< Kings II 8 >
1 And it came to pass after this, that David smote the Philistines, and put them to flight, and David took the tribute from out of the hand of the Philistines.
factum est autem post haec percussit David Philisthim et humiliavit eos et tulit David frenum tributi de manu Philisthim
2 And David smote Moab, and measured them out with lines, having laid them down on the ground: and there were two lines for slaying, and two lines he kept alive: and Moab became servants to David, yielding tribute.
et percussit Moab et mensus est eos funiculo coaequans terrae mensus est autem duos funiculos unum ad occidendum et unum ad vivificandum factusque est Moab David serviens sub tributo
3 And David smote Adraazar the son of Raab king of Suba, as he went to extend his power to the river Euphrates.
et percussit David Adadezer filium Roob regem Soba quando profectus est ut dominaretur super flumen Eufraten
4 And David took a thousand of his chariots, and seven thousand horsemen, and twenty thousand footmen: and David houghed all his chariot [horses], and he reserved to himself a hundred chariots.
et captis David ex parte eius mille septingentis equitibus et viginti milibus peditum subnervavit omnes iugales curruum dereliquit autem ex eis centum currus
5 And Syria of Damascus comes to help Adraazar king of Suba, and David smote twenty-two thousand men belonging to the Syrian.
venit quoque Syria Damasci ut praesidium ferret Adadezer regi Soba et percussit David de Syria viginti duo milia virorum
6 And David placed a garrison in Syria near Damascus, and the Syrians became servants and tributaries to David: and the Lord preserved David whithersoever he went.
et posuit David praesidium in Syria Damasci factaque est Syria David serviens sub tributo servavit Dominus David in omnibus ad quaecumque profectus est
7 And David took the golden bracelets which were on the servants of Adraazar king of Suba, and brought them to Jerusalem. And Susakim king of Egypt took them, when he went up to Jerusalem in the days of Roboam son of Solomon.
et tulit David arma aurea quae habebant servi Adadezer et detulit ea in Hierusalem
8 And king David took from Metebac, and from the choice cities of Adraazar, very much brass: with that Solomon made the brazen sea, and the pillars, and the lavers, and all the furniture.
et de Bete et de Beroth civitatibus Adadezer tulit rex David aes multum nimis
9 And Thou the king of Hemath heard that David had smitten all the host of Adraazar.
audivit autem Thou rex Emath quod percussisset David omne robur Adadezer
10 And Thou sent Jedduram his son to king David, to ask him of his welfare, and to congratulate him on his fighting against Adraazar and smiting him, for he was an enemy to Adraazar: and in his hands were vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and vessels of brass.
et misit Thou Ioram filium suum ad regem David ut salutaret eum congratulans et gratias ageret eo quod expugnasset Adadezer et percussisset eum hostis quippe erat Thou Adadezer et in manu eius erant vasa argentea et vasa aurea et vasa aerea
11 And these king David consecrated to the Lord, with the silver and with the gold which he consecrated out of all the cities which he conquered,
quae et ipsa sanctificavit rex David Domino cum argento et auro quae sanctificaverat de universis gentibus quas subegerat
12 out of Idumea, and out of Moab, and from the children of Ammon, and from the Philistines, and from Amalec, and from the spoils of Adraazar son of Raab king of Suba.
de Syria et Moab et filiis Ammon et Philisthim et Amalech et de manubiis Adadezer filii Roob regis Soba
13 And David made [himself] a name: and when he returned he smote Idumea in Gebelem to [the number of] eighteen thousand.
fecit quoque sibi David nomen cum reverteretur capta Syria in valle Salinarum caesis duodecim milibus
14 And he set garrisons in Idumea, even in all Idumea: and all the Idumeans were servants to the king. And the Lord preserved David wherever he went.
et posuit in Idumea custodes statuitque praesidium et facta est universa Idumea serviens David et servavit Dominus David in omnibus ad quaecumque profectus est
15 And David reigned over all Israel: and David wrought judgment and justice over all his people.
et regnavit David super omnem Israhel faciebat quoque David iudicium et iustitiam omni populo suo
16 And Joab the son of Saruia [was] over the host; and Josaphat the son of Achilud [was keeper] of the records.
Ioab autem filius Sarviae erat super exercitum porro Iosaphat filius Ahilud erat a commentariis
17 And Sadoc the son of Achitob, and Achimelech son of Abiathar, [were] priests; and Sasa [was] the scribe,
et Sadoc filius Achitob et Ahimelech filius Abiathar sacerdotes et Saraias scriba
18 and Banaeas son of Jodae [was] councillor, and the Chelethite and the Phelethite, and the sons of David, were princes of the court.
Banaias autem filius Ioiada super Cherethi et Felethi filii autem David sacerdotes erant