< Amos 4 >

1 Hear ye this word, ye heifers of the land of Basan that are in the mountain of Samaria, that oppress the poor, and trample on the needy, which say to their masters, Give us that we may drink.
Mihainoa izao teny izao, ianareo vantotr’ ombivavin’ i Basana, izay eny an-tendrombohitr’ i Samaria, dia ianareo izay mampahory ny mahantra sy manorotoro ny malahelo ary manao amin’ ny vadinareo hoe: Mitondrà hosotrointsika.
2 The Lord swears by his holiness, that, behold, the days come upon you, when they shall take you with weapons, and fiery destroyers shall cast those with you into boiling caldrons.
Jehovah Tompo efa nianiana tamin’ ny fahamasinany hoe: Indro, ho avy aminareo ny andro hitarihany anareo amin’ ny farango sy izay sisa aminareo amin’ ny fintana.
3 And ye shall be brought forth naked in the presence of each other; and ye shall be cast forth on the mountain Romman, saith the Lord.
Ary avy eo amin’ ny banga no hivoahanareo, samy amin’ izay hitsiny avy; Ary horoahina ho any Harmona ianareo, hoy Jehovah.
4 Ye went into Bethel, and sinned, and ye multiplied sin at Galgala; and ye brought your meat-offerings in the morning, [and] your tithes every third day.
Mankanesa any Betela, ka manotà, ary any Gilgala, ka manotà fatratra; Ento isa-maraina ny fanatitrareo alatsa-drà ary isan-kateloana ny fahafolon-karenareo;
5 And they read the law without, and called for public professions: proclaim aloud that the children of Israel have loved these things, saith the Lord.
Mandoroa zavatra misy masirasira ho fanati-pisaorana, ary miantsoa fanati-tsitrapo, eny, ambarao izany! Satria ny toy izany no sitrakareo, ry Zanak’ Isiraely, hoy Jehovah Tompo.
6 And I will give you dullness of teeth in all your cities, and want of bread in all your places: yet ye returned not to me, saith the Lord.
Fa Izaho dia efa nanome anareo ny mahamavovava tao an-tanànanareo rehetra, sy ny tsi-fahampian-kanina tamin’ ny fonenanareo rehetra; Nefa tsy niverina tamiko ihany ianareo, hoy Jehovah.
7 Also I withheld from you the rain three months before the harvest: and I will rain upon one city, and on another city I will not rain: one part shall be rained upon, and the part on which I shall not rain shall be dried up.
Ary Izaho koa efa nampihantona ny orana tsy ho aminareo, raha mbola telo volana sisa tsy ho fararano, ka tamin’ ny tanàna iray no nampilatsahako orana, ary tamin’ ny tanàna iray kosa tsy mba nampilatsahako azy; Ny saha iray nilatsahan’ ny orana. Ary ny saha iray kosa tsy mba nilatsahany ka maina.
8 And [the inhabitants of] two or three cities shall be gathered to one city to drink water, and they shall not be satisfied: yet ye have not returned to me, saith the Lord.
Dia nivembena ny tanàna roa aman-telo nitady rano tany amin’ ny tanàna iray, kanjo tsy afa-ketaheta izy; Nefa tsy niverina tamiko ihany ianareo, hoy Jehovah.
9 I smote you with parching, and with blight: ye multiplied your gardens, your vineyards, and your fig-grounds, and the cankerworm devoured your olive-yards: yet not [even] thus did ye return to me, saith the Lord.
Efa nasiako tamin’ ny vary main’ ny rivotra sy maty fotsy ianareo; Ny habetsahan’ ny tanimbolinareo sy ny tanim-boalobokareo sy ny aviavinareo sy ny hazo olivanareo dia nohanin’ ny valala; Nefa tsy niverina tamiko ihany ianareo, hoy Jehovah.
10 I sent pestilence among you by the way of Egypt, and slew your young men with the sword, together with thy horses that were taken captive; and in my wrath against you I set fire to your camps: yet not even thus did ye return to me, saith the Lord.
Efa naterako areti-mandringana tahaka ny any Egypta ianareo; Novonoiko sabatra ny zatovonareo sady nobaboina koa ny soavalinareo; Ary nampakariko ho eo am-bavoronareo ny hamaimboan’ ny tobinareo; Nefa tsy niverina tamiko ihany ianareo, hoy Jehovah.
11 I overthrew you, as God overthrew Sodoma and Gomorrha, and ye became as a brand plucked out of the fire: yet not even thus did ye return to me, saith the Lord.
Efa nisy noravako teo aminareo tahaka ny nandravan’ Andriamanitra an’ i Sodoma sy Gomora, ka efa tahaka ny forohana nosarihana tamin’ ny afo ianareo; Nefa tsy niverina tamiko ihany ianareo, hoy Jehovah.
12 Therefore thus will I do to thee, O Israel: nay because I will do thus to thee, prepare to call on thy God, O Israel.
Koa izao no hataoko aminao, sy Isiraely, satria hanao izany aminao Aho, dia miomàna hihaona amin’ Andriamanitrao, ry Isiraely ô.
13 For, behold, I am he that strengthens the thunder, and creates the wind, and proclaims to men his Christ, forming the morning and the darkness, and mounting on the high places of the earth, The Lord God Almighty is his name.
Fa indro Ilay mamorona ny tendrombohitra sy manao na rivotra ary mampahafantatra ny olombelona izay heviny, dia Ilay mahatonga ny maraina ho aizina ary mandia ny fitoerana avo amin’ ny tany: Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny maro, no anarany.

< Amos 4 >