< Psalms 107 >
1 O give praise to the Lord, for he is good: for his mercy is unchanging for ever.
Priser Herren! thi han er god, thi hans Miskundhed varer evindelig.
2 Let those whose cause the Lord has taken up say so, his people whom he has taken out of the hands of their haters;
Det maa de sige, som ere genløste af Herren, de, han har genløst af Modstanderens Haand,
3 Making them come together out of all the lands, from the east and from the west, from the north and from the south.
og de, som han har samlet hjem fra Landene, fra Øster og fra Vester, fra Norden og fra Havet.
4 They were wandering in the waste places; they saw no way to a resting-place.
De fore vild i Ørken, paa en øde Vej, de fandt ingen Stad, som de kunde bo udi;
5 Their souls became feeble for need of food and drink.
de vare hungrige og tørstige tillige; deres Sjæl vansmægtede i dem.
6 Then they sent up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gave them salvation out of all their troubles;
Og de raabte til Herren, da de vare i Angest, han friede dem af deres Trængsler.
7 Guiding them in the right way, so that they might come into the town of their resting-place.
Og han førte dem paa den rette Vej, at de gik til en Stad, som de kunde bo udi.
8 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Lad dem takke Herren for hans Miskundhed og for hans underfulde Gerninger imod Menneskens Børn;
9 He gives its desire to the unresting soul, so that it is full of good things.
thi han har mættet en tørstig Sjæl og har fyldt en hungrig Sjæl med godt.
10 Those who were in the dark, in the black night, in chains of sorrow and iron;
De sade i Mørke, og i Dødens Skygge, bundne i Elendighed og Jern;
11 Because they went against the words of God, and gave no thought to the laws of the Most High:
thi de havde været genstridige imod Guds Ord og havde foragtet den Højestes Raad;
12 So that he made their hearts weighted down with grief; they were falling, and had no helper.
og han ydmygede deres Hjerter ved Lidelse; de styrtede, og der var ingen Hjælper.
13 Then they sent up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gave them salvation out of all their troubles.
Og de raabte til Herren, da de vare i Angest, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler.
14 He took them out of the dark and the black night, and all their chains were broken.
Han udførte dem af Mørket og Dødens Skygge og sønderrev deres Baand.
15 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Lad dem takke Herren for hans Miskundhed og for hans underfulde Gerninger imod Menneskens Børn;
16 The doors of brass are broken by his arm, and the bands of iron are cut in two.
thi han har sønderbrudt Kobberporte og sønderhugget Jernslaaer.
17 Foolish men, because of their sins, and because of their wrongdoing, are troubled;
De Daarer! de bleve plagede for deres Overtrædelsers Vej og for deres Misgerningers Skyld.
18 They are disgusted by all food, and they come near to the doors of death.
Deres Sjæl fik Vederstyggelighed til al Mad, og de kom nær til Dødens Porte.
19 Then they send up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gives them salvation out of all their troubles.
Og de raabte til Herren, da de vare i Angest, han frelste dem af deres Trængsler.
20 He sent his word and made them well, and kept them safe from the underworld.
Han sendte sit Ord og helbredede dem og reddede dem fra deres Grave.
21 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Lad dem takke Herren for hans Miskundhed og for hans underfulde Gerninger imod Menneskens Børn
22 Let them make offerings of praise, giving news of his works with cries of joy.
og ofre Takofre og fortælle hans Gerninger med Frydesang.
23 Those who go down to the sea in ships, who do business in the great waters;
De fore ud paa Havet i Skibe, de udrettede deres Gerning paa de store Vande,
24 They see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.
de saa Herrens Gerninger og hans Underværker paa Dybet.
25 For at his word comes up the storm-wind, lifting high the waves.
Han bød og lod et Stormvejr rejse sig, og det opløftede dets Bølger.
26 The sailors go up to heaven, and down into the deep; their souls are wasted because of their trouble.
De fore op imod Himmelen, de fore ned i Afgrundene, deres Sjæl forsagede under Ulykken.
27 They are turned here and there, rolling like a man who is full of wine; and all their wisdom comes to nothing.
De dreves omkring og ravede som den drukne, og al deres Visdom var udtømt.
28 Then they send up their cry to the Lord in their sorrow, and he gives them salvation out of all their troubles.
Og de raabte til Herren, da de vare i Angest, og han udførte dem af deres Trængsler.
29 He makes the storm into a calm, so that the waves are at peace.
Han lod Stormen stille af, og Bølgerne lagde sig.
30 Then they are glad, because the sea is quiet, and he takes them to the harbour of their desire.
Da bleve de glade, at disse vare blevne stille; og han førte dem i Havn efter deres Begæring.
31 Let men give praise to the Lord for his mercy, and for the wonders which he does for the children of men!
Lad dem takke Herren for hans Miskundhed og for alle hans underfulde Gerninger imod Menneskens Børn
32 Let them give glory to him in the meeting of the people, and praise among the chiefs.
og ophøje ham i Folkets Forsamling og prise ham der, hvor de gamle sidde.
33 He makes rivers into waste places, and springs of water into a dry land;
Han gjorde Floder til en Ørk og Kildegrund til tørre Steder;
34 He makes a fertile country into a salt waste, because of the sins of those who are living there.
et frugtbart Land til Saltland for deres Ondskabs Skyld, som boede deri.
35 He makes a waste land into a place of water, and a dry land into water-springs.
Han gjorde Ørken til en vandrig Sø og tørt Land til Kildegrund.
36 And there he gives the poor a resting-place, so that they may make themselves a town;
Og han lod de hungrige bo der, og de grundede en Stad, som de kunde bo udi.
37 And put seed in the fields and make vine-gardens, to give them fruit.
Og de besaaede Agre og plantede Vingaarde, og disse bare Frugt til Indtægt.
38 He gives them his blessing so that they are increased greatly, and their cattle do not become less.
Og han velsignede dem, og de bleve saare formerede, og han formindskede ikke deres Kvæg.
39 And when they are made low, and crushed by trouble and sorrow,
Derefter bleve de formindskede og nedbøjede af Trængsel, Ulykke og Bedrøvelse.
40 He puts an end to the pride of kings, and sends them wandering in the waste lands where there is no way.
Han udøser Foragt over Fyrster og lader dem fare vild i den vejløse Ørk.
41 But he puts the poor man on high from his troubles, and gives him families like a flock.
Men han ophøjede en fattig af Elendighed og satte Slægterne som Hjorde.
42 The upright see it and are glad: the mouth of the sinner is stopped.
De oprigtige skulle se det og glæde sig; men al Uretfærdighed har lukket sin Mund til.
43 Let the wise give thought to these things, and see the mercies of the Lord.
Hvo er viis, at han bevarer disse Ting og forstaar Herrens Miskundhed!