< Ruth 3 >

1 And Naomi, her mother-in-law, said to her, My daughter, am I not to get you a resting-place where you may be in comfort?
Un Naēmja, viņas vīramāte, uz viņu sacīja: mana meita, vai es tev lai nemeklēju dusas vietu, kur tev labi klājās.
2 And now, is there not Boaz, our relation, with whose young women you were? See, tonight he is separating the grain from the waste in his grain-floor.
Nu tad, vai Boas, pie kura kalponēm tu esi turējusies, nav no mūsu tuviem radiem? Redzi, šo nakti viņš vētīs miežus klonā.
3 So take a bath, and, after rubbing your body with sweet oil, put on your best robe, and go down to the grain-floor; but do not let him see you till he has come to the end of his meal.
Tad nu mazgājies un svaidies un apvelc savas drēbes un noej uz to klonu, un neparādies tam vīram, kamēr viņš beidzis ēst un dzert.
4 But see to it, when he goes to rest, that you take note of the place where he is sleeping, and go in there, and, uncovering his feet, take your place by him; and he will say what you are to do.
Un kad viņš apguļas, tad ņem to vietu vērā, kur viņš apgulsies, un pieej un atsedz viņa kājgalu, un apgulies, tad viņš tev sacīs, kas tev būs jādara.
5 And she said, I will do all you say.
Un viņa uz to sacīja: visu, ko tu man esi sacījusi, to es darīšu.
6 So she went down to the grain-floor and did all her mother-in-law had said to her.
Tā viņa nogāja uz to klonu un darīja, tā kā viņas vīramāte viņai bija pavēlējusi.
7 Now when Boaz had taken meat and drink, and his heart was glad, he went to take his rest at the end of the mass of grain; then she came softly and, uncovering his feet, went to rest.
Kad nu Boas bija ēdis un dzēris, un viņa sirds bija līksma, tad viņš gāja apgulties aiz gubas. Tad viņa nāca klusiņām un atsedza viņa kājgalu un apgūlās.
8 Now in the middle of the night, the man awaking from his sleep in fear, and lifting himself up, saw a woman stretched at his feet.
Un nakts vidū tas vīrs izbijās, un palocījās, un redzi, viena sieviete gulēja viņam kājgalā.
9 And he said, Who are you? And she answering said, I am your servant Ruth: take your servant as wife, for you are a near relation.
Un viņš sacīja: kas tu esi? Un tā sacīja: es esmu Rute, tava kalpone, izplēt savus spārnus pār savu kalponi, jo tu esi tas tuvinieks.
10 And he said, May the Lord give you his blessing, my daughter: even better than what you did at the first is this last kind act you have done, in not going after young men, with or without wealth.
Un viņš sacīja: esi svētīta no Tā Kunga, mana meita! Šī tava pēdējā mīlība ir labāka, nekā tā pirmā, tāpēc ka tu neesi dzinusies pakaļ jaunekļiem, nedz bagātam, nedz nabagam.
11 And now, my daughter, have no fear; I will do for you whatever you say: for it is clear to all my townspeople that you are a woman of virtue.
Un nu, mana meita, nebīsties! Visu, ko tu esi sacījusi, es tev darīšu; jo visos manu ļaužu vārtos ir zināms, ka tu esi godīga sieva.
12 Now it is true that I am a near relation: but there is a relation nearer than I.
Nu tas gan ir tiesa, ka esmu tuvinieks, bet tur ir vēl viens jo tuvāks nekā es.
13 Take your rest here tonight; and in the morning, if he will do for you what it is right for a relation to do, very well, let him do so: but if he will not, then by the living Lord I myself will do so.
Paliec šo nakti, un rītu, ja viņš tevi ņems, labi, lai viņš tevi ņem; bet ja viņam negribās tevi ņemt, tad es tevi apņemšu, tik tiešām kā Tas Kungs dzīvo. Guli līdz rītam.
14 And she took her rest at his feet till the morning: and she got up before it was light enough for one to see another. And he said, Let it not come to anyone's knowledge that the woman came to the grain-floor.
Tad tā apgūlās viņam kājgalā līdz rītam un uzcēlās, pirms viens otru varēja pazīt, jo viņš sacīja: lai netop zināms, ka sieviete ir klonā nākusi.
15 And he said, Take your robe, stretching it out in your hands: and she did so, and he took six measures of grain and put them into it, and gave it her to take: and she went back to the town.
Un viņš sacīja: dod šurp savu apsegu, kas tev ir klātu, un turi to; un viņa to turēja. Un viņš mēroja sešus mērus miežu un uzlika tos viņai, un gāja pilsētā.
16 And when she came back her mother-in-law said to her, How did it go with you, my daughter? And she gave her an account of all the man had done to her.
Tad viņa nāca pie savas vīramātes, un tā sacīja: kā klājās, mana meita? Un tā viņai teica visu, ko tas vīrs viņai bija darījis.
17 And she said, He gave me these six measures of grain, saying, Do not go back to your mother-in-law with nothing in your hands.
Viņa arī sacīja: šos sešus (mērus) miežu viņš man devis, jo viņš uz mani sacīja: tev tukšai nebūs nākt pie savas vīramātes.
18 Then she said, Do nothing now, my daughter, till you see what will come of this; for the man will take no rest till he has put this thing through.
Tad viņa sacīja, paliec klusu, mana meita, kamēr tu zini, kā šī lieta izdosies, jo tas vīrs nedosies mierā, bet šo lietu šodien izvedīs galā.

< Ruth 3 >