< Romans 11 >

1 So I say, Has God put his people on one side? Let there be no such thought. For I am of Israel, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
Naizvozvo ndinoti: Mwari wakarasa vanhu vake here? Ngazvisadaro! Nokuti iniwo ndiri muIsraeri, kubva pambeu yaAbhurahama, werudzi rwaBhenjamini.
2 God has not put away the people of his selection. Or have you no knowledge of what is said about Elijah in the holy Writings? how he says words to God against Israel,
Mwari haana kurasa vanhu vake vaakagara aziva. Kana hamuzivi kuti rugwaro rwunoti kudini kuna Eria here? Kuti anoreverera sei kuna Mwari achipesana neVaIsraeri, achiti:
3 Lord, they have put your prophets to death, and made waste your altars, and now I am the last, and they are searching for me to take away my life.
Ishe, vakauraya vaporofita venyu, uye vakaputsa aritari dzenyu; zvino ini ndasara ndega, uye vanotsvaka upenyu hwangu.
4 But what answer does God make to him? I have still seven thousand men whose knees have not been bent to Baal.
Asi mhinduro yaMwari inoti kudii kwaari? Inoti: Ndakazvisiira zvuru zvinomwe zvevarume, vasina kufugamira ibvi kuna Bhaari.
5 In the same way, there are at this present time some who are marked out by the selection of grace.
Zvino saizvozvo nemunguva yaikozvino variko vakasara maererano nesananguro yenyasha.
6 But if it is of grace, then it is no longer of works: or grace would not be grace.
Asi kana zviri zvenyasha, hazvichabvi pamabasa; kana zvisakadaro, nyasha hadzisisiri nyasha. Asi kana zvichibva pamabasa, hadzisati dzichiri nyasha; kana zvisakadaro basa harisati richiri basa.
7 What then? That which Israel was searching for he did not get, but those of the selection got it and the rest were made hard.
Ko zvino? Israeri zvaakange achitsvaka, haana kuzviwana, asi vasanangurwa vakazviwana, vamwewo vakaomeswa;
8 As it was said in the holy Writings, God gave them a spirit of sleep, eyes which might not see, and ears which have no hearing, to this day.
sezvazvakanyorwa, zvichinzi: Mwari wakavapa mweya wehope huru, meso kuti varege kuona, nenzeve kuti varege kunzwa, kusvikira zuva ranhasi.
9 And David says, Let their table be made a net for taking them, and a stone in their way, and a punishment:
NaDhavhidhi anoti: Tafura yavo ngaiitwe rudzingi nemusungo, nechigumbuso nekutsiva kwavari;
10 Let their eyes be made dark so that they may not see, and let their back be bent down at all times.
meso avo ngaasvibirwe kuti varege kuona, uye mukotamise musana wavo narinhi.
11 So I say, Were their steps made hard in order that they might have a fall? In no way: but by their fall salvation has come to the Gentiles, so that they might be moved to envy.
Naizvozvo ndinoti: Vakagumbuswa kuti vawe here? Ngazvisadaro! Asi nekudarika kwavo ruponeso rwakasvika kuvahedheni, kuvamutsira godo.
12 Now, if their fall is the wealth of the world, and their loss the wealth of the Gentiles, how much greater will be the glory when they are made full?
Zvino kana kudarika kwavo kuri fuma yenyika, nekukundikana kwavo ifuma yevahedheni, zvikuru sei kuzara kwavo?
13 But I say to you, Gentiles, in so far as I am the Apostle of the Gentiles, I make much of my position:
Nokuti ndinotaura kwamuri vahedheni; sezvo ndiri ini muapositori wevahedheni, ndinokudza ushumiri hwangu;
14 If in any way those who are of my flesh may be moved to envy, so that some of them may get salvation by me.
kuti zvimwe ndingamutsira godo venyama yangu, uye ndiponese vamwe vavo.
15 For, if by their putting away, the rest of men have been made friends with God, what will their coming back again be, but life from the dead?
Nokuti kana kuraswa kwavo kuri kuyananiswa kwenyika, kugamuchirwa kuchaveiko, kunze kwekuti upenyu hunobva kuvakafa?
16 And if the first-fruit is holy, so is the mass: and if the root is holy, so are the branches.
Zvino kana chibereko chekutanga chiri chitsvene, bunduwo rakadaro; uye kana mudzi uri mutsvene, nematavi akadaro.
17 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, an olive-tree of the fields, were put in among them, and were given a part with them in the root by which the olive-tree is made fertile,
Asi kana mamwe ematavi akavhuniwa, newe uri muorivhi wekudondo ukabatanidzwa pakati pawo, ukava mugovani pamwe nawo pamudzi nepamafuta emuorivhi,
18 Do not be uplifted in pride over the branches: because it is not you who are the support of the root, but it is by the root that you are supported.
usazvikudza pamusoro pematavi; asi kana uchizvikudza, hausi iwe anotakura mudzi, asi mudzi unokutakura iwe.
19 You will say, Branches were broken off so that I might be put in.
Zvino uchati: Matavi akavhuniwa, kuti ini ndibatanidzwe.
20 Truly, because they had no faith they were broken off, and you have your place by reason of your faith. Do not be lifted up in pride, but have fear;
Zvakanaka; nekusatenda vakavhuniwa, iwe umire nerutendo. Usazvikudza, asi itya;
21 For, if God did not have mercy on the natural branches, he will not have mercy on you.
nokuti kana Mwari asina kurega matavi echisikirwo, zvimwe haangakuregi iwewo.
22 See then that God is good but his rules are fixed: to those who were put away he was hard, but to you he has been good, on the condition that you keep in his mercy; if not, you will be cut off as they were.
Zvino tarira unyoro nekuomarara kwaMwari; kune vanowa, kuomarara; asi kwauri, unyoro, kana uchigara paunyoro hwake; kana zvikasadaro newe ungatemwa.
23 And they, if they do not go on without faith, will be united to the tree again, because God is able to put them in again.
Naivowo, kana vasingagari pakusatenda, vachabatanidzwa, nokuti Mwari anogona kuvabatanidzazve.
24 For if you were cut out of a field olive-tree, and against the natural use were united to a good olive-tree, how much more will these, the natural branches, be united again with the olive-tree which was theirs?
Nokuti kana iwe wakatemwa kumuorivhi uri wedondo pachisikirwo, ukabatanidzwa zvinopesana nechisikirwo pamuorivhi wakasimwa, vangabatanidzwa zvikuru sei avo vari matavi echisikirwo pamuorivhi wekwavo?
25 For it is my desire, brothers, that this secret may be clear to you, so that you may not have pride in your knowledge, that Israel has been made hard in part, till all the Gentiles have come in;
Nokuti handidi kuti musaziva, hama, zvechakavanzika ichi, kuti murege kuzviita vakangwara, kuti kuomeswa kwemoyo kwakawira Israeri muchidimbu kusvikira kwapinda kuzara kwavahedheni;
26 And so all Israel will get salvation: as it is said in the holy Writings, There will come out of Zion the One who makes free; by him wrongdoing will be taken away from Jacob:
saizvozvowo Israeri wese achaponeswa; sezvazvakanyorwa zvichinzi: PaZiyoni pachabva Musununguri achabvisa kusada Mwari kuna Jakobho.
27 And this is my agreement with them, when I will take away their sins.
Uye iyi isungano yangu kwavari, pandichabvisa zvivi zvavo.
28 As far as the good news is in question, they are cut off from God on account of you, but as far as the selection is in question, they are loved on account of the fathers.
Maererano neevhangeri vavengi nekuda kwenyu; asi maererano nekusanangura vadikanwi nekuda kwemadzibaba;
29 Because God's selection and his mercies may not be changed.
nokuti zvipo nekudana kwaMwari hazvishanduki.
30 For as you, in time past, were not under the rule of God, but now have got mercy through their turning away,
Nokuti semwiwo kare musina kuteerera Mwari, asi zvino makanzwirwa tsitsi nekusateerera kwavo;
31 So in the same way these have gone against the orders of God, so that by the mercy given to you they may now get mercy.
saizvozvo naivava ikozvino havana kuteerera, kuti netsitsi dzenyu naivo vanzwirwe tsitsi;
32 For God has let them all go against his orders, so that he might have mercy on them all. (eleēsē g1653)
nokuti Mwari wakavapfigira vese mukusateera, kuti ave netsitsi kwavari vese. (eleēsē g1653)
33 O how deep is the wealth of the wisdom and knowledge of God! no one is able to make discovery of his decisions, and his ways may not be searched out.
Haiwa kudzika kwefuma, zvese yeuchenjeri neruzivo rwaMwari! Kutonga kwake hakunzverwi zvakadini, nenzira dzake hadzirondwi!
34 Who has knowledge of the mind of the Lord? or who has taken part in his purposes?
Nokuti ndiani wakaziva fungwa yaIshe? Kana ndiani wakange ari murairidzi wake?
35 Or who has first given to him, and it will be given back to him again?
Kana ndiani wakatanga kupa kwaari, uye zvichadzorerwa kwaari?
36 For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things. To him be the glory for ever. So be it. (aiōn g165)
Nokuti zvese zvinobva kwaari, nemaari, zvinoenda kwaari; kubwinya ngakuve kwaari kusvika narinhi. Ameni. (aiōn g165)

< Romans 11 >