< Zechariah 9 >

1 A word of the Lord: The Lord has come to the land of Hadrach, and Damascus is his resting-place: for the towns of Aram are the Lord's,
Perwerdigarning sözidin yüklen’gen bésharet — Xadrak zémini we Demeshq üstige qonidu (chünki Perwerdigarning neziri ademler we Israilning barliq qebililiri üstididur);
2 As well as Hamath, which is by its limit, and Tyre and Zidon, because they are very wise.
U bulargha chégridash bolghan Xamatqa, Tur we Zidon üstigimu qonidu. Tur tolimu «dana» bolghachqa,
3 And Tyre made for herself a strong place, and got together silver like dust and the best gold like the earth of the streets.
özi üchün qorghan qurghan, kümüshni topidek, sap altunni kochilardiki patqaqtek döwilep qoyghan.
4 See, the Lord will take away her heritage, overturning her power in the sea; and she will be burned up with fire.
Mana, Reb uni mal-dunyasidin ayriwétidu, uning küchini déngizda yoq qilidu; u ot teripidin yep kétilidu.
5 Ashkelon will see it with fear, and Gaza, bent with pain; and Ekron, for her hope will be shamed: and the king will be cut off from Gaza, and Ashkelon will be unpeopled.
Ashkélon buni körüp qorqidu; Gazamu körüp azablinip tolghinip kétidu; Ekronmu shundaq, chünki uning arzu-ümidi tozup kétidu; padishah Gazadin yoqap kétidu, Ashkélon ademzatsiz qalidu.
6 And a mixed people will be living in Ashdod, and I will have the pride of the Philistines cut off.
Shuning bilen Ashdodta haramdin bolghan birsi turidu; Men Filistiylerning meghrurluqi we pexrini yoqitimen.
7 And I will take away his blood from his mouth, and his disgusting things from between his teeth; and some of his people will be kept for our God: and he will be as a family in Judah, and Ekron as one living in Jerusalem.
Men aghzidin qanlarni, uning haram yégen yirginchlik nersilerni chishliri arisidin élip kétimen; andin qélip qalghanlar bolsa, ular Xudayimizgha tewe bolup, Yehudada yolbashchi bolidu; Ekronning orni Yebus qebilisidikilerge oxshash bolidu.
8 And I will put my forces in position round my house, so that there may be no coming and going: and no cruel master will again go through them: for now I have seen his trouble.
Men qoshun tüpeylidin, yeni ötüp ketküchi we qaytip kelgüchi tüpeylidin Öz öyüm etrapida chédirimni tiktürimen; ezgüchi qaytidin uningdin ötmeydu; chünki Öz közüm bilen közitimen.
9 Be full of joy, O daughter of Zion; give a glad cry, O daughter of Jerusalem: see, your king comes to you: he is upright and has overcome; gentle and seated on an ass, on a young ass.
Zor shadlan, i Zion qizi! Tentenelik nida qil, i Yérusalém qizi! Qaranglar, padishahing yéninggha kélidu; U heqqaniy we nijatliq bolidu; Kemter-mömin bolup, Mada éshekke, yeni éshek texiyige minip kélidu;
10 And he will have the war-carriage cut off from Ephraim, and the horse from Jerusalem, and the bow of war will be cut off: and he will say words of peace to the nations: and his rule will be from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth.
Shuning bilen Men jeng harwilirini Efraimdin, Atlarni Yérusalémdin mehrum qiliwétimen; Jeng oqyasimu élip tashlinidu. U bolsa ellerge xatirjemlik-tinchliqni jakarlap yetküzidu; Uning hökümranliqi déngizdin déngizghiche, [Efrat] deryasidin yer yüzining chetlirigiche bolidu.
11 And as for you, because of the blood of your agreement, I have sent out your prisoners from the deep hole in which there is no water.
Emdi séni bolsa, sanga chüshürülgen ehde qéni tüpeylidin, Men arangdiki mehbuslarni susiz orektin azadliqqa chiqirimen.
12 And they will come back to you, O daughter of Zion, as prisoners of hope: today I say to you that I will give you back twice as much;
Mustehkem jaygha qaytip kélinglar, i arzu-ümidning mehbusliri! Bügün Men jakarlap éytimenki, tartqan jazaliringning eksini ikki hessilep sanga qayturimen.
13 For I have made Judah a bow bent for my use, I have made Ephraim the arrows of the bow; I will make your sons, O Zion, take up arms against your sons, O Greece, and will make you like the sword of a man of war.
Chünki Özüm üchün Yehudani oqyadek égildürdüm, Efraimni oq qilip oqyagha saldim; Men oghul baliliringni ornidin turghuzimen, i Zion — ular séning oghul baliliringgha qarshi jeng qilidu, i Grétsiye! I Zion, Men séni palwanning qolidiki qilichtek qilimen.
14 And the Lord will be seen over them, and his arrow will go out like the thunder-flame: and the Lord God, sounding the war-horn, will go in the storm-winds of the South.
Perwerdigar ularning üstide körünidu; Uning oqi chaqmaqtek étilip uchidu. Reb Perwerdigar kanayni chalidu; U jenubtiki dehshetlik qara quyunlarni bille élip yürüsh qilidu.
15 The Lord of armies will be a cover for them; and they will overcome, crushing under foot the armed men; they will take their blood for drink like wine: they will be full like the sides of the altar.
Samawi qoshunlarning Serdari bolghan Perwerdigar ular üchün mudapie bolidu; ular salgha tashlirini kukum qilip, dessep cheyleydu; ular ichiwélip, sharab keypini sürgenlerdek qiyqas-süren kötüridu; ular [qan’gha] milen’gen qurban’gahning bürjekliridek, [qan’gha] toldurulghan qachilardek bolidu.
16 And the Lord their God will be their saviour in that day, giving them food like the flock of his people: for they will be like the jewels of a crown shining over his land.
Shu küni Perwerdigar bolghan ularning Xudasi ularni Özüm baqqan padam bolghan xelqim dep bilip qutquzidu; chünki ular taj göherliridek Uning zémini üstide kötürülidu.
17 For how good it is and how beautiful! grain will make the young men strong and new wine the virgins.
Shunche zordur Uning méhribanliqi, shunche qaltistur Uning güzelliki! Ziraetler yigitlerni, yéngi sharab qizlarni yashnitidu!

< Zechariah 9 >