< Psalms 88 >

1 A Song. A Psalm. Of the sons of Korah. To the chief music-maker; put to Mahalath Leannoth. Maschil. Of Heman the Ezrahite. O Lord, God of my salvation, I have been crying to you for help by day and by night:
Песнь псалма Сыном Кореовым, в конец, о Маелефе еже отвещати, разума Еману Израилтянину. Господи Боже спасения моего, во дни воззвах и в нощи пред Тобою:
2 Let my prayer come before you; give ear to my cry:
да внидет пред Тя молитва моя, приклони ухо Твое к молению моему.
3 For my soul is full of evils, and my life has come near to the underworld. (Sheol h7585)
Яко исполнися зол душа моя, и живот мой аду приближися. (Sheol h7585)
4 I am numbered among those who go down into the earth; I have become like a man for whom there is no help:
Привменен бых с низходящими в ров: бых яко человек без помощи,
5 My soul is among the dead, like those in the underworld, to whom you give no more thought; for they are cut off from your care.
в мертвых свободь: яко язвеннии спящии во гробе, ихже не помянул еси ктому, и тии от руки Твоея отриновени быша.
6 You have put me in the lowest deep, even in dark places.
Положиша мя в рове преисподнем, в темных и сени смертней.
7 The weight of your wrath is crushing me, all your waves have overcome me. (Selah)
На мне утвердися ярость Твоя, и вся волны Твоя навел еси на мя.
8 You have sent my friends far away from me; you have made me a disgusting thing in their eyes: I am shut up, and not able to come out.
Удалил еси знаемых моих от мене: положиша мя мерзость себе: предан бых и не исхождах.
9 My eyes are wasting away because of my trouble: Lord, my cry has gone up to you every day, my hands are stretched out to you.
Очи мои изнемогосте от нищеты: воззвах к Тебе, Господи, весь день, воздех к Тебе руце мои.
10 Will you do works of wonder for the dead? will the shades come back to give you praise? (Selah)
Еда мертвыми твориши чудеса? Или врачеве воскресят, и исповедятся Тебе?
11 Will the story of your mercy be given in the house of the dead? will news of your faith come to the place of destruction?
Еда повесть кто во гробе милость Твою, и истину Твою в погибели?
12 May there be knowledge of your wonders in the dark? or of your righteousness where memory is dead?
Еда познана будут во тме чудеса Твоя, и правда Твоя в земли забвенней?
13 But to you did I send up my cry, O Lord; in the morning my prayer came before you.
И аз к Тебе, Господи, воззвах, и утро молитва моя предварит Тя.
14 Lord, why have you sent away my soul? why is your face covered from me?
Вскую, Господи, отрееши душу мою? Отвращаеши лице Твое от мене?
15 I have been troubled and in fear of death from the time when I was young; your wrath is hard on me, and I have no strength.
Нищь есмь аз, и в трудех от юности моея: вознесжеся смирихся и изнемогох.
16 The heat of your wrath has gone over me; I am broken by your cruel punishments.
На мне преидоша гневи Твои, устрашения Твоя возмутиша мя:
17 They are round me all the day like water; they have made a circle about me.
обыдоша мя яко вода весь день, одержаша мя вкупе.
18 You have sent my friends and lovers far from me; I am gone from the memory of those who are dear to me.
Удалил еси от мене друга и искренняго, и знаемых моих от страстей.

< Psalms 88 >