< Psalms 144 >

1 A Psalm. Of David. Praise be to the God of my strength, teaching my hands the use of the sword, and my fingers the art of fighting:
Blagoslovljen bodi Gospod, moja moč, ki uči moje roke za vojno in moje prste za boj,
2 He is my strength, and my Rock; my high tower, and my saviour; my keeper and my hope: he gives me authority over my people.
moja dobrota in moja trdnjava, moj visoki stolp in moj osvoboditelj, moj ščit in tisti, v katerega zaupam, ki moje ljudstvo podjarmlja pod mene.
3 Lord, what is man, that you keep him in mind? or the son of man that you take him into account?
Gospod, kaj je človek, da ti jemlješ spoznanje o njem! Ali človeški sin, da delaš obračun o njem!
4 Man is like a breath: his life is like a shade which is quickly gone.
Človek je podoben ničevosti, njegovi dnevi so kakor senca, ki mineva.
5 Come down, O Lord, from your heavens: at your touch let the mountains give out smoke.
Upogni svoje nebo, oh Gospod in pridi dol, dotakni se gora in se bodo kadile.
6 With your storm-flames send them in flight: send out your arrows for their destruction.
Vrzi bliskanje in jih razkropi; izstreli svoje puščice in jih uniči.
7 Put out your hand from on high; make me free, take me safely out of the great waters, and out of the hands of strange men;
Pošlji svojo roko od zgoraj, odstrani me in osvobodi me iz velikih vodá, pred roko tujih otrok,
8 In whose mouths are false words, and whose right hand is a right hand of deceit.
čigar usta govorijo prazne reči in je njihova desnica desnica neresnice.
9 I will make a new song to you, O God; I will make melody to you on an instrument of ten cords.
Zapel ti bom novo pesem, oh Bog, na plunko in glasbilo desetih strun ti bom prepeval hvalnice.
10 It is God who gives salvation to kings; and who kept his servant David from the wounding sword.
On je, ki kraljem daje rešitev duš, ki osvobaja Davida, svojega služabnika, pred škodljivim mečem.
11 Make me free, and take me out of the hands of strange men, in whose mouths are false words, and whose right hand is a right hand of deceit.
Reši me in osvobodi me pred roko tujih otrok, katerih usta govorijo prazne reči in je njihova desnica desnica neresnice,
12 Our sons are like tall young plants; and our daughters like the shining stones of a king's house;
da bodo naši sinovi lahko kakor sadike odrasle v svoji mladosti, da bodo naše hčere kakor vogalni kamni, pološčeni po podobnosti palače,
13 Our store-houses are full of all good things; and our sheep give birth to thousands and ten thousands in our fields.
da bodo naše kašče lahko polne, nudeč vse vrste zalog, da lahko naše ovce na naših ulicah skotijo tisoče in deset tisoče,
14 Our oxen are well weighted down; our cows give birth safely; there is no going out, and there is no cry of sorrow in our open places.
da bodo naši voli lahko močni za delo, da ne bo vloma niti izginjanja, da na naših ulicah ne bo pritoževanja.
15 Happy is the nation whose ways are so ordered: yes, happy is the nation whose God is the Lord.
Srečno je tisto ljudstvo, ki je v takšni zadevi, da, srečno je tisto ljudstvo, čigar Bog je Gospod.

< Psalms 144 >