< Psalms 107 >

1 O give praise to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy is unchanging for ever.
Alleluia alleluia. Confitemini Domino quoniam bonus: quoniam in saeculum misericordia eius.
2 Let those whose cause the Lord has taken up say so, his people whom he has taken out of the hands of their haters;
Dicant qui redempti sunt a Domino, quos redemit de manu inimici: et de regionibus congregavit eos:
3 Making them come together out of all the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
A solis ortu, et occasu: ab aquilone, et mari.
4 They were wandering in the waste places; they saw no way to a resting-place.
Erraverunt in solitudine in inaquoso: viam civitatis habitaculi non invenerunt,
5 Their souls became feeble for need of food and drink.
Esurientes, et sitientes: anima eorum in ipsis defecit.
6 Then they sent up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gave them salvation out of all their troubles;
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum eripuit eos.
7 Guiding them in the right way, so that they might come into the town of their resting-place.
Et deduxit eos in viam rectam: ut irent in civitatem habitationis.
8 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiae eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
9 He gives its desire to the unresting soul, so that it is full of good things.
Quia satiavit animam inanem: et animam esurientem satiavit bonis.
10 Those who were in the dark, in the black night, in chains of sorrow and iron;
Sedentes in tenebris, et umbra mortis: vinctos in mendicitate, et ferro.
11 Because they went against the words of God, and gave no thought to the laws of the Most High:
Quia exacerbaverunt eloquia Dei: et consilium Altissimi irritaverunt.
12 So that he made their hearts weighted down with grief; they were falling, and had no helper.
Et humiliatum est in laboribus cor eorum: infirmati sunt, nec fuit qui adiuvaret.
13 Then they sent up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gave them salvation out of all their troubles.
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum liberavit eos.
14 He took them out of the dark and the black night, and all their chains were broken.
Et eduxit eos de tenebris, et umbra mortis: et vincula eorum dirupit.
15 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiae eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
16 The doors of brass are broken by his arm, and the bands of iron are cut in two.
Quia contrivit portas aereas: et vectes ferreos confregit.
17 Foolish men, because of their sins, and because of their wrongdoing, are troubled;
Suscepit eos de via iniquitatis eorum: propter iniustitias enim suas humiliati sunt.
18 They are disgusted by all food, and they come near to the doors of death.
Omnem escam abominata est anima eorum: et appropinquaverunt usque ad portas mortis.
19 Then they send up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gives them salvation out of all their troubles.
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur: et de necessitatibus eorum liberavit eos.
20 He sent his word and made them well, and kept them safe from the underworld.
Misit verbum suum, et sanavit eos: et eripuit eos de interitionibus eorum.
21 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiae eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
22 Let them make offerings of praise, giving news of his works with cries of joy.
Et sacrificent sacrificium laudis: et annuncient opera eius in exultatione.
23 Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business in the great waters;
Qui descendunt mare in navibus, facientes operationem in aquis multis.
24 They see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.
Ipsi viderunt opera Domini, et mirabilia eius in profundo.
25 For at his word comes up the storm-wind, lifting high the waves.
Dixit, et stetit spiritus procellae: et exaltati sunt fluctus eius.
26 The sailors go up to heaven, and down into the deep; their souls are wasted because of their trouble.
Ascendunt usque ad caelos, et descendunt usque ad abyssos: anima eorum in malis tabescebat.
27 They are turned here and there, rolling like a man who is full of wine; and all their wisdom comes to nothing.
Turbati sunt, et moti sunt sicut ebrius: et omnis sapientia eorum devorata est.
28 Then they send up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gives them salvation out of all their troubles.
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum cum tribularentur, et de necessitatibus eorum eduxit eos.
29 He makes the storm into a calm, so that the waves are at peace.
Et statuit procellam eius in auram: et siluerunt fluctus eius.
30 Then they are glad, because the sea is quiet, and he takes them to the harbour of their desire.
Et laetati sunt quia siluerunt: et deduxit eos in portum voluntatis eorum.
31 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Confiteantur Domino misericordiae eius: et mirabilia eius filiis hominum.
32 Let them give glory to him in the meeting of the people, and praise among the chiefs.
Et exaltent eum in ecclesia plebis: et in cathedra seniorum laudent eum.
33 He makes rivers into waste places, and springs of water into a dry land;
Posuit flumina in desertum: et exitus aquarum in sitim.
34 He makes a fertile country into a salt waste, because of the sins of those who are living there.
Terram fructiferam in salsuginem, a malitia inhabitantium in ea.
35 He makes a waste land into a place of water, and a dry land into water-springs.
Posuit desertum in stagna aquarum: et terram sine aqua in exitus aquarum.
36 And there he gives the poor a resting-place, so that they may make themselves a town;
Et collocavit illic esurientes: et constituerunt civitatem habitationis.
37 And put seed in the fields and make vine-gardens, to give them fruit.
Et seminaverunt agros, et plantaverunt vineas: et fecerunt fructum nativitatis.
38 He gives them his blessing so that they are increased greatly, and their cattle do not become less.
Et benedixit eis, et multiplicati sunt nimis: et iumenta eorum non minoravit.
39 And when they are made low, and crushed by trouble and sorrow,
Et pauci facti sunt: et vexati sunt a tribulatione malorum, et dolore.
40 He puts an end to the pride of kings, and sends them wandering in the waste lands where there is no way.
Effusa est contentio super principes: et errare fecit eos in invio, et non in via.
41 But he puts the poor man on high from his troubles, and gives him families like a flock.
Et adiuvit pauperem de inopia: et posuit sicut oves familias.
42 The upright see it and are glad: the mouth of the sinner is stopped.
Videbunt recti, et laetabuntur: et omnis iniquitas oppilabit os suum.
43 Let the wise give thought to these things, and see the mercies of the Lord.
Quis sapiens et custodiet haec? et intelliget misericordias Domini?

< Psalms 107 >