< Chronicles I 4 >
1 And the sons of Juda; Phares, Esrom, and Charmi, and Or, Subal,
Judini su sinovi bili: Peres, Hesron, Karmi, Hur i Šobal.
2 and Rada his son; and Subal begot Jeth; and Jeth begot Achimai, and Laad: these [are] the generations of the Arathites.
Šobalov sin Reaja rodi Jahata, a Jahat rodi Ahumaja i Lahada. To su soratski rodovi.
3 And these [are] the sons of Aetam; Jezrael and Jesman, and Jebdas: and their sister's name [was] Eselebbon.
Ovo su sinovi od oca Etama: Jizreel, Jišma i Jidbaš, a njihovoj je sestri bilo ime Haslelponija.
4 And Phanuel the father of Gedor, and Jazer the father of Osan: these [are] the sons of Or, the first-born of Ephratha, the father of Baethalaen.
Fenuel je bio otac Gedoru, a Ezer je bio Hušin otac. To su bili sinovi Hura, prvenca Efrate, oca Betlehema.
5 And Asur the father of Thecoe had two wives, Aoda and Thoada.
A otac Tekoe Ašhur imao je dvije žene, Helu i Naaru.
6 And Aoda bore to him Ochaia, and Ephal, and Thaeman, and Aasther: all these [were] the sons of Aoda.
Naara mu je rodila Ahuzama, Hefera, Temnance i Ahaštarce. To su Naarini sinovi.
7 And the sons of Thoada; Sereth, and Saar, and Esthanam.
Helini su sinovi bili: Seret, Sohar i Etnan.
8 And Coe begot Enob, and Sabatha, and the progeny of the brother of Rechab, the son of Jarin.
Kos rodi Anuba i Hasobebu i porodice Harumova sina Aharhela.
9 And Igabes was more famous than his brethren; and his mother called his name Igabes, saying, I have born as a sorrowful one.
Jabes je bio izvrsniji među braćom i mati mu je nadjela ime Jabes govoreći: “Rodila sam ga s bolom.”
10 And Igabes called on the God of Israel, saying, O that thou wouldest indeed bless me, and enlarge my coasts, and that thy hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest make me know that thou wilt not grieve me! And God granted him all that he asked.
Jabes je prizvao Izraelova Boga govoreći: “Ako me odista blagoslivljaš, raširi moje područje, neka bude tvoja ruka uza me i sačuvaj me oda zla, tako da se ne mučim!” Ispuni mu Bog za što ga je molio.
11 And Chaleb the father of Ascha begot Machir; he [was] the father of Assathon.
Šuhin brat Kelub rodi Mehira; on je bio Eštonov otac.
12 He begot Bathraias, and Bessee, and Thaeman the founder of the city of Naas the brother of Eselom the Kenezite: these [were] the men of Rechab.
Od Eštona poteče Bet Rafa, Paseah i Tehina, otac Ir Nahaša. To su Rekini ljudi.
13 And the sons of Kenez; Gothoniel, and Saraia: and the sons of Gothoniel; Athath.
A Kenazovi su sinovi bili: Otniel i Seraja. Otnielovi sinovi: Hatat i Meonotaj.
14 And Manathi begot Gophera: and Saraia begot Jobab, the father of Ageaddair, for they were artificers.
Meonotaj rodi Ofru; Šeraja rodi Joaba, oca onih što žive u Dolini rukotvoraca, jer bijahu rukotvorci.
15 And the sons of Chaleb the son of Jephonne; Er, Ada, and Noom: and the sons of Ada, Kenez.
Sinovi Jefuneova sina Kaleba bili su: Ir, Ela i Naam; Elin je sin bio Kenaz.
16 And the sons of Aleel, Zib, and Zepha, and Thiria, and Eserel.
Jehalelelovi su sinovi bili Zif, Zifa, Tirja i Asrael.
17 And the sons of Esri; Jether, Morad, and Apher, and Jamon: and Jether begot Maron, and Semei, and Jesba the father of Esthaemon.
Ezrini sinovi: Jeter, Mered, Efer i Jalon; Jeter rodi Mirjamu, Šamaja i Jišboha, Eštemoina oca.
18 And his wife, that [is] Adia, bore Jared the father of Gedor, and Aber the father of Sochon, and Chetiel the father of Zamon: and these [are] the sons of Betthia the daughter of Pharao, whom Mored took.
Njegova žena Judejka rodila je Jereda, Gedorova oca, Hebera, Sokova oca, i Jekutiela, Zanoahova oca. To su bili sinovi Bitje, faraonove kćeri koju je za ženu uzeo Mered.
19 And the sons of the wife of Iduia the sister of Nachaim the father of Keila; Garmi, and Esthaemon the Nochathite.
Sinovi Hodijine žene, sestre Nahama, Keilina oca, bili su: Šimun, otac Jomama Garmijca, i Eštemoa Maakaćanin.
20 And the sons of Semon; Amnon, and Ana the son of Phana, and Inon: and the sons of Sei, Zoan, and the sons of Zoab.
Šimunovi su sinovi bili: Amnon, Rina, Ben-Hanan i Tilon. Išijevi sinovi: Zohet i Ben-Zohet.
21 The sons of Selom the son of Juda; Er the father of Lechab, and Laada the father of Marisa, and the offspring of the family of Ephrathabac [belonging to] the house of Esoba.
Sinovi Judina sina Šele bili su: Er, Lekin otac, Lada, Marešin otac, i obitelji platnarske kuće u Bet Ašbeji;
22 And Joakim, and the men of Chozeba, and Joas, and Saraph, who dwelt in Moab, and he changed their names to Abederin and Athukiim.
Jokim i ljudi iz Kozebe Joaš i Saraf, koji su vladali nad Moabom i vratili se u Betlehem. Ali su to stari događaji.
23 These [are] the potters who dwelt in Ataim and Gadira with the king: they grew strong in his kingdom, and dwelt there.
To su bili lončari koji su živjeli u Netajimu i u Gederi kod kralja i bili su ondje zaposleni u njega.
24 The sons of Semeon; Namuel, and Jamin, Jarib, Zares, Saul:
Šimunovi su sinovi bili Nemuel, Jamin, Jarib, Zerah i Šaul.
25 Salem his son, Mabasam his son, Masma his son:
Njegov je sin bio Šalum, a njegov je sin Mibsam, njegov sin Mišma.
26 Amuel his son, Sabud his son, Zacchur his son, Semei his son.
Mišmini su sinovi bili: Hamuel, sin mu, i njegov sin Zakur i njegov sin Šimej.
27 Semei [had] sixteen sons, and six daughters; and his brethren had not many sons, neither did all their families multiply as the sons of Juda.
Šimej je imao šesnaest sinova i šest kćeri; njegova braća nisu imala mnogo sinova, i sve njihove porodice nije bilo tako mnogo kao Judinih sinova.
28 And they dwelt in Bersabee, and Molada, and in Esersual,
Živjeli su u Beer Šebi, Moladi i Hasar Šualu,
29 and in Balaa, and in Aesem, and in Tholad,
u Bilhi, u Esemu, u Toladu,
30 and in Bathuel, and in Herma, and in Sikelag,
u Betuelu, u Hormi, u Siklagu,
31 and in Baethmarimoth, and Hemisuseosin, and the house of Baruseorim: these [were] their cities until [the time of] king David.
u Bet Markabotu, u Hasar Susimu, u Bet Biriju i u Šaarajimu. To su bili njihovi gradovi do Davidova kraljevanja.
32 And their villages [were] Aetan, and En, Remnon, and Thocca, and Aesar, five cities.
A njihova su naselja bila: Etam i Ajin, Rimon, Token i Ašan, pet gradova.
33 And all their villages [were] round about these cities, as far as Baal: this [was] their possession, and their distribution.
I sva njihova naselja što su bila oko tih gradova do Baala. To su bili njihovi stanovi i njihovi plemenski popisi.
34 And Mosobab, and Jemoloch, and Josia the son of Amasia;
Mešobad, Jamlek i Amasjin sin Joša,
35 and Joel, and Jeu the son of Asabia, the son of Sarau, the son of Asiel;
Joel i Jehu, sin Jošibje, sina Serajina, sina Asielova,
36 and Elionai, and Jocaba, and Jasuia, and Asaia, and Jediel, and Ismael, and Banaias;
Elijoenaj, Jaakoba, Ješohaja, Asaja, Adiel, Jesimiel i Benaja,
37 and Zuza the son of Saphai, the son of Alon, the son of Jedia, the son of Semri, the son of Samaias.
Ziza, sin Šifija, sina Alonova, sina Jedajeva, sina Šimrijeva, sina Šemajina.
38 These went by the names of princes in their families, and they increased abundantly in their fathers' households.
Ti su imenovani bili starješine svojim rodovima i njihove su se porodice veoma umnožile.
39 And they went till they came to Gerara, to the east of Gai, to seek pasture for their cattle.
Zato su otišli do mjesta kako se ide u Gedor do istočne strane doline da traže pašu stoci.
40 And they found abundant and good pastures, and the land before them [was] wide, and [there was] peace and quietness; for [there were] some of the children of Cham who dwelt there before.
Našli su obilatu i dobru pašu i prostranu, sigurnu i mirnu zemlju. Budući da su ondje prije živjeli Hamovi potomci,
41 And these who are written by name came in the days of Ezekias king of Juda, and they smote the people's houses, and the Minaeans whom they found there, and utterly destroyed them until this day: and they dwelt in their place, because [there was] pasture there for their cattle.
Šimunovci, poimence popisani, navališe za vremena judejskoga kralja Ezekije te razbiše njihove šatore i njihove zaklone koji se nađoše ondje. Baciše na njih kletvu, koja traje do današnjega dana, i nastaniše se na njihovo mjesto jer su ondje bili pašnjaci za njihovu stoku.
42 And some of them, [even] of the sons of Symeon, went to mount Seir, [even] five hundred men; and Phalaettia, and Noadia, and Raphaia, and Oziel, sons of Jesi, [were] their rulers.
Onda su neki među onima što su pripadali Šimunovim sinovima, njih pet stotina, izbili na planinu Seir, na čelu s Felatjom, Nearjom, Refajom i Uzielom, Išijevim sinovima.
43 And they smote the remnant that were left of Amalec, until this day.
Oni pobiše ostatak koji se spasio između Amalečana i naseliše se ondje do današnjega dana.