< Psalms 10 >
1 Why do you keep far away, O Lord? why are you not to be seen in times of trouble?
Zakaj stojiš daleč stran, oh Gospod? Zakaj se skrivaš v časih stiske?
2 The evil-doer in his pride is cruel to the poor; let him be taken by the tricks of his invention.
Zlobni v svojem ponosu preganjajo revnega. Naj se ujamejo v naklepe, ki so si jih domislili.
3 For the evil-doer is lifted up because of the purpose of his heart, and he whose mind is fixed on wealth is turned away from the Lord, saying evil against him.
Kajti zlobni se baha z željo svojega srca in blagoslavlja pohlepnega, ki ga Gospod prezira.
4 The evil-doer in his pride says, God will not make a search. All his thoughts are, There is no God.
Zlobni zaradi ponosa svojega obličja ne bo povpraševal po Bogu. V vseh njegovih mislih ni Boga.
5 His ways are ever fixed; your decisions are higher than he may see: as for his haters, they are as nothing to him.
Njegove poti so vedno boleče, tvoje sodbe so daleč zgoraj izven njegovega pogleda. Glede na vse njegove sovražnike on puha nanje.
6 He has said in his heart, I will not be moved: through all generations I will never be in trouble.
V svojem srcu je rekel: »Ne bom omajan, kajti nikoli ne bom v nadlogi.«
7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and false words: under his tongue are evil purposes and dark thoughts.
Njegova usta so polna preklinjanj, prevare in sleparstva. Pod njegovim jezikom je vragolija in prazne reči.
8 He is waiting in the dark places of the towns: in the secret places he puts to death those who have done no wrong: his eyes are secretly turned against the poor.
Sedi v skrivališčih vasi. Na skrivnih krajih mori nedolžnega. Njegove oči so na skrivaj naravnane zoper revnega.
9 He keeps himself in a secret place like a lion in his hole, waiting to put his hands on the poor man, and pulling him into his net.
Na skrivnem preži kakor lev v svojem brlogu. Leži na preži, da ujame revnega. Revnega ujame, ko ga vleče v svojo mrežo.
10 The upright are crushed and made low, and the feeble are overcome by his strong ones.
Klečeplazi in se ponižuje, da lahko revni pade po njegovih močnih.
11 He says in his heart, God has no memory of me: his face is turned away; he will never see it.
V svojem srcu je rekel: »Bog je pozabil. Skriva svoj obraz, tega nikoli ne bo videl.«
12 Up! O Lord; let your hand be lifted: give thought to the poor.
Vstani, oh Gospod, oh Bog, dvigni svojo roko. Ne pozabi ponižnega.
13 Why has the evil-doer a low opinion of God, saying in his heart, You will not make search for it?
Zakaj zlobni zaničuje Boga? V svojem srcu je rekel: »Ti tega ne boš zahteval.«
14 You have seen it; for your eyes are on sorrow and grief, to take it into your hand: the poor man puts his faith in you; you have been the helper of the child who has no father.
To si videl, kajti gledaš vragolijo in zlobnost, da to poplačaš s svojo roko. Revni se ti izroča, pomočnik si osirotelemu.
15 Let the arm of the sinner and the evil-doer be broken; go on searching for his sin till there is no more.
Zlomi laket zlobnemu in zlemu človeku. Preiskuj njegovo zlobnost, dokler je ne najdeš več.
16 The Lord is King for ever and ever; the nations are gone from his land.
Gospod je Kralj na veke vekov. Pogani so izginili iz njegove dežele.
17 Lord, you have given ear to the prayer of the poor: you will make strong their hearts, you will give them a hearing:
Gospod, slišal si hrepenenje ponižnih. Pripravil boš njihovo srce, svojemu ušesu boš povzročil, da sliši,
18 To give decision for the child without a father and for the broken-hearted, so that the man of the earth may no longer be feared.
da razsodiš osirotelega in zatiranega, da človek iz zemlje ne more več zatirati.