< Kings I 18 >

1 [And it came to pass when he had finished speaking to Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David and David loved him ] [as his own soul. ]
Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
2 [And Saul took him in that day, and did not suffer him to return to his father's house. ]
Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
3 [And Jonathan and David made a covenant because he loved him as his own soul. ]
Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
4 [And Jonathan stripped himself of his ] [upper garment, and gave it to David, and his mantle and all he had upon him, even to his sword and to his bow, and to his girdle. ]
Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
5 [And David went out withersoever Saul sent him, and ] [acted wisely, and Saul set him over the men of war, and he was pleasing in the eyes of all the people, and also in the eyes of the servants of Saul. ]
Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
6 And there came out women in dances to meet David out of all the cities of Israel, with timbrels, and with rejoicing, and with cymbals.
Et les chœurs de danseuses, transportées de joie, sortirent de toutes les villes d'Israël à la rencontre de David, avec des tambours et des cymbales.
7 And the women began [the strain], and said, Saul has smitten his thousands, and David his ten thousands.
Les femmes entonnaient le chant et elles disaient: Saül les a tués par milliers, et David par myriades.
8 And it seemed evil in the eyes of Saul concerning this matter, and he said, To David they have given ten thousands, and to me they have given thousands. [And what more can he have but the kingdom? ]
La chose parut mauvaise à Saül, et il dit: Elles attribuent à David des myriades, et à moi des milliers.
9 [And Saul eyed David from that day and onward. ]
[Et Saül regarda David d'un œil méfiant, à partir de ce jour et après.]
10 [And it came to pass] [on the morrow that an evil spirit from God fell upon Saul, and he prophesied in the midst of his house. And David was playing on the harp with his hand, according to his daily custom. And Saul’s spear was in his hand. ]
[Et Saül regarda David d'un œil méfiant, à partir de ce jour et après.]
11 [And Saul took his spear and said, I will smite David even to the wall. But David escaped twice from his presence. ]
[Et Saül regarda David d'un œil méfiant, à partir de ce jour et après.]
12 And Saul was alarmed on account of David.
Et Saül fut alarmé au sujet de David.
13 And he removed him from him, and made him a captain of a thousand for himself; and he went out and came in before the people.
Il l'éloigna de sa personne; il lui donna un commandement de mille hommes, et David fit ses évolutions devant le peuple.
14 And David was prudent in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.
Et David en toutes ses démarches se conduisit avec prudence, car le Seigneur était avec lui.
15 And Saul saw that he was very wise, and he was afraid of him.
Et Saül vit sa grande sagesse, et il eut crainte de lui.
16 And all Israel and Juda loved David, because he came in and went out before the people.
Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
17 [And Saul said to David, Behold my elder daughter Merob, I will give her to thee to Wife, only be thou to me a mighty man and fight the wars of the Lord. And Saul said, Let not my hand be upon him, but the hand of the Philistines shall be upon him. ]
Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
18 [And David said to Saul, Who am I, and What is the life of my father’s family in Israel, that I should be the king’s son—in-law? ]
Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
19 [But it came to pass at the time when Merob Saul’s daughter should have been given to David, that she was given to Israel the Mothulathite to wife. ]
Or, tout Israël et tout Juda aimaient David, parce qu'il marchait à la tête du peuple.
20 And Melchol the daughter of Saul loved David; and it was told Saul, and the thing was pleasing in his eyes.
Et Michol, fille de Saül, aima David; on l'alla dire à Saül, et la nouvelle lui plut.
21 And Saul said, I will give her to him, and she shall be a stumbling-block to him. Now the hand of the Philistines was against Saul.
Car Saül dit: Je la lui donnerai, et ce sera pour lui une pierre d'achoppement. La main des Philistins était alors contre Saül.
22 And Saul charged his servants, saying, Speak ye privately to David, saying, Behold, the king delights in thee, and all his servants love thee, and do thou becomes the king's son-in-law.
Et Saül donna ses ordres à ses serviteurs, disant: Parlez en secret à David, et dites-lui: Voilà que le roi se plaît avec toi, tous ses serviteurs t'aiment, sois donc le gendre du roi.
23 And the servants of Saul spoke these words in the ears of David; and David said, [Is it] a light thing in your eyes to become son-in-law to the king? Whereas I [am] an humble man, an not honourable?
Les serviteurs de Saül répétèrent tout bas ces paroles à David, et il leur répondit: Est-ce si peu de chose à vos yeux de devenir gendre du roi? Je suis d'humble condition et nullement illustre.
24 And the servants of Saul reported to him according to these words, which David spoke.
Et les serviteurs de Saül lui firent leur rapport, en conséquence de ce que leur avait dit David.
25 And Saul said, Thus shall ye speak to David, The king wants no gift but a hundred foreskins of the Philistines, to avenge himself on the kings enemies. Now Saul thought to cast him into the hands of the Philistines.
Et Saül reprit: Voilà ce que vous direz à David: Le roi n'a que faire de présents, si ce n'est de cent prépuces de Philistins, pour se venger des ennemis du roi. Saül comptait ainsi le jeter entre les mains des étrangers.
26 And the servants of Saul report these words to David, and David was well pleased to become the son-in-law to the king.
Les serviteurs de Saül répétèrent ces paroles à David, et il lui parut bon d'être gendre du roi.
27 And David arose, and went, he and his men, and smote among the Philistines a hundred men: and he brought their foreskins, and he becomes the king's son-in-law, and [Saul] gives him Melchol his daughter to wife.
David partit donc, il se mit en campagne avec ses hommes, il tua cent Philistins, rapporta leurs prépuces, et devint gendre du roi; Saül lui donna pour femme sa fille Michol.
28 And Saul saw that the Lord [was] with David, and [that] all Israel loved him.
Et Saül vit que le Seigneur était avec David, et que tout Israël l'aimait.
29 And he was yet more afraid of David.
Et il se défia encore davantage de David.
30 [And the chief of the Philistines went forth; and it came to pass that from ] [the suficiency of their expedition David acted Wisely above all the servants of Saul; and his name was honoured exceedingly. ]

< Kings I 18 >