< Psalms 97 >

1 The Lord is King, let the earth have joy; let all the sea-lands be glad.
Jehovha anobata ushe, nyika ngaifare; zviwi zviri kure ngazvifare.
2 Dark clouds are round him; his kingdom is based on righteousness and right judging.
Makore nerima guru zvakamukomberedza; kururama nokururamisira ndidzo nheyo dzechigaro chake choushe.
3 Fire goes before him, burning up all those who are against him round about.
Moto unoenda mberi kwake uchipisa vavengi vake kumativi ose.
4 His bright flames give light to the world; the earth saw it with fear.
Mheni yake inovhenekera pasi; nyika inozviona igodedera.
5 The mountains became like wax at the coming of the Lord, at the coming of the Lord of all the earth.
Makomo anonyungudika senamo pamberi paJehovha, pamberi paIshe wenyika yose.
6 The heavens gave out the news of his righteousness, and all the people saw his glory.
Kudenga denga kunoparidza kururama kwake, uye vanhu vose vanoona kubwinya kwake.
7 Shamed be all those who give worship to images, and take pride in false gods; give him worship, all you gods.
Vose vanonamata zvifananidzo vanonyadziswa, avo vanozvirumbidza nezvifananidzo, munamatei, imi vamwari vose!
8 Zion gave ear and was glad; and the daughters of Judah were full of joy, because of your decisions, O Lord.
Zioni rinonzwa rigofara uye misha yeJudha inofara nokuda kwezvamakatonga, imi Jehovha.
9 For you, Lord, are most high over the earth; you are lifted up over all other gods.
Nokuti imi, iyemi Jehovha, ndimi Wokumusoro-soro pasi pose; makasimudzirwa kupfuura vamwari vose.
10 You who are lovers of the Lord, be haters of evil; he keeps the souls of his saints; he takes them out of the hand of sinners.
Vanoda Jehovha ngavavenge zvakaipa, nokuti anorinda upenyu kwavanhu vake vakatendeka uye anovarwira muruoko rwowakaipa.
11 Light is shining on the lovers of righteousness, and for the upright in heart there is joy.
Chiedza chinovhenekera pamusoro pavakarurama, nomufaro pamusoro pavane mwoyo yakarurama.
12 Be glad in the Lord, you upright men; praising the memory of his holy name.
Farai muna Jehovha, imi vakarurama, uye mukudze zita rake dzvene.

< Psalms 97 >