< Revelation 19 >
1 After these things there came to my ears a sound like the voice of a great band of people in heaven, saying, Praise to the Lord; salvation and glory and power be to our God:
In po teh besedah sem zaslišal močan glas mnogih ljudi v nebesih, rekoč: »Aleluja. Rešitev duš in slava in čast ter oblast Gospodu, našemu Bogu,
2 For true and upright are his decisions; for by him has the evil woman been judged, who made the earth unclean with the sins of her body; and he has given her punishment for the blood of his servants.
kajti njegove sodbe so resnične in pravične, kajti obsodil je véliko vlačugo, ki je s svojim prešuštvovanjem pokvarila zemljo in pri njeni roki je maščeval kri svojih služabnikov.«
3 And again they said, Praise to the Lord. And her smoke went up for ever and ever. (aiōn )
In ponovno so rekli: »Aleluja. In njen dim se je vzdigoval na veke vekov.« (aiōn )
4 And the four and twenty rulers and the four beasts went down on their faces and gave worship to God who was seated on the high seat, saying, Even so, praise to the Lord.
In štiriindvajset starešin in četvero živali je padlo dol ter oboževalo Boga, ki je sedel na prestolu, rekoč: »Amen. Aleluja.«
5 And a voice came from the high seat, saying, Give praise to our God, all you his servants, small and great, in whom is the fear of him.
In od prestola je prišel glas, rekoč: »Hvalíte našega Boga, vsi vi njegovi služabniki in vi, ki se ga bojite, oboji, mali in veliki.«
6 And there came to my ears the voice of a great army, like the sound of waters, and the sound of loud thunders, saying, Praise to the Lord: for the Lord our God, Ruler of all, is King.
In zaslišal sem, kakor bi bil glas velike množice in kakor glas mnogih vodá in kakor glas mogočnih grmenj, rekoč: »Aleluja, kajti kraljuje Gospod Bog vsegamogočni.
7 Let us be glad with delight, and let us give glory to him: because the time is come for the Lamb to be married, and his wife has made herself ready.
Bodimo veseli in veselimo se in dajmo mu čast, kajti prišla je Jagnjetova svatba in njegova žena se je pripravila.
8 And to her it was given to be clothed in delicate linen, clean and shining: for the clean linen is the righteousness of the saints.
In zagotovljeno ji je bilo, da bi bila oblečena v tanko laneno platno, čisto in belo, « kajti tanko laneno platno je pravičnost svetih.
9 And he said to me, Put in the book, Happy are the guests at the bride-feast of the Lamb. And he said to me, These are the true words of God.
In rekel mi je: »Piši: ›Blagoslovljeni so tisti, ki so poklicani na Jagnjetovo poročno večerjo.‹« In rekel mi je: »To so resnični Božji izreki.«
10 And I went on my face before his feet to give him worship. And he said to me, See you do it not: I am a brother-servant with you and with your brothers who keep the witness of Jesus: give worship to God: for the witness of Jesus is the spirit of the prophet's word.
In padel sem k njegovim stopalom, da ga obožujem. On pa mi je rekel: »Glej, ne stôri tega. Jaz sem tvoj soslužabnik in izmed tvojih bratov, ki imajo Jezusovo pričevanje. Obožuj Boga, kajti pričevanje o Jezusu je duh preroštva.«
11 And the heaven was open; and I saw a white horse, and he who was seated on it was named Certain and True; and he is judging and making war in righteousness.
In videl sem odprto nebo in glej, bel konj in kdor je sedel na njem, je bil imenovan Zvesti in Resnični in on v pravičnosti sodi ter se vojskuje.
12 And his eyes are a flame of fire, and crowns are on his head; and he has a name in writing, of which no man has knowledge but himself.
Njegove oči so bile kakor plamen ognja in na njegovi glavi je bilo mnogo kron in imel je napisano ime, ki ga ni poznal noben človek, razen njega samega.
13 And he is clothed in a robe washed with blood: and his name is The Word of God.
In oblečen je bil v suknjo, pomočeno v kri in njegovo ime se imenuje Božja Beseda.
14 And the armies which are in heaven went after him on white horses, clothed in delicate linen, white and clean.
In vojske teh, ki so bile na nebu, so mu sledile na belih konjih, oblečene v tanko, belo in čisto laneno platno.
15 And out of his mouth comes a sharp sword, with which he overcomes the nations: and he has rule over them with a rod of iron: and he is crushing with his feet the grapes of the strong wrath of God the Ruler of all.
In iz njegovih ust izhaja oster meč, da naj bi z njim udaril narode in vladal jim bo z železno palico in tlači vinsko stiskalnico okrutnosti in besa Vsemogočnega Boga.
16 And on his robe and on his leg is a name, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.
In na svoji suknji in na svojem stegnu ima napisano ime: KRALJ KRALJEV IN GOSPOD GOSPODOV.
17 And I saw an angel taking his place in the sun; and he was crying with a loud voice, saying to all the birds in flight in the heavens, Come together to the great feast of God;
In videl sem angela stati na soncu in ta je z močnim glasom zaklical, rekoč vsej perjadi, ki leti po sredi neba: »Pridite in zberite se skupaj k večerji vélikega Boga,
18 So that you may take for your food the flesh of kings, and of captains, and of strong men, and of horses and of those who are seated on them, and the flesh of all men, free and unfree, small and great.
da boste lahko jedle meso kraljev in meso častnikov in meso mogočnežev in meso konj in od teh, ki sedijo na njih in meso vseh ljudi, tako svobodnih kakor zasužnjenih, tako malih kakor velikih.«
19 And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, come together to make war against him who was seated on the horse and against his army.
In videl sem zvernika in kralje zemlje ter njihove vojske zbrane skupaj, da se vojskujejo proti njemu, ki je sedel na konju in proti njegovi vojski.
20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet who did the signs before him, by which they were turned from the true way who had the mark of the beast, and who gave worship to his image: these two were put living into the sea of ever-burning fire. (Limnē Pyr )
In zvernik je bil ujet in z njim lažni prerok, ki je delal čudeže pred njim, s katerimi je zavajal te, ki so sprejeli znamenje zvernika in te, ki so oboževali njegovo podobo. Oba sta bila živa vržena v ognjeno jezero, goreče z žveplom. (Limnē Pyr )
21 And the rest were put to death with the sword of him who was on the horse, even the sword which came out of his mouth: and all the birds were made full with their flesh.
Preostanek pa je bil umorjen z mečem tistega, ki je sedel na konju, katerega meč je prihajal iz njegovih ust in vsa perjad je bila nasičena z njihovim mesom.