< Chronicles II 2 >
1 And Solomon said that he would build a house to the name of the Lord, and a house for his kingdom.
Hahoi Solomon ni BAWIPA min hanelah Bawkim buet touh hoi ama siangpahrang hanelah buet touh sak hanelah a kâcai.
2 And Solomon gathered seventy thousand men that bore burdens, and eighty thousand hewers of stone in the mountain, and [there were] three thousand six hundred superintendents over them.
Solomon ni hno ka phawt hane tami 70, 000 touh, thing ka bouk hane 80, 000 touh hoi ka taroun hanelah tami 3, 600 touh a rawi.
3 And Solomon sent to Chiram king of Tyre, saying, Whereas thou didst deal [favourably] with David my father, and didst send him cedars to build for himself a house to dwell in,
Solomon ni Taire siangpahrang Huram koevah, apa Devit hanelah hno na sak pouh teh, ao nahane im sak pouh hanelah sidar thing na poe e patetlah na poe van haw.
4 behold, I also his son am building a house to the name of the Lord my God, to consecrate it to him, to burn incense before him, and [to offer] shewbread continually, and to offer up whole-burnt-offerings continually morning and evening, and on the sabbaths, and at the new moons, and at the feasts of the Lord our God: this [is] a perpetual [statute] for Israel.
Khenhaw! BAWIPA Cathut hanelah Bawkim buet touh sak hane ka kâcai. Hmuitui sawi vaiteh BAWIPA bawk nahane hmuen, Isarelnaw ni pou sak hane kâpoelawk, vaiyei ta nahane thuengnae, sabbath hoi, thapa rei nah hnin, BAWIPA Cathut min lahoi pawi hnin amom tangmin hmaisawi thuengnae pou sak hane, naw doeh. Hathateh Isarelnaw hanelah yungyoe e phunglam doeh.
5 And the house which I am building [is to be] great: for the Lord our God [is] great beyond all gods.
Ka sak hane Bawkim teh kalenpounge lah ao han. Bangkongtetpawiteh, Cathut teh cathutnaw pueng hlak a lenpoung dawk.
6 And who will be able to build him a house? for the heaven and heaven of heavens do not bear his glory: and who am I, that I should build him a house, save only to burn incense before him?
Kakaw pounge kalvan patenghai khout hoeh e Cathut teh apinimaw Bawkim a sak pouh thai han. Kai patetnaw ni hmuitui sawi nahane im hoeh laipateh, bangtelamaw im ka sak pouh thai han vaw.
7 And now send me a man wise and skilled to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in purple, and in scarlet, and in blue, and one that knows how to grave together with the craftsmen who are with me in Juda and in Jerusalem, which materials my father David prepared.
Hatdawkvah, apa Devit ni a hmoun tangcoung e, Judah ram thung e hoi Jerusalem kho dawk e sui, ngun, rahum, sum, hahoi opaou, âthi, kamthim hni, hete hnonaw dawk thoumthainae hoi, kakuep e tami buet touh kai koe kaawm e hoi kâ kabawm hanelah patoun haw loe.
8 And send me from Libanus cedar wood, and wood of juniper, and pine; for I know that thy servants are skilled in cutting timber in Libanus: and, behold, thy servants shall go with my servants,
Lebanon e sidar thing hmaica thing hoi Algum thingnaw na patawn haw. Bangkongtetpawiteh, na taminaw teh lebanon thing tâtueng a thoum poung tie ka panue.
9 to prepare timber for me in abundance: for the house which I am building [must be] great and glorious.
Thing moikapap rakueng hanelah ka sannaw teh nange na sannaw koe kambawk van naseh. Bangkongtetpawiteh, sak han ka noe e Bawkim teh kalen pounge hoi kângairu hane kawilah ao.
10 And, behold, I have given freely to thy servants that work and cut the wood, corn for food, [even] twenty thousand measures of wheat, and twenty thousand measures of barley, and twenty thousand measures of wine, and twenty thousand measures of oil.
Thing ka bouk e na sannaw hanelah, satun kor 20, 000, misur bath 20, 000 hoi satui bath 20, 00 ka poe a han telah lawk na thui.
11 And Chiram king of Tyre answered in writing, and sent to Solomon, saying, Because the Lord loved his people, he made thee king over them.
Taire siangpahrang Huram ni, BAWIPA ni a taminaw lungpataw dawkvah ahnimae siangpahrang lah na coung sak e doeh telah Solomon koe ca lahoi bout a patawn.
12 And Chiram said, Blessed [be] the Lord God of Israel, who made heaven and earth, who has given to king David a wise son, and one endowed with knowledge and understanding, who shall build a house for the Lord, and a house for his kingdom.
Huram ni, Isarelnaw e BAWIPA Cathut, talai hoi kalvan kasakkung BAWIPA hanelah Bawkim hoi siangpahrang im sak hanelah lungangnae hoi panuethainae a capa siangpahrang Devit koe kapoekung teh yawhawinae awmseh.
13 And now I have sent thee a wise and understanding man [who belonged] to Chiram my father
Hatdawkvah thoumthainae hoi ka kuep e Huram heh ka patoun.
14 (his mother [was] of the daughters of Dan, and his father [was] a Tyrian), skilled to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in iron, and in stones and wood; and to weave with purple, and blue, and fine linen, and scarlet; and to engrave, and to understand every device, whatsoever thou shalt give him [to do] with thy craftsmen, and the craftsmen of my lord David thy father.
A manu teh dan miphun, A na pa teh Taire miphun lah ao. Huram teh sui, ngun, rahum, sum, talung hoi thing hetnaw hoi aphunphun ka sak thai e tami lah ao. Âthi hni, opaou hni kamthim hni hoi lukkarei naw hai koung a kawng thai, Hatdawkvah BAWIPA na pa Devit e thaw katawknaw hoi cungtalah rei tawk naseh.
15 And now, the wheat, and the barley, and the oil, and the wine which my lord mentioned, let him send to his servants.
Ka BAWIPA ni a dei tangcoung e patetlah satun, barli, satui hoi misur naw hah ka sannaw koe patawn awh lawih.
16 And we will cut timber out of Libanus according to all thy need, and we will bring it on rafts to the sea of Joppa, and thou shalt bring it to Jerusalem.
Hottelah, kaimouh ni Lebanon mon dawk e thingnaw, na ngai yit touh ka tâtueng vaiteh tui dawk hoi Joppa totouh na phu han telah atipouh.
17 And Solomon gathered all the foreigners that were in the land of Israel, after the numbering with which David his father numbered them; and there were found a hundred and fifty-three thousand six hundred.
Solomon ni Isarel ram dawk e a na pa Devit ni a touk tangcoung e miphun alouke tami bout a touk navah 153, 600 touh a pha.
18 And he made of them seventy thousand burden-bearers, and eighty thousand hewers of stone, and three thousand six hundred taskmasters over the people.
Hahoi hno ka phawt hanelah tami 70, 000 hoi, mon dawk e thing ka tâtueng hane 80, 000, hoi thaw katawknaw khenyawnkung lah, 3,600 touh, touh lah a hmoun.