< Kings II 17 >

1 And Achitophel said to Abessalom, Let me now choose out for myself twelve thousand men, and I will arise and follow after David this night:
Awo Akisoferi n’agamba Abusaalomu nti, “Leka nnonde abasajja omutwalo gumu mu enkumi bbiri, ŋŋende mpondere Dawudi ekiro kino.
2 and I will come upon him when he [is] weary and weak-handed, and I will strike him with terror; and all the people with him shall flee, and I will smite the king only of all.
Ndimulumba mu bukoowu bwe ne mu bunafu bwe ne mutiisatiisa, era n’abantu bonna abali naye balidduka. Ndikuba kabaka yekka ne mutta,
3 And I will bring back all the people to thee, as a bride returns to her husband: only thou seekest the life of one man, and all the people shall have peace.
naye abantu abalala bonna ndibakomyawo gy’oli. Okufa kw’omusajja omu yekka gw’onoonya, kulikomyawo abantu bonna nga tebaliiko mutawaana.”
4 And the saying [was] right in the eyes of Abessalom, and in the eyes of all the elders of Israel.
Ekigambo ekyo Abusaalomu n’abakadde bonna aba Isirayiri ne bakisiima.
5 And Abessalom said, Call now also Chusi the Arachite, and let us hear what [is] in his mouth, even in his also.
Naye Abusaalomu n’ayogera nti, “Mumpitire ne Kusaayi Omwaluki, tuwulire ky’anaayogera ku nsonga eyo.”
6 And Chusi went in to Abessalom, and Abessalom spoke to him, saying, After this manner spoke Achitophel: shall we do according to his word? but if not, do thou speak.
Kusaayi bwe yajja eri Abusaalomu, Abusaalomu n’amugamba nti, Akisoferi, amagezi g’atuwadde ge gano. Tukole nga Akisoferi bw’agambye? Oba nga si weewaawo, ggwe ogamba otya?
7 And Chusi said to Abessalom, This counsel which Achitophel has counselled this one time [is] not good.
Kusaayi n’addamu Abusaalomu nti, “Ago amagezi Akisoferi g’abawadde si malungi ku mulundi guno.
8 And Chusi said, Thou knowest thy father and his men, that they are very mighty, and bitter in their spirit, as a bereaved bear in the field, [and as a wild boar in the plain]: and thy father [is] a man of war, and will not give the people rest.
Omanyi kitaawo n’abasajja be nga basajja balwanyi era nga bakambwe ng’eddubu erinyagiddwako abaana baalyo. Ate n’ekirala, kitaawo mulwanyi mumanyirivu; tayinza kusula na baserikale.
9 For, behold, he is now hidden in one of the hills or in some [other] place: and it shall come to pass when he falls upon them at the beginning, that [some one] will certainly hear, and say, There has been a slaughter among the people that follow after Abessalom.
Ne mu kiseera kino, ayinza okuba nga yeekwese mu mpuku oba mu kifo ekirala. Bw’anaasooka okulumba abantu bo, buli anaakiwulira anaagamba nti, ‘Bangi ku bagoberezi ba Abusaalomu battiddwa.’
10 Then even he [that is] strong, whose heart is as the heart of a lion, —it shall utterly melt: for all Israel knows that thy father [is] mighty, and they that are with him [are] mighty men.
Olwo n’omuntu omuzira mu bazira, alina omutima oguli ng’omutima gw’empologoma, anaayongoberera ddala, kubanga Isirayiri yenna bamanyi kitaawo nga musajja mulwanyi, era n’abali naye basajja bazira.
11 For thus I have surely given counsel, that all Israel be generally gathered to thee from Dan even to Bersabee, as the sand that is upon the sea-shore for multitude: and that thy presence go in the midst of them.
“Naye nze amagezi ge nkuwa ge gano: kuŋŋaanya gy’oli Isirayiri yenna okuva ku Ddaani okutuuka e Beeruseba, mu bungi bwabwe, ng’omusenyu ogw’oku nnyanja bwe guli obungi, ggwe mwene obakulembere mu lutalo.
12 And we will come upon him in one of the places where we shall find him, and we will encamp against him, as the dew falls upon the earth; and we will not leave of him and of his men so much as one.
Tulimulumba yonna gy’alisangibwa, ne tumugwako ng’omusulo bwe gugwa ku ttaka. Ye newaakubadde abasajja abali naye, tewaliba n’omu aliba omulamu.
13 And if he shall have taken refuge with his army in a city, then shall all Israel take ropes to that city, and we will draw it even into the river, that there may not be left there even a stone.
Bw’aliddukira mu kibuga, Isirayiri yenna, balireeta emiguwa, ne tukiwalulira mu mugga obutalekawo jjinja n’erimu.”
14 And Abessalom, and all the men of Israel said, The counsel of Chusi the Arachite [is] better than the counsel of Achitophel. For the Lord ordained to disconcert the good counsel of Achitophel, that the Lord might bring all evil upon Abessalom.
Awo Abusaalomu n’abasajja bonna aba Isirayiri ne bakkiriziganya nti, “Ekiteeso Kusaayi Omwaluki ky’aleese kirungi okusinga ekya Akisoferi.” Mukama yasiima okulemesa ekiteeso ekirungi ekya Akisoferi alyoke azikirize Abusaalomu.
15 And Chusi the Arachite said to Sadoc and Abiathar the priests, Thus and thus Achitophel counselled Abessalom and the elders of Israel; and thus and thus have I counselled.
Naye Kusaayi n’ategeeza Zadooki ne Abiyasaali bakabona nti, “Akisoferi awadde Abusaalomu n’abakadde ba Isirayiri amagezi bwe gati ne bwe gati, naye nze mbawabudde okukola bwe bati ne bwe bati.
16 And now send quickly and report to David, saying, Lodge not this night in Araboth of the wilderness: even go and make haste, lest [one] swallow up the king, and all the people with him.
Kaakano muweereze mangu obubaka mutegeeze Dawudi nti, ‘Ekiro kya leero tosula ku misomoko egy’omu ddungu; ssomoka, kabaka n’abantu bonna abali naye baleme okumalibwawo.’”
17 And Jonathan and Achimaas stood by the well of Rogel, and a maid-servant went and reported to them, and they go and tell king David; for they might not be seen to enter into the city.
Yonasaani ne Akimaazi baabeeranga ku Enerogeri. Baali balinda omuwala okujja okubategeeza byonna, n’oluvannyuma bagende babuulire kabaka Dawudi; baali beewala okulabibwa nga bayingira mu kibuga.
18 But a young man saw them and told Abessalom: and the two went quickly, and entered into the house of a man in Baurim; and he had a well in his court, and they went down into it.
Naye waaliwo omuvubuka eyabalaba, n’agenda n’abuulira Abusaalomu. Amangwago bombi ne baddukira mu nnyumba ey’omwami omu mu Bakulimu. Yalina oluzzi mu luggya lwe; ne bakka omwo.
19 And a woman took a covering, and spread it over the mouth of the well, and spread out ground corn upon it to dry, and the thing was not known.
Omukyala we n’addira ekisaanikira n’asaanikira ku kamwa k’oluzzi, n’ayiwako eŋŋaano n’agisaasaanyizaako. Ne wataba n’omu eyakitegeera.
20 And the servants of Abessalom came to the woman into the house, and said, Where [are] Achimaas and Jonathan? and the woman said to them, They are gone a little way beyond the water. And they sought and found them not, and returned to Jerusalem.
Awo abasajja ba Abusaalomu bwe batuuka ew’omukyala ku nnyumba, ne bamubuuza nti, “Akimaazi ne Yonasaani bali ludda wa?” N’abaddamu nti, “Basomose akagga ak’amazzi.” Abasajja ne babanoonyako naye ne batalaba muntu yenna, ne baddayo e Yerusaalemi.
21 And it came to pass after they were gone, that they came up out of the pit, and went on their way; and reported to king David, and said to David, Arise ye and go quickly over the water, for thus has Achitophel counselled concerning you.
Abasajja bwe baagenda, abaali beekwese ne bava mu luzzi ne bagenda ne bategeeza kabaka Dawudi. Ne bamugamba nti, “Golokoka osomoke mangu omugga, kubanga Akisoferi ateeseteese bw’ati ne bw’ati.”
22 And David rose up and all the people with him, and they passed over Jordan till the morning light; there was not one missing who did not pass over Jordan.
Awo Dawudi n’abantu bonna abaali naye ne bagolokoka ne basomoka Yoludaani; we bwakeerera nga tewali n’omu atasomose Yoludaani.
23 And Achitophel saw that his counsel was not followed, and he saddled his ass, and rose and departed to his house into his city; and he gave orders to his household, and hanged himself, and died, and was buried in the sepulchre of his father.
Akisoferi bwe yalaba nga amagezi ge tegagobereddwa, ne yeebagala endogoyi ye, n’agenda ewuwe mu kyalo kye waabwe. N’ateekateeka ennyumba ye, n’oluvannyuma ne yeetuga. N’aziikibwa mu ntaana ya kitaawe.
24 And David passed over to Manaim: and Abessalom crossed over Jordan, he and all the men of Israel with him.
Dawudi n’agenda e Makanayimu, ne Abusaalomu n’abasajja bonna aba Isirayiri ne basomoka Yoludaani.
25 And Abessalom appointed Amessai in the room of Joab over the host. And Amessai was the son of a man whose name was Jether of Jezrael: he went in to Abigaia the daughter of Naas, the sister of Saruia the mother of Joab.
Abusaalomu n’alonda Amasa okuba omuduumizi w’eggye mu kifo kya Yowaabu. Amasa yali mutabani wa Isira Omuyisimayiri eyawasa Abbigayiri muwala wa Nakasi muganda wa Zeruyiya nnyina Yowaabu.
26 And all Israel and Abessalom encamped in the land of Galaad.
Abayisirayiri ne Abusaalomu ne basiisira mu nsi ya Gireyaadi.
27 And it came to pass when David came to Manaim, that Uesbi the son of Naas of Rabbath of the sons of Ammon, and Machir son of Amiel of Lodabar, and Berzelli the Galaadite of Rogellim,
Dawudi bwe yatuuka e Makanayimu, Sobi mutabani wa Nakasi ow’e Labba eky’Abamoni, ne Makiri mutabani wa Ammiyeri ow’e Lodebali, ne Baluzirayi Omugireyaadi ow’e Logerimu,
28 brought ten embroidered beds, (with double coverings, ) and ten caldrons, and earthenware, and wheat, and barley, and flour, and meal, and beans, and pulse,
ne bamuleetera ebyokwebikka, n’ebibya, n’entamu, n’eŋŋaano, ne sayiri, n’obutta, n’eŋŋaano ensiike, n’ebijanjaalo, n’empindi, ne mpokya omusiike,
29 and honey, and butter, and sheep, and cheeses of kine: and they brought them to David and to his people with him to eat; for [one] said, The people [is] faint and hungry and thirsty in the wilderness.
n’omubisi gw’enjuki, n’omuzigo, n’endiga, ne bbongo, ne babiwa Dawudi n’abantu be okulya. Ne boogera nti, “Abantu enjala ebaluma, era bakooye, n’ennyonta ebalumidde mu ddungu.”

< Kings II 17 >