< Psalms 144 >

1 A Psalm. Of David. Praise be to the God of my strength, teaching my hands the use of the sword, and my fingers the art of fighting:
大衛的詩。 耶和華-我的磐石是應當稱頌的! 他教導我的手爭戰, 教導我的指頭打仗。
2 He is my strength, and my Rock; my high tower, and my saviour; my keeper and my hope: he gives me authority over my people.
他是我慈愛的主,我的山寨, 我的高臺,我的救主, 我的盾牌,是我所投靠的; 他使我的百姓服在我以下。
3 Lord, what is man, that you keep him in mind? or the son of man that you take him into account?
耶和華啊,人算甚麼,你竟認識他! 世人算甚麼,你竟顧念他!
4 Man is like a breath: his life is like a shade which is quickly gone.
人好像一口氣; 他的年日如同影兒快快過去。
5 Come down, O Lord, from your heavens: at your touch let the mountains give out smoke.
耶和華啊,求你使天下垂,親自降臨, 摸山,山就冒煙。
6 With your storm-flames send them in flight: send out your arrows for their destruction.
求你發出閃電,使他們四散, 射出你的箭,使他們擾亂。
7 Put out your hand from on high; make me free, take me safely out of the great waters, and out of the hands of strange men;
求你從上伸手救拔我, 救我出離大水, 救我脫離外邦人的手。
8 In whose mouths are false words, and whose right hand is a right hand of deceit.
他們的口說謊話; 他們的右手起假誓。
9 I will make a new song to you, O God; I will make melody to you on an instrument of ten cords.
上帝啊,我要向你唱新歌, 用十弦瑟向你歌頌。
10 It is God who gives salvation to kings; and who kept his servant David from the wounding sword.
你是那拯救君王的; 你是那救僕人大衛脫離害命之刀的。
11 Make me free, and take me out of the hands of strange men, in whose mouths are false words, and whose right hand is a right hand of deceit.
求你救拔我, 救我脫離外邦人的手。 他們的口說謊話; 他們的右手起假誓。
12 Our sons are like tall young plants; and our daughters like the shining stones of a king's house;
我們的兒子從幼年好像樹栽子長大; 我們的女兒如同殿角石, 是按建宮的樣式鑿成的。
13 Our store-houses are full of all good things; and our sheep give birth to thousands and ten thousands in our fields.
我們的倉盈滿,能出各樣的糧食; 我們的羊在田間孳生千萬。
14 Our oxen are well weighted down; our cows give birth safely; there is no going out, and there is no cry of sorrow in our open places.
我們的牛馱着滿馱, 沒有人闖進來搶奪, 也沒有人出去爭戰; 我們的街市上也沒有哭號的聲音。
15 Happy is the nation whose ways are so ordered: yes, happy is the nation whose God is the Lord.
遇見這光景的百姓便為有福! 有耶和華為他們的上帝,這百姓便為有福!

< Psalms 144 >