< Kings II 2 >

1 And it came to pass after this that David enquired of the Lord, saying, Shall I go up into one of the cities of Juda? and the Lord said to him, Go up. And David said, Whither shall I go up? and he said, To Chebron.
Bayan’yan kwanaki, sai Dawuda ya nemi nufin Ubangiji ya ce, “In haura zuwa ɗaya daga cikin biranen Yahuda?” Ubangiji ya ce, “Haura.” Dawuda ya ce, “Wanne zan tafi?” Ubangiji ya ce, “Je Hebron.”
2 And David went up thither to Chebron, [he] and both his wives, Achinaam the Jezraelitess, and Abigaia the wife of Nabal the Carmelite,
Saboda haka sai Dawuda ya tafi can tare da matansa biyu, Ahinowam daga Yezireyel da Abigiyel gwauruwar Nabal mutumin Karmel.
3 and the men that were with him, every one and his family; and they dwelt in the cities of Chebron.
Dawuda kuma ya tafi tare da dukan mutanen da suke tare da shi, kowa da iyalinsa, suka zauna a Hebron da garuruwansa.
4 And the men of Judea come, and anoint David there to reign over the house of Juda; and they reported to David, saying, The men of Jabis of the country of Galaad have buried Saul.
Sa’an nan mutanen Yahuda suka zo Hebron, a can kuwa suka naɗa Dawuda sarkin Yahuda. Sa’ad da aka gaya wa Dawuda cewa mutanen Yabesh Gileyad ne suka binne Shawulu,
5 And David sent messengers to the rulers of Jabis of the country of Galaad, and David said to them, Blessed be ye of the Lord, because ye have wrought this mercy toward your lord, even toward Saul the anointed of the Lord, and ye have buried him and Jonathan his son.
sai ya aiki manzanni zuwa Yabesh Gileyad a ce musu, “Ubangiji yă albarkace ku saboda alherin da kuka nuna wa Shawulu ta wurin binne shi.
6 And now may the Lord deal in mercy and truth towards you: and I also will requite towards you this good deed, because ye have done this.
Bari Ubangiji yă nuna muku ƙaunarsa da amincinsa, ni kuma zan nuna muku irin wannan alherin saboda kun yi haka.
7 And now let your hands be made strong, and be valiant; for your master Saul is dead, and moreover the house of Juda have anointed me to be king over them.
Yanzu fa, sai ku ƙarfafa, ku yi jaruntaka, gama Shawulu sarkinku ya mutu, gidan Yahuda kuwa sun naɗa ni sarki a kansu.”
8 But Abenner, the son of Ner, the commander-in-chief of Saul's army, took Jebosthe son of Saul, and brought him up from the camp to Manaem
Ana cikin haka, Abner ɗan Ner, komandan sojojin Shawulu, ya ɗauki Ish-Boshet ɗan Shawulu ya kawo shi Mahanayim.
9 and made him king over the land of Galaad, and over Thasiri, and over Jezrael, and over Ephraim, and over Benjamin, and over all Israel.
Ya naɗa shi sarkin Gileyad, da na Ashuri, da na Yezireyel, da a kan Efraim, da Benyamin, da kuma na dukan Isra’ila.
10 Jebosthe, Saul's son [was] forty years old, when he reigned over Israel; and he reigned two years, but not over the house of Juda, who followed David.
Ish-Boshet ɗan Shawulu yana da shekaru arba’in sa’ad da ya zama sarkin Isra’ila, ya kuma yi sarauta shekara biyu. Amma fa, gidan Yahuda, suka bi Dawuda.
11 And the days which David reigned in Chebron over the house of Juda were seven years and six months.
Tsawon lokacin da Dawuda ya yi mulki a Hebron a kan gidan Yahuda, shekara bakwai ne da wata shida.
12 And Abenner the son of Ner went forth, and the servants of Jebosthe the son of Saul, from Manaem to Gabaon.
Abner ɗan Ner, tare da mutanen Ish-Boshet ɗan Shawulu, suka bar Mahanayim suka tafi Gibeyon.
13 And Joab the son of Saruia, and the servants of David, went forth from Chebron, and met them at the fountain of Gabaon, at the same place: and these sat down by the fountain on this side, and those by the fountain on that side.
Yowab wanda ake ce mamarsa Zeruhiya tare da waɗansu mutanen Dawuda suka fito suka haɗu da su tafkin Gibeyon, Suka zauna, waɗannan a wannan gefe, waɗancan a wancan gefe.
14 And Abenner said to Joab, Let now the young men arise, and play before us. And Joab said, Let them arise.
Sa’an nan Abner ya ce wa Yowab, “Bari mu bar waɗansu samari su tashi su yi faɗa hannu da hannu a gabanmu.” Yowab ya ce, “To, su tashi.”
15 And there arose and passed over by number twelve of the children of Benjamin, belonging to Jebosthe the son of Saul, and twelve of the servants of David.
Saboda haka samarin suka tashi aka ƙidaya su, mutum sha biyu wajen Benyamin da Ish-Boshet ɗan Shawulu, sha biyu kuma wajen Dawuda.
16 And they seized every one the head of his neighbour with his hand, and his sword [was thrust] into the side of his neighbour, and they fall down together: and the name of that place was called The portion of the treacherous ones, which is in Gabaon.
Sa’an nan kowannensu ya kama abokin gābansa a kā ya soki da wuƙa a jiki, sai duka suka fāɗi a ƙasa. Saboda haka ne ake kiran wannan wuri Helkat Hazzurim a Gibeyon.
17 And the battle was very severe on that day; and Abenner and the men of Israel were worsted before the servants of David.
Faɗan ya yi zafi a ranar ƙwarai, mutanen Dawuda suka ci mutanen Abner da na Isra’ila.
18 And there were there the three sons of Saruia, Joab, and Abessa, and Asael: and Asael was swift in his feet as a roe in the field.
’Ya’yan Zeruhiya, maza uku sun kasance a can. Su ne, Yowab, Abishai da Asahel. To, Asahel mai gudu ne kamar barewa.
19 And Asael followed after Abenner, and turned not to go to the right hand or to the left from following Abenner.
Ya fafari Abner, bai juya dama ko hagu ba, yayinda yake fafararsa.
20 And Abenner looked behind him, and said, Art thou Asael himself? and he said, I am.
Abner ya waiga, sai ya ce, “Kai ne, Asahel?” Ya ce, “Ni ne.”
21 And Abenner said to him, Turn thou to the right hand or to the left, and lay hold for thyself on one of the young men, and take to thyself his armour: but Asel would not turn back from following him.
Sai Abner ya ce masa, “Yi dama ko hagu ka runtumi ɗaya daga cikin samarin, ka ƙwace makamansa.” Amma Asahel bai bar fafararsa ba.
22 And Abenner said yet again to Asael, Stand aloof from me, lest I smite thee to the ground? and how should I lift up my face to Joab?
Abner ya sāke gargaɗe shi ya ce, “Ka bar fafarata! Yaya zan kashe ka? Yaya zan yin ido biyu da ɗan’uwanka Yowab?”
23 And what does this mean? return to Joab thy brother? But he would not stand aloof; and Abenner smites him with the hinder end of the spear on the loins, and the spear went out behind him, and he falls there and dies on the spot: and it came to pass that every one that came to the place where Asael fell and died, stood still.
Amma Asahel ya ƙi yă bar fafararsa; saboda haka Abner ya soki Asahel da māshinsa a ciki; har māshin ya fita ta bayansa. Nan take ya fāɗi, ya mutu. Kowa da ya zo wurin da Asahel ya fāɗi, ya mutu, sai yă tsaya.
24 And Joab and Abessa pursued after Abenner, and the sun went down: and they went as far as the hill of Amman, which is in the front of Gai, by the desert way of Gabaon.
Amma Yowab da Abishai suka fafari Abner, kuma da rana tana fāɗuwa sai suka iso tudun Amma, kusa da Giya, a hanyar zuwa jejin Gibeyon.
25 And the children of Benjamin who followed Abenner gather themselves together, and they formed themselves into one body, and stood on the top of a hill.
Sa’an nan mutanen Benyamin suka haɗa kansu suka koyi bayan Abner. Suka zama ƙungiya guda, suka tsaya daram a kan tudu.
26 And Abenner called Joab, and said, Shall the sword devour perpetually? knowest thou not that it will be bitter at last? How long then wilt thou refuse to tell the people to turn from following our brethren?
Sai Abner ya kira Yowab ya ce, har abada ne māshi zai yi ta hallakarwa? Ba ka sani cewa ƙarshen zai zama da ɗaci ba. Sai yaushe za ka umarci mutanenka su daina fafaran’yan’uwansu?
27 And Joab said, As the Lord lives, if thou hadst not spoken, even from the morning the people had gone up every one from following his brother.
Yowab ya ce, “Muddin Allah yana a raye, da ba a ce ka yi magana ba, da mutanen za su ci gaba da fafaran’yan’uwansu har gari yă waye.”
28 And Joab sounded the trumpet, and all the people departed, and did not pursue after Israel, and did not fight any longer.
Sai Yowab ya busa ƙaho, dukan mutane kuwa suka tsaya; suka daina fafaran Isra’ila. Nan take faɗan ya tsaya.
29 And Abenner and his men departed at evening, [and went] all that night, and crossed over Jordan, and went along the whole adjacent [country], and they come to the camp.
Abner da mutanensa suka ratsa kwarin Urdun dukan dare. Sa’an nan suka haye kogin, suka kuwa ci gaba dukan safe har suka zo Mahanayim.
30 And Joab returned from following Abenner, and he assembled all the people, and there were missing of the people of David, nineteen men, and Asael.
Da Yowab ya dawo daga fafaran Abner, sai ya tattara dukan mutanensa. Ban da Asahel, sai ya gane an rasa mutum goma sha tara na Dawuda.
31 And the servants of David smote of the children of Benjamin, of the men of Abenner, three hundred and sixty men belonging to him.
Amma mutanen Dawuda sun kashe mutum ɗari uku da sittin daga kabilar Benyamin da suke tare da Abner.
32 And they take up Asael, and bury him in the tomb of his father in Bethleem. And Joab and the men with him went all the night, and the morning rose upon them in Chebron.
Suka ɗauki gawar Asahel suka binne a kabarin mahaifinsa a Betlehem. Sa’an nan Yowab da mutanensa suka bi dare har suka iso Hebron da safe.

< Kings II 2 >