< Psalms 104 >
1 Give praise to the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are robed with honour and power.
For David himself. Bless the Lord, O my soul: O Lord my God, thou art exceedingly great. Thou hast put on praise and beauty:
2 You are clothed with light as with a robe; stretching out the heavens like a curtain:
And art clothed with light as with a garment. Who stretchest out the heaven like a pavilion:
3 The arch of your house is based on the waters; you make the clouds your carriage; you go on the wings of the wind:
Who coverest the higher rooms thereof with water. Who makest the clouds thy chariot: who walkest upon the wings of the winds.
4 He makes winds his angels, and flames of fire his servants.
Who makest thy angels spirits: and thy ministers a burning fire.
5 He has made the earth strong on its bases, so that it may not be moved for ever and ever;
Who hast founded the earth upon its own bases: it shall not be moved for ever and ever.
6 Covering it with the sea as with a robe: the waters were high over the mountains;
The deep like a garment is its clothing: above the mountains shall the waters stand.
7 At the voice of your word they went in flight; at the sound of your thunder they went away in fear;
At thy rebuke they shall flee: at the voice of thy thunder they shall fear.
8 The mountains came up and the valleys went down into the place which you had made ready for them.
The mountains ascend, and the plains descend into the place which thou hast founded for them.
9 You made a limit over which they might not go, so that the earth would never again be covered by them.
Thou hast set a bound which they shall not pass over; neither shall they return to cover the earth.
10 You sent the springs into the valleys; they are flowing between the hills.
Thou sendest forth springs in the vales: between the midst of the hills the waters shall pass.
11 They give drink to every beast of the field; the mountain asses come to them for water.
All the beasts of the field shall drink: the wild asses shall expect in their thirst.
12 The birds of the air have their resting-places by them, and make their song among the branches.
Over them the birds of the air shall dwell: from the midst of the rocks they shall give forth their voices.
13 He sends down rain from his store-houses on the hills: the earth is full of the fruit of his works.
Thou waterest the hills from thy upper rooms: the earth shall be filled with the fruit of thy works:
14 He makes the grass come up for the cattle, and plants for the use of man; so that bread may come out of the earth;
Bringing forth grass for cattle, and herb for the service of men. That thou mayst bring bread out of the earth:
15 And wine to make glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face shining, and bread giving strength to his heart.
And that wine may cheer the heart of man. That he may make the face cheerful with oil: and that bread may strengthen man’s heart.
16 The trees of the Lord are full of growth, the cedars of Lebanon of his planting;
The trees of the field shall be filled, and the cedars of Libanus which he hath planted:
17 Where the birds have their resting-places; as for the stork, the tall trees are her house.
There the sparrows shall make their nests. The highest of them is the house of the heron.
18 The high hills are a safe place for the mountain goats, and the rocks for the small beasts.
The high hills are a refuge for the harts, the rock for the irchins.
19 He made the moon for a sign of the divisions of the year; teaching the sun the time of its going down.
He hath made the moon for seasons: the sun knoweth his going down.
20 When you make it dark, it is night, when all the beasts of the woods come quietly out of their secret places.
Thou hast appointed darkness, and it is night: in it shall all the beasts of the woods go about:
21 The young lions go thundering after their food; searching for their meat from God.
The young lions roaring after their prey, and seeking their meat from God.
22 The sun comes up, and they come together, and go back to their secret places to take their rest.
The sun ariseth, and they are gathered together: and they shall lie down in their dens.
23 Man goes out to his work, and to his business, till the evening.
Man shall go forth to his work, and to his labour until the evening.
24 O Lord, how great is the number of your works! in wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of the things you have made.
How great are thy works, O Lord? thou hast made all things in wisdom: the earth is filled with thy riches.
25 There is the great, wide sea, where there are living things, great and small, more than may be numbered.
So is this great sea, which stretcheth wide its arms: there are creeping things without number: Creatures little and great.
26 There go the ships; there is that great beast, which you have made as a plaything.
There the ships shall go. This sea dragon which thou hast formed to play therein.
27 All of them are waiting for you, to give them their food in its time.
All expect of thee that thou give them food in season.
28 They take what you give them; they are full of the good things which come from your open hand.
What thou givest to them they shall gather up: when thou openest thy hand, they shall all be filled with good.
29 If your face is veiled, they are troubled; when you take away their breath, they come to an end, and go back to the dust.
But if thou turnest away thy face, they shall be troubled: thou shalt take away their breath, and they shall fail, and shall return to their dust.
30 If you send out your spirit, they are given life; you make new the face of the earth.
Thou shalt send forth thy spirit, and they shall be created: and thou shalt renew the face of the earth.
31 Let the glory of the Lord be for ever; let the Lord have joy in his works:
May the glory of the Lord endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in his works.
32 At whose look the earth is shaking; at whose touch the mountains send out smoke.
He looketh upon the earth, and maketh it tremble: he toucheth the mountains, and they smoke.
33 I will make songs to the Lord all my life; I will make melody to my God while I have my being.
I will sing to the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being.
34 Let my thoughts be sweet to him: I will be glad in the Lord.
Let my speech be acceptable to him: but I will take delight in the Lord.
35 Let sinners be cut off from the earth, and let all evil-doers come to an end. Give praise to the Lord, O my soul. Give praise to the Lord.
Let sinners be consumed out of the earth, and the unjust, so that they be no more: O my soul, bless thou the Lord.