< Chronicles I 6 >

1 The sons of Levi: Gedson, Caath, and Merari.
Vanakomana vaRevhi vaiva Gerishoni, Kohati naMerari.
2 And the sons of Caath; Ambram, and Issaar, Chebron, and Oziel.
Vanakomana vaKohati vaiva: Amiramu, Izhari, Hebhuroni naUzieri.
3 And the sons of Ambram; Aaron, and Moses, and Mariam: and the sons of Aaron; Nadab, and Abiud, Eleazar, and Ithamar.
Vana vaAmiramu vaiva: Aroni, Mozisi naMiriamu. Vanakomana vaAroni vaiva: Nadhabhi, Abhihu, Ereazari naItamari.
4 Eleazar begot Phinees, Phinees begot Abisu;
Ereazari aiva baba vaFinehasi, Finehasi baba vaAbhishua,
5 Abisu begot Bokki, and Bokki begot Ozi;
Abhishua baba vaBhuki, Bhuki baba vaUzi,
6 Ozi begot Zaraia, Zaraia begot Mariel;
Uzi baba vaZerahia, Zerahia baba vaMerayoti,
7 and Mariel begot Amaria, and Amaria begot Achitob;
Merayoti baba vaAmaria, Amaria baba vaAhitubhi,
8 and Achitob begot Sadoc, and Sadoc begot Achimaas;
Ahitubhi baba vaZadhoki, Zadhoki baba vaAhimaazi,
9 and Achimaas begot Azarias, and Azarias begot Joanan;
Ahimaazi baba vaAzaria, Azaria baba vaJohanani,
10 and Joanan begot Azarias: he ministered as priest in the house which Solomon built in Jerusalem.
Johanani baba vaAzaria. (Ndiye aibata basa somuprista mutemberi yakavakwa naSoromoni muJerusarema.)
11 And Azarias begot Amaria, and Amaria begot Achitob;
Azaria baba vaAmaria, Amaria baba vaAhitubhi.
12 and Achitob begot Sadoc, and Sadoc begot Salom;
Ahitubhi baba vaZadhoki, Zadhoki baba vaSharumi,
13 and Salom begot Chelcias, and Chelcias begot Azarias;
Sharumi baba vaHirikia, Hirikia baba vaAzaria,
14 and Azarias begot Saraia, and Saraias begot Josadac.
Azaria baba vaSeraya uye Seraya baba vaJehozadhaki.
15 And Josadac went into captivity with Juda and Jerusalem under Nabuchodonosor.
(Jehozadhaki akadzingwa Jehovha paakaendesa Judha neJerusarema kuutapwa noruoko rwaNebhukadhinezari.)
16 The sons of Levi: Gedson, Caath, and Merari.
Vanakomana vaRevhi vaiva: Gerishoni, Kohati naMerari.
17 And these [are] the names of the sons of Gedson; Lobeni, and Semei.
Aya ndiwo mazita avanakomana vaGerishoni: Ribhini naShimei.
18 The sons of Caath; Ambram, and Issaar, Chebron, and Oziel.
Vanakomana vaKohati vaiva: Amiramu, Izhari, Hebhuroni naUzieri.
19 The sons of Merari; Mooli and Musi: and these [are] the families of Levi, according to their families.
Vanakomana vaMerari vaiva: Mairi naMushi. Idzi ndidzo dzimba dzavaRevhi dzakanyorwa maererano namazita amadzibaba avo:
20 To Gedson—to Lobeni his son—[were born] Jeth his son, Zammath his son,
VaGerishoni: Ribhini mwanakomana wake, Jehati mwanakomana wake naZima mwanakomana wake,
21 Joab his son, Addi his son, Zara his son, Jethri his son.
Joa mwanakomana wake Idho mwanakomana wake, Zera mwanakomana wake naJeaterai mwanakomana wake.
22 The sons of Caath; Aminadab his son, Core his son, Aser his son;
Zvizvarwa zvaKohati zvaiva: Aminadhabhi mwanakomana wake, Kora mwanakomana wake, Asiri mwanakomana wake,
23 Helcana his son, Abisaph his son, Aser his son:
Erikana mwanakomana wake, naEbhiasafi mwanakomana wake, Asiri mwanakomana wake,
24 Thaath his son, Uriel his son, Ozia his son, Saul his son.
naTahati mwanakomana wake, Urieri mwanakomana wake, Uzia mwanakomana wake naShauri mwanakomana wake.
25 And the sons of Helcana; Amessi, and Achimoth.
Zvizvarwa zvaErikana zvaiva: Amasai, Ahimoti,
26 Helcana his son, Suphi his son, Cainaath his son;
Erikana mwanakomana wake, Zofai mwanakomana wake, naNahati mwanakomana wake,
27 Eliab his son, Jeroboam his son, Helcana his son.
naEriabhi mwanakomana wake, Jerohamu mwanakomana wake, naErikana mwanakomana wake, naSamueri mwanakomana wake,
28 The sons of Samuel; the first-born Sani, and Abia.
Vanakomana vaSamueri vaiva: Joere dangwe rake naAbhija mwanakomana wake wechipiri.
29 The sons of Merari; Mooli, Lobeni his son, Semei his son, Oza his son;
Zvizvarwa zvaMerari zvaiva: Mari, Ribhini mwanakomana wake, Shimei mwanakomana wake, Uza mwanakomana wake,
30 Samaa his son, Angia his son, Asaias his son.
Shimea mwanakomana wake, Hagia mwanakomana wake naAsaya mwanakomana wake.
31 And these [were the men] whom David set over the service of the singers in the house of the Lord when the ark was at rest.
Ava ndivo varume vakagadzwa naDhavhidhi kuti vafambise basa rokuimba muimba yaJehovha mushure mokunge areka yawana pokuzorora imomo.
32 And they ministered in front of the tabernacle of witness [playing] on instruments, until Solomon built the house of the Lord in Jerusalem; and they stood according to their order for their services.
Vaishumira uye vaiimba pamberi petabhenakeri, muTende Rokusangana, kusvikira Soromoni avaka temberi yaJehovha muJerusarema. Vaibata basa ravo maererano nemitemo yavakanga vakadzikirwa.
33 And these [were the men] that stood, and their sons, of the sons of Caath: Aeman the psalm singer, son of Joel, the son of Samuel,
Ava ndivo varume vaibata basa pamwe chete navanakomana vavo: kubva kuvaKohati: Hemani muimbi, mwanakomana waJoere, mwanakomana waSamueri,
34 the son of Helcana, the son of Jeroboam, the son of Eliel, the son of Thoas,
mwanakomana waErikana, mwanakomana waJerohamu, mwanakomana waErieri, mwanakomana waToa,
35 the son of Suph, the son of Helcana, the son of Maath, the son of Amathi,
mwanakomana waZufi, mwanakomana waErikana, mwanakomana waMahati, mwanakomana waAmasai,
36 the son of Helcana, the son of Joel, the son of Azarias, the son of Japhanias,
mwanakomana waErikana, mwanakomana waJoere, mwanakomana waAzaria, mwanakomana waZefania,
37 the son of Thaath, the son of Aser, the son of Abiasaph, the son of Core,
mwanakomana waTahati, mwanakomana waAsiri, mwanakomana waEbhiasafi; mwanakomana waKora,
38 the son of Isaar, the son of Caath, the son of Levi, the son of Israel.
mwanakomana waIzhari, mwanakomana waKohati, mwanakomana waRevhi mwanakomana waIsraeri.
39 And his brother Asaph, who stood at his right hand; Asaph the son of Barachias, the son of Samaa,
Uye mubatsiri waHemani pabasa ainzi Asafi akanga amire kurudyi rwake: Asafi mwanakomana waBherekia mwanakomana waShimea,
40 the son of Michael, the son of Baasia, the son of Melchia,
mwanakomana waMikaeri, mwanakomana Bhaaseya, mwanakomana waMarikia,
41 the son of Athani, the son of Zaarai,
mwanakomana waEtini, mwanakomana waZera, mwanakomana waAdhaya,
42 the son of Adai, the son of Aetham, the son of Zammam, the son of Semei,
mwanakomana waEtani, mwanakomana waZima, mwanakomana waShimei,
43 the son of Jeeth, the son of Gedson, the son of Levi.
mwanakomana waJahati, mwanakomana waGerishoni, mwanakomana waRevhi;
44 And the sons of Merari their brethren on the left hand: Aetham the son of Kisa, the son of Abai, the son of Maloch,
uye kubva kuvabatsiri vavo, vaMerari, kuruboshwe rwake, vaiva: Etani mwanakomana waKishi, mwanakomana waAbhidhi, mwanakomana waMaruki,
45 the son of Asebi,
mwanakomana waHashabhia, mwanakomana waAmazia, mwanakomana waHirikia,
46 the son of Amessias, the son of Bani, the son of Semer,
mwanakomana waAmuzi, mwanakomana waBhani, mwanakomana waShemeri,
47 the son of Mooli, the son of Musi, the son of Merari, the son of Levi.
mwanakomana waMari, mwanakomana waMushi, mwanakomana waMerari, mwanakomana waRevhi.
48 And their brethren according to the houses of their fathers, [were] the Levites who were appointed to all the work of ministration of the tabernacle of the house of God.
Vamwe vavo vaRevhi vakapiwa mamwe mabasa ose omutabhenakeri, imba yaMwari.
49 And Aaron and his sons [were] to burn incense on the altar of whole-burnt-offerings, and on the altar of incense, for all the ministry [in] the holy of holies, and to make atonement for Israel, according to all things that Moses the servant of the Lord commanded.
Asi Aroni nezvizvarwa zvake ndivo vaiisa zvipiriso paaritari yezvipiriso zvinopiswa uye nepaaritari yezvinonhuhwira maererano nezvose zvaiitwa paNzvimbo Tsvene-tsvene, vachiyananisira Israeri maererano nezvose zvakanga zvarayirwa Mozisi muranda waMwari.
50 And these [are] the sons of Aaron; Eleazar his son, Phinees his son, Abisu his son,
Izvi ndizvo zvizvarwa zvaAroni: Ereazari mwanakomana wake, Finehasi mwanakomana wake, Abhishua mwanakomana wake
51 Bokki his son, Ozi his son, Saraia his son,
Bhuki mwanakomana wake, Uzi mwanakomana wake naZerahia mwanakomana wake,
52 Mariel his son, Amaria his son, Achitob his son,
Merayoti mwanakomana wake, Amaria mwanakomana wake, Ahitubhi mwanakomana wake,
53 Sadoc his son, Achimaas his son.
Zadhoki mwanakomana wake naAhimaazi mwanakomana wake.
54 And these [are] their residences in their villages, in their coasts, to the sons of Aaron, to their family the Caathites: for they had the lot.
Idzi ndidzo dzakanga dziri nzvimbo dzavo dzavakagoverwa dzokugara senyika yavo (dzakapiwa kuzvizvarwa zvaAroni, avo vaibva kuimba yaKohati, nokuti mugove wokutanga wakanga uri wavo).
55 And they gave them Chebron in the land of Juda, and its suburbs round about it.
Vakapiwa Hebhuroni iri muJudha namafuro ose akaipoteredza.
56 But the fields of the city, and its villages, they gave to Chaleb the son of Jephonne.
Asi minda nemisha yose yakapoteredza guta iri yakapiwa kuna Karebhu mwanakomana waJefune.
57 And to the sons of Aaron they gave the cities of refuge, [even] Chebron, and Lobna and her suburbs round about, and Selna and her suburbs, and Esthamo and her suburbs,
Saka zvizvarwa zvaAroni zvakapiwa Hebhuroni (Guta routiziro) uye Ribhina, Jatiri, Eshitemoa,
58 and Jethar and her suburbs, and Dabir and her suburbs,
Hireni, Dhebhiri,
59 and Asan and her suburbs, and Baethsamys and her suburbs:
Ashani, Juta, Bheti Shemeshi pamwe chete namafuro awo.
60 and of the tribe of Benjamin Gabai and her suburbs, and Galemath and her suburbs, and Anathoth and her suburbs: all their cities [were] thirteen cities according to their families.
Uye kubva kurudzi rwaBhenjamini vakapiwa Gibheoni, Gebha Aremeti neAnatoti pamwe chete namafuro awo. Maguta aya, akagoverwa pakati pedzimba dzavaKohati akanga ari gumi namatatu pamwe chete.
61 And to the sons of Caath that were left of their families, [there were given] out of the tribe, [namely], out of the half-tribe of Manasse, by lot, ten cities.
Zvimwe zvizvarwa zvaKohati zvakagoverwa maguta gumi kubva kudzimba dzorudzi rwehafu rwaManase.
62 And to the sons of Gedson according to their families [there were given] thirteen cities of the tribe of Issachar, of the tribe of Aser, of the tribe of Nephthali, of the tribe of Manasse in Basan.
Zvizvarwa zvaGerishoni mhuri nemhuri zvakagoverwawo maguta gumi namatatu kubva kumarudzi aIsakari, Asheri naNafutari uye nokubva kuchikamu chorudzi rwaManase chiri muBhashani.
63 And to the sons of Merari according to their families [there were given], by lot, twelve cities of the tribe of Ruben, of the tribe of Gad, [and] of the tribe of Zabulon.
Zvizvarwa zvaMerari, mhuri nemhuri zvakagoverwa maguta gumi namaviri kubva kumarudzi aRubheni, Gadhi naZebhuruni.
64 So the children of Israel gave to the Levites the cities and their suburbs.
Saka vaIsraeri vakapa vaRevhi maguta aya namafuro awo.
65 And they gave by lot out of the tribe of the children of Juda, and out of the tribe of the children of Symeon, and out of the tribe of the children of Benjamin, these cities which they call by name.
Kubva kurudzi rwaJudha, rwaSimeoni norwaBhenjamini vakagoverwa maguta ayo akanga arehwa namazita.
66 And [to the members] of the families of the sons of Caath there were also given the cities of their borders out of the tribe of Ephraim.
Vamwe vedzimba dzaKohati vakapiwa kuti ive nyika yavo, maguta kubva kurudzi rwaEfuremu.
67 And they gave them the cities of refuge, Sychem and her suburbs in mount Ephraim, and Gazer and her suburbs,
Munyika yamakomo yaEfuremu vakapiwa Shekemu (guta routiziro) neGezeri,
68 and Jecmaan and her suburbs, and Baethoron and her suburbs,
neJokimeami, neBheti Horoni,
69 and Aelon and her suburbs, and Gethremmon and her suburbs:
Aijaroni, neGati Rimoni pamwe chete namafuro awo.
70 and of the half-tribe of Manasse Anar and her suburbs, and Jemblaan and her suburbs, to the sons of Caath that were left, according to [each several] family.
Uye kubva kuhafu yorudzi rwaManase vaIsraeri vakapawo Aneri neBhireamu pamwe chete namafuro awo kuvaKohati vakanga vasara.
71 To the sons of Gedson from the families of the half-tribe of Manasse [they gave] Golan of Basan and her suburbs, and Aseroth and her suburbs.
VaGerishoni vakagamuchirawo zvinotevera: Kubva kuimba yehafu yorudzi rwaManase vakagamuchira Gorani muBhashani neAshitarotiwo pamwe chete namafuro awo;
72 And out of the tribe of Issachar, Kedes and her suburbs, and Deberi and her suburbs, and Dabor and her suburbs,
kubva kurudzi rwaIsakari vakagamuchira Kedheshi neDhabherati,
73 and Ramoth, and Aenan and her suburbs.
Ramoti, neAnemi, pamwe chete namafuro awo;
74 And of the tribe of Aser; Maasal and her suburbs, and Abdon and her suburbs,
kubva kurudzi rwaAsheri vakagamuchira Mashari, neAbhidhoni,
75 and Acac and her suburbs, and Roob and her suburbs.
Hukoki neRehobhi pamwe chete namafuro awo;
76 And of the tribe of Nephthali; Kedes in Galilee and her suburbs, and Chamoth and her suburbs, and Kariathaim and her suburbs.
uye kubva kurudzi rwaNafutari vakagamuchira Kedheshi muGarirea, neHamoni neKiriataimi pamwe chete namafuro awo.
77 To the sons of Merari that were left, [they gave] out of the tribe of Zabulon Remmon and her suburbs, and Thabor and her suburbs:
VaMerari (vaRevhi vose vakanga vasara) vakagamuchira zvinotevera: Kubva kurudzi rwaZebhuruni vakagamuchira Jokineami, Karita Rimono, neTabhori pamwe chete namafuro awo;
78 out of [the country] beyond Jordan; Jericho westward of Jordan: out of the tribe of Ruben; Bosor in the wilderness and her suburbs, and Jasa and her suburbs,
kubva kurudzi rwaRubheni mhiri kworwizi Jorodhani kumabvazuva kweJeriko vakagamuchirwawo Bhezeri murenje, Jaza,
79 and Kadmoth and her suburbs, and Maephla and her suburbs.
Kedhemoti neMefaati pamwe chete namafuro awo;
80 Out of the tribe of Gad; Rammoth Galaad and her suburbs, and Maanaim and her suburbs,
uye kubva kurudzi rwaGadhi vakagamuchira Ramoti muGireadhi, Mahanaimi,
81 and Esebon and her suburbs, and Jazer and her suburbs.
Heshibhoni neJazeri pamwe chete namafuro awo.

< Chronicles I 6 >