dā ana kiran birnin Luz ne.
20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If the Lord God will be with me, and guard me throughout on this journey, on which I am going, and give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,
Sa’an nan Yaƙub ya yi alkawari cewa, “In Allah zai kasance tare da ni yă kuma lura da ni a wannan tafiya, yă kuma ba ni abinci in ci da tufafi in sa,
21 and bring me back in safety to the house of my father, then shall the Lord be for a God to me.
har in dawo lafiya zuwa gidan mahaifina, to, Ubangiji zai zama Allahna
22 And this stone, which I have set up for a pillar, shall be to me a house of God; and of all whatsoever thou shalt give me, I will tithe a tenth for thee.
kuma wannan dutsen da na kafa al’amudi, zai zama gidan Allah, kuma dukan abin da ka ba ni zan ba ka kashi ɗaya bisa goma.”