< Psalms 25 >
1 Of David. To you, O Lord, my soul is lifted up.
K tebi, oh Gospod, vzdigujem svojo dušo.
2 O my God, I have put my faith in you, let me not be shamed; let not my haters be glorying over me.
Oh moj Bog, jaz zaupam vate. Naj ne bom osramočen, naj moji sovražniki ne slavijo zmage nad menoj.
3 Let no servant of yours be put to shame; may those be shamed who are false without cause.
Da, naj ne bo osramočen nihče, ki čaka nate. Naj bodo osramočeni, ki se pregrešijo brez razloga.
4 Make your steps clear to me, O Lord; give me knowledge of your ways.
Pokaži mi svoje poti, oh Gospod, úči me svojih stezá.
5 Be my guide and teacher in the true way; for you are the God of my salvation; I am waiting for your word all the day.
Vodi me v svoji resnici in me úči, kajti ti si Bog rešitve moje duše, nate čakam ves dan.
6 O Lord, keep in mind your pity and your mercies; for they have been from the earliest times.
Spomni se, oh Gospod, svojih nežnih usmiljenj in svojih ljubečih skrbnosti, kajti bile so vedno, od davnine.
7 Do not keep in mind my sins when I was young, or my wrongdoing: let your memory of me be full of mercy, O Lord, because of your righteousness.
Ne spominjaj se grehov moje mladosti niti mojih prestopkov. Glede na svoje usmiljenje se me spominjaj zaradi svoje dobrote, oh Gospod.
8 Good and upright is the Lord: so he will be the teacher of sinners in the way.
Dober in pošten je Gospod, zato bo grešnike učil na poti.
9 He will be an upright guide to the poor in spirit: he will make his way clear to them.
Krotke bo usmerjal na sodbo in krotke bo učil svojo pot.
10 All the ways of the Lord are mercy and good faith for those who keep his agreement and his witness.
Vse Gospodove steze so usmiljenje in resnica do teh, ki se držijo njegove zaveze in njegovih pričevanj.
11 Because of your name, O Lord, let me have forgiveness for my sin, which is very great.
Zaradi svojega imena, oh Gospod, odpusti mojo krivičnost, kajti ta je velika.
12 If a man has the fear of the Lord, the Lord will be his teacher in the way of his pleasure.
Kakšen človek je ta, ki se boji Gospoda? Njega bo on učil na poti, ki jo bo on izbral.
13 His soul will be full of good things, and his seed will have the earth for its heritage.
Njegova duša bo prebivala sproščeno in njegovo seme bo podedovalo zemljo.
14 The secret of the Lord is with those in whose hearts is the fear of him; he will make his agreement clear to them.
Gospodova skrivnost je s tistimi, ki se ga bojijo in pokazal jim bo svojo zavezo.
15 My eyes are turned to the Lord at all times; for he will take my feet out of the net.
Moje oči so vedno v smeri Gospoda, kajti moja stopala bo on potegnil iz mreže.
16 Be turned to me, and have mercy on me; for I am troubled and have no helper.
Obrni se k meni in se me usmili, kajti zapuščen sem in prizadet.
17 The troubles of my heart are increased: O take me out of my sorrows.
Težave mojega srca so se povečale. O, osvobodi me iz moje stiske.
18 Give thought to my grief and my pain; and take away all my sins.
Poglej na mojo žalost in mojo bolečino in odpusti vse moje grehe.
19 See how those who are against me are increased, for bitter is their hate of me.
Preudari moje sovražnike, kajti mnogo jih je in sovražijo me s krutim sovraštvom.
20 O keep my soul, and take me out of danger: let me not be shamed, for I have put my faith in you.
Oh varuj mojo dušo in me osvobodi. Naj ne bom osramočen, kajti svoje zaupanje polagam vate.
21 For my clean and upright ways keep me safe, because my hope is in you.
Naj me ohranjata neokrnjenost in poštenost, kajti jaz čakam nate.
22 Give Israel salvation, O God, out of all his troubles.
Odkupi Izraela, oh Bog, iz vseh njegovih težav.