< Exodus 31 >

1 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
2 Behold, I have called by name Beseleel the son of Urias the son of Or, of the tribe of Juda.
се, нарекох именем Веселеила сына Урии, сына Орова, от племене Иудина,
3 And I have filled him [with] a divine spirit of wisdom, and understanding, and knowledge, to invent in every work,
и наполних его Духом Божиим премудрости и смышления и ведения, во всяком деле разумети
4 and to frame works, to labour in gold, and silver, and brass, and blue, and purple, and spun scarlet,
и архитектонствовати, делати злато и сребро и медь, и синету и багряницу, и червленицу прядену и виссон сканый,
5 and works in stone, and for artificers' work in wood, to work at all works.
и каменное дело, и различная древоделства делати во всех делех:
6 And I have appointed him and Eliab the [son] of Achisamach of the tribe of Dan, and to every one understanding in heart I have given understanding; and they shall make all things as many as I have appointed thee, —
и Аз дах его и Елиава сына Ахисамахова от племене Данова, и всякому смысленному сердцем дах смысл, и потрудятся, и сотворят вся, елика заповедах тебе:
7 the tabernacle of witness, and the ark of the covenant, and the propitiatory that is upon it, and the furniture of the tabernacle,
скинию свидения и кивот завета, и очистилище еже верху его, и утварь скинии,
8 and the altars, and the table and all its furniture,
и жертвенники, и трапезу и вся сосуды ея, и светилник чистый и вся сосуды его,
9 and the pure candlestick and all its furniture, and the laver and its base,
и умывалницу и стояло ея,
10 and Aaron's robes of ministry, and the robes of his sons to minister to me as priests,
и ризы служебныя Аароновы и ризы сынов его, еже священнодействовати Мне,
11 and the anointing oil and the compound incense of the sanctuary; according to all that I have commanded thee shall they make them.
и елей помазания, и фимиам сложения святаго: по всем, елика заповедах тебе, сотворят.
12 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying,
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
13 Do thou also charge the children of Israel, saying, Take heed and keep my sabbaths; [for] they are a sign with me and among you throughout your generations, that ye may know that I am the Lord that sanctifies you.
и ты заповеждь сыном Израилевым, глаголя: смотрите и субботы Моя сохраните: есть бо знамение между Мною и вами в роды вашя, да увесте, яко Аз Господь освящаяй вас:
14 And ye shall keep the sabbaths, because this is holy to the Lord for you; he that profanes it shall surely be put to death: every one who shall do a work on it, that soul shall be destroyed from the midst of his people.
и сохраните субботу, яко свята сия есть Господу и вам: осквернивый ю смертию умрет: всяк, иже сотворит в ню дело, потребится душа та от среды людий своих:
15 Six days thou shalt do works, but the seventh day is the sabbath, a holy rest to the Lord; every one who shall do a work on the seventh day shall be put to death.
шесть дний да сотвориши дела, в день же седмый суббота, покой свят Господу: всяк, иже сотворит дело в седмый день, смертию умрет:
16 And the children of Israel shall keep the sabbaths, to observe them throughout their generations.
и да сохранят сынове Израилевы субботы держати я в роды их:
17 It is a perpetual covenant with me and the children of Israel, it is a perpetual sign with me; for in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, and on the seventh day he ceased, and rested.
завет вечен во Мне и в сынех Израилевых, знамение есть во мне вечное: яко в шести днех сотвори Господь небо и землю, в седмый же день преста, и почи.
18 And he gave to Moses when he left off speaking to him in mount Sina the two tables of testimony, tables of stone written [upon] with the finger of God.
И даде (Бог) Моисею, егда преста глаголя ему на горе Синайстей, две скрижали свидения, скрижали каменны написаны перстом Божиим.

< Exodus 31 >