< Kings I 13 >

1 And Saul chooses for himself three thousand men of the men of Israel: and there were with Saul two thousand who were in Machmas, and in mount Baethel, and a thousand were with Jonathan in Gabaa of Benjamin: and he sent the rest of the people every man to his tent.
Filius unius anni erat Saul cum regnare cœpisset: duobus autem annis regnavit super Israël.
Et elegit sibi Saul tria millia de Israël: et erant cum Saul duo millia in Machmas, et in monte Bethel: mille autem cum Jonatha in Gabaa Benjamin: porro ceterum populum remisit unumquemque in tabernacula sua.
3 And Jonathan smote Nasib the Philistine that dwelt in the hill; and the Philistines hear of it, and Saul sounds the trumpet through all the land, saying, The servants have despised [us].
Et percussit Jonathas stationem Philisthinorum quæ erat in Gabaa. Quod cum audissent Philisthiim, Saul cecinit buccina in omni terra, dicens: Audiant Hebræi.
4 And all Israel heard say, Saul has smitten Nasib the Philistine; now Israel had been put to shame before the Philistines; and the children of Israel went up after Saul in Galgala.
Et universus Israël audivit hujuscemodi famam: Percussit Saul stationem Philisthinorum, et erexit se Israël adversus Philisthiim. Clamavit ergo populus post Saul in Galgala.
5 And the Philistines gather together to war with Israel; and then come up against Israel thirty thousand chariots, and six thousand horsemen, and people as the sand by the seashore for multitude: and they come up, and encamp in Machmas, opposite Baethoron southward.
Et Philisthiim congregati sunt ad præliandum contra Israël, triginta millia curruum, et sex millia equitum, et reliquum vulgus, sicut arena quæ est in littore maris plurima. Et ascendentes castrametati sunt in Machmas ad orientem Bethaven.
6 And the men of Israel saw that they were in a strait so that they could not draw nigh, and the people hid themselves in caves, and sheepfolds, and rocks, and ditches, and pits.
Quod cum vidissent viri Israël se in arcto positos (afflictus enim erat populus), absconderunt se in speluncis, et in abditis, in petris quoque, et in antris, et in cisternis.
7 And they that went over went over Jordan to the land of Gad and Galaad: and Saul was yet in Galgala, and all the people followed after him in amazement.
Hebræi autem transierunt Jordanem in terram Gad et Galaad. Cumque adhuc esset Saul in Galgala, universus populus perterritus est qui sequebatur eum.
8 And he continued seven days for the appointed testimony, as Samuel told him, and Samuel came not to Galgala, and his people were dispersed from him.
Et expectavit septem diebus juxta placitum Samuelis, et non venit Samuel in Galgala, dilapsusque est populus ab eo.
9 And Saul said, Bring hither [victims], that I may offer whole-burnt-offerings and peace-offerings: and he offered the whole-burnt-offering.
Ait ergo Saul: Afferte mihi holocaustum et pacifica. Et obtulit holocaustum.
10 And it came to pass when he had finished offering the whole-burnt-offering, that Samuel arrived, and Saul went out to meet him, [and] to bless him.
Cumque complesset offerens holocaustum, ecce Samuel veniebat: et egressus est Saul obviam ei ut salutaret eum.
11 And Samuel said, What hast thou done? and Saul said, Because I saw how the people were scattered from me, and thou was not present as thou purposedst according to the set time of the days, and the Philistines were gathered to Machmas.
Locutusque est ad eum Samuel: Quid fecisti? Respondit Saul: Quia vidi quod populus dilaberetur a me, et tu non veneras juxta placitos dies, porro Philisthiim congregati fuerant in Machmas,
12 Then I said, Now will the Philistines come down to me to Galgala, and I have not sought the face of the Lord: so I forced myself and offered the whole-burnt-offering.
dixi: Nunc descendent Philisthiim ad me in Galgala, et faciem Domini non placavi. Necessitate compulsus, obtuli holocaustum.
13 And Samuel said to Saul, Thou hast done foolishly; for thou hast not kept my command, which the Lord commanded thee, as now the Lord would have confirmed thy kingdom over Israel for ever.
Dixitque Samuel ad Saul: Stulte egisti, nec custodisti mandata Domini Dei tui quæ præcepit tibi. Quod si non fecisses, jam nunc præparasset Dominus regnum tuum super Israël in sempiternum:
14 But now thy kingdom shall not stand to thee, and the Lord shall seek for himself a man after his own heart; and the Lord shall appoint him to be a ruler over his people, because thou hast not kept all that the Lord commanded thee.
sed nequaquam regnum tuum ultra consurget. Quæsivit Dominus sibi virum juxta cor suum: et præcepit ei Dominus ut esset dux super populum suum, eo quod non servaveris quæ præcepit Dominus.
15 And Samuel arose, and departed from Galgala, and the remnant of the people went after Saul to meet [him] after the men of war, when they had come out of Galgala to Gabaa of Benjamin. And Saul numbered the people that were found with him, about six hundred men.
Surrexit autem Samuel, et ascendit de Galgalis in Gabaa Benjamin. Et reliqui populi ascenderunt post Saul obviam populo, qui expugnabant eos venientes de Galgala in Gabaa, in colle Benjamin. Et recensuit Saul populum qui inventi fuerant cum eo, quasi sexcentos viros.
16 And Saul and Jonathan his son, and the people that were found with them, halted in Gabaa, of Benjamin; and they wept: and the Philistines had encamped in Machmas.
Et Saul et Jonathas filius ejus, populusque qui inventus fuerat cum eis, erat in Gabaa Benjamin: porro Philisthiim consederant in Machmas.
17 And men came forth to destroy out of the land of the Philistines in three companies; one company turning by the way of Gophera toward the land of Sogal,
Et egressi sunt ad prædandum de castris Philisthinorum tres cunei. Unus cuneus pergebat contra viam Ephra ad terram Sual:
18 and another company turning the way of Baethoron, and another company turning by the way of Gabae that turns aside to Gai of Sabim.
porro alius ingrediebatur per viam Beth-horon: tertius autem verterat se ad iter termini imminentis valli Seboim contra desertum.
19 And there was not found a smith in all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, Lest the Hebrews make themselves sword or spear.
Porro faber ferrarius non inveniebatur in omni terra Israël: caverant enim Philisthiim, ne forte facerent Hebræi gladium aut lanceam.
20 And all Israel went down to the Land of the Philistines to forge every one his reaping-hook and his tool, and every one his axe and his sickle.
Descendebat ergo omnis Israël ad Philisthiim, ut exacueret unusquisque vomerem suum, et ligonem, et securim, et sarculum.
21 And it was near the time of vintage: and their tools were [valued at] three shekels for a plough-share, and there was the same rate for the axe and the sickle.
Retusæ itaque erant acies vomerum, et ligonum, et tridentum, et securium, usque ad stimulum corrigendum.
22 And it came to pass in the days of the war of Machmas, that there was not a sword or spear found in the hand of all the people, that were with Saul and Jonathan; but with Saul and Jonathan his son was there found.
Cumque venisset dies prælii, non est inventus ensis et lancea in manu totius populi qui erat cum Saule et Jonatha, excepto Saul et Jonatha filio ejus.
23 And there went out some from the camp of the Philistines to the place beyond Machmas.
Egressa est autem statio Philisthiim, ut transcenderet in Machmas.

< Kings I 13 >