< Chronicles II 13 >

1 In the eighteenth year of the reign of Jeroboam Abia began to reign over Juda.
Awo mu mwaka ogw’ekkumi n’omunaana ogw’obufuzi bwa Yerobowaamu, Abiya n’afuuka kabaka wa Yuda,
2 He reigned three years in Jerusalem. And his mother's name [was] Maacha, daughter of Uriel of Gabaon. And there was war between Abia and Jeroboam.
era n’afugira mu Yerusaalemi emyaka esatu. Erinnya lya nnyina yali Mikaaya muwala wa Uliyeri ow’e Gibea. Ne waba olutalo wakati wa Abiya ne Yerobowaamu.
3 And Abia set the battle in array with an army, with mighty men of war, [even] four hundred thousand mighty men: and Jeroboam set the battle in array against him with eight hundred thousand, [they were] mighty warriors of the host.
Abiya n’agenda mu lutalo ng’alina eggye lya basajja emitwalo amakumi ana, ate Yerobowaamu ng’alina abasajja emitwalo kinaana.
4 And Abia rose up from the mount Somoron, which is in mount Ephraim, and said, Hear ye, Jeroboam, and all Israel:
Awo Abiya n’ayimirira ku Lusozi Zemalayimu mu nsi ey’ensozi eya Efulayimu, n’ayogera nti, “Yerobowaamu ne Isirayiri yenna, mumpulirize!
5 [Is it] not for you to know that the Lord God of Israel has given a king over Israel for ever to David, and to his sons, by a covenant of salt?
Temumanyi nga Mukama Katonda wa Isirayiri, yagabula obwakabaka bwa Isirayiri eri Dawudi ne zadde lye emirembe gyonna olw’endagaano ey’omunnyo?
6 But Jeroboam the [son] of Nabat, the servant of Solomon [the son] of David, is risen up, and has revolted from his master:
Naye Yerobowaamu mutabani wa Nebati, omuddu wa Sulemaani mutabani wa Dawudi, n’amugolokokerako n’amujeemera.
7 and there are gathered to him pestilent men, transgressors, and he has risen up against Roboam the [son] of Solomon, while Roboam was young and fearful in heart, and he withstood him not.
Era waaliwo abasajja abalalulalu abamu abeegatta ku Yerobowaamu ne bajeemera Lekobowaamu mutabani wa Sulemaani bwe yali omuto, nga talina kyayinza kusalawo, nga n’amaanyi ag’okubaziyiza tagalina.
8 And now ye profess to resist the kingdom of the Lord in the hand of the sons of David; and ye [are] a great multitude, and with you are golden calves, which Jeroboam made you for gods.
“Kaakano mulowooza nti muyinza okwaŋŋanga obwakabaka bwa Mukama obuli mu mikono gy’abazzukulu ba Dawudi, kubanga muli ekibiina kinene, abalina n’ennyana eza zaabu Yerobowaamu ze yabakolera okuba bakatonda bammwe abalala?
9 Did ye not cast out the priests of the Lord, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, and make to yourselves priests of the people of any [other] land? whoever came to consecrate himself with a calf of the heard and seven rams, he forthwith became a priest to that which is no god.
Mwagoba bakabona ba Mukama, batabani ba Alooni, n’Abaleevi, ne mussaawo bakabona abammwe ng’amawanga ag’omu nsi endala bwe gakola. Buli aleeta ente ennume ento n’endiga ennume musanvu ayinza okwewaayo okufuuka kabona wa bakatonda abalala.
10 But we have not forsaken the Lord our God, and his priests, the sons of Aaron, and the Levites, minister to the Lord; and in their daily courses
“Naye ffe, Mukama ye Katonda waffe, era tetumuvangako. Bakabona abaweereza Mukama, batabani ba Alooni, era bayambibwako Abaleevi.
11 they sacrifice to the Lord whole-burnt-offering, morning and evening, and compound incense, and [set] the shewbread on the pure table; and [there is] the golden candlestick, and the lamps for burning, to light in the evening: for we keep the charge of the Lord God of our fathers; but ye have forsaken him.
Buli nkya na buli kawungeezi bawaayo ebiweebwayo ebyokebwa n’obubaane obwa kawoowo eri Mukama, ne bategeka n’emigaati egy’okulaga ku mmeeza eya zaabu omwereere, ne bakoleeza n’ettaala eziri ku bikondo ebya zaabu buli kawungeezi. Tugondera Mukama Katonda waffe nga tukola bye yatukuutira, naye mmwe mwamuvaako.
12 And, behold, the Lord and his priests are with us at our head, and the signal trumpets to sound an alarm over us. Children of Israel, fight not against the Lord God of our fathers; for ye shall not prosper.
Laba, Katonda ali naffe, era ye mukulembeze waffe, era ne bakabona be banaafuuwa amakondeere mu maloboozi ag’olutalo, okuggulawo okulwana nammwe. Abasajja Abayisirayiri temulwanyisa Mukama, Katonda wa bajjajjammwe, temujja kuwangula.”
13 Now Jeroboam had caused an ambush to come round upon him from behind: and he [himself] was before Juda, and the ambush behind.
Naye mu kiseera kye kimu Yerobowaamu yali asindise abaserikale be okutaayiza emabega ne mu maaso ga Yuda.
14 And Juda looked back, and, behold, the battle [was] against them before and behind: and they cried to the Lord, and the priests sounded with the trumpets.
Laba Yuda bwe baakyuka ne balaba nga balumbiddwa okuva mu maaso n’emabega, ne bakaabira Mukama, ne bakabona ne bafuuwa amakondeere.
15 And the men of Juda shouted: and it came to pass, when the men of Juda shouted, that the Lord smote Jeroboam and Israel before Abia and Juda.
Awo abasajja ba Yuda olwa wowogganira waggulu n’eddoboozi ery’olutalo, Katonda n’awangula Yerobowaamu ne Isirayiri yenna mu maaso ga Abiya ne Yuda.
16 And the children of Israel fled from before Juda; and the Lord delivered them into their hands.
Abayisirayiri ne badduka okuva mu maaso ga Yuda, naye Mukama n’abawaayo mu mukono gwa Yuda.
17 And Abia and his people smote them with a great slaughter: and there fell slain of Israel five hundred thousand mighty men.
Abiya n’abasajja be ne batta bangi nnyo ku Bayisirayiri, ne waba emitwalo amakumi ataano ku abo abaafa.
18 So the children of Israel were brought low in that day, and the children of Juda prevailed, because they trusted on the Lord God of their fathers.
Mu kiseera ekyo abasajja Abayisirayiri ne bawangulwa; abasajja ba Yuda ne baba bawanguzi kubanga beesiga Mukama, Katonda wa bajjajjaabwe.
19 And Abia pursued after Jeroboam, and he took from him the cities, Baethel and her towns, and Jesyna and her towns, and Ephron and her towns.
Abiya n’agoba Yerobowaamu, n’amutwalako Beseri, ne Yesana, ne Efulooni wamu n’ebyalo ebiriraanye ebibuga ebyo.
20 And Jeroboam did not recover strength again all the days of Abia: and the Lord smote him, and he died.
Yerobowaamu n’ataddamu nate kuba na buyinza mu mirembe gya Abiya, Mukama n’alwaza Yerobowaamu n’afa.
21 But Abia strengthened himself, and took to himself fourteen wives, and he begot twenty-two sons, and sixteen daughters.
Awo Abiya n’aba w’amaanyi n’awasa abakazi kkumi na bana, n’abeera n’abaana aboobulenzi amakumi abiri mu babiri n’abaana aboobuwala kkumi na mukaaga.
22 And the rest of the acts of Abia, and his deeds, and his sayings, are written in the book of the prophet Addo.
Ebyafaayo ebirala ebyomumirembe gya Abiya, ne bye yakola ne bye yayogera, byawandiikibwa mu ngero za nnabbi Iddo.

< Chronicles II 13 >